"You...you're outrageous!"

Qi Yun was so angry that his entire body was shaking. "You're asking to die!"

"You're the one asking to die!"

Jiang Ning didn't have so much patience. He suddenly moved like a whirlwind and appeared in front of Qi Yun in an instant.


That was a really hard slap!

He smacked Qi Yun's face so hard that he went flying out.


Qi Yun howled as he was sprawled on the floor and clutched his face. He couldn't believe that Jiang Ning actually dared to hit him.

If not for the stinging pain on his face, he wouldn't believe it at all!

"You think any Tom, Dick and Harry can talk to me?" "I don't care about this Qi family. Even if some Zhang family or some Wang family or some Li family dares to be so longwinded in front of me, I'm going to slap them like this too," said Jiang Ning calmly as he looked at Qi Yun.


Qi Yun's face was all red and he was furious. "I'm from the Qi family in the north! The north...AH!"

Before he could finish speaking, Jiang Ning slapped him again. This time, a few teeth flew, so there was blood dribbling from his mouth.

"Gou!" Jiang Ning shouted.

"Yes Big Boss!"

"Get him to shut up!"

"Got it!"

Brother Gou went up and grabbed Qi Yun by the collar, then slapped him several times in a row. Qi Yun's face was now filled with blood and was howling away.

Jin Yang and his son were both shocked.

That was Qi Yun!

The second son of the Qi family in the north!

Jiang Ning dared to hit him too?

Was he nuts?

He was definitely nuts!

After more than ten slaps, Qi Yun was crying out for mercy and didn't dare to say anything else. He collapsed onto the floor and was shaking all over. He had never seen a nutcase like that before.

He already said that he was from the Qi family in the north and Jiang Ning still dared to hit him?

"Remember, you have one day." Jiang Ning glanced at Jin Yang and didn't anymore. He turned and left.

Qi Yun was still lying on the floor and shaking all over. His face was already swollen from being slapped, and it was as swollen as a pig's head.

Jin Yang's body stiffened up and his throat went dry.

He thought that when Qi Yun appeared, Jiang Ning would have to bow down and kneel and admit his mistake. But Jiang Ning actually ended up hitting Qi Yun as well. Without mercy!

He quickly walked over and helped Qi Yun to his feet. "Young Master Qi? Young Master Qi?"

"Ah!!! Don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

Qi Yun started convulsing and his face paled. He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Jin Yang, but there was still fear in his eyes, afraid that Jiang Ning hadn't left. "Young Master Qi, are you alright?" asked Jin Yang.

Qi Yun got to his feet. His speech was a little slurred and he couldn't stop his tears and mucus from flowing. "I'm going to get them, I'm going to kill them!!"

"I'm going home right now and get fighters to...finish them off!!" Qi Yun yelled this and ran out.

"Young Master Qi! What about the Jin family? What about my family?"

Jin Yang ran after him to ask, but Qi Yun had already run out of sight.

Jiang Ning gave him one day to get out of Shengcheng, and if he didn't leave...

He didn't dare to think about what might happen!

Jiang Ning even dared to hit Qi Yun, which meant he didn't have any regard for the Qi family at all.

This backer of theirs wasn't reliable at all.

"Dad, what do we do now?" Jin Ran was also trembling all over from the terrible pain.

He could see that Jiang Ning wasn't afraid of the Qi family at all. Now the Jin family had offended Jiang Ning, so if they didn't leave now, they would really die here.

Jin Yang clenched his teeth and held his fists tightly as he looked at the bodyguards still sprawling on the floor and Jin Ran. Suddenly he snapped and ran over to Jin Ran and started slapping him! PAK! PAK! PAK!

"It's all your fault for being this useless wastrel! Why did you have to offend this demon! Why did you offend him!!!"

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