Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 274 Not Going to Fight Over This

Lin Wen laughed. "Alright now, don't worry anymore. I'll have a good chat with Jiang Ning one of these days."

Su Mei nodded.

She was confused about her own attitude now.

Jiang Ning was a good boy, so even if he wasn't her son-in-law, she wanted him to become her godson.

But then when she thought about how outstanding Jiang Ning was, she was afraid that her precious daughter might be hurt.

It was so hard to be a mother.

After breakfast, Jiang Ning sent Lin Yuzhen to the office.

"Mum seems to know," said Lin Yuzhen quietly as she looked out of the car window.

"Know what?1

"Know that we're...sleeping together."

Her face turned slightly red.

They were literally sleeping on the same bed and nothing else happened. But somehow it sounded strange when she said it this way.

"Why, Mum wants a grandchild already?" Jiang Ning turned to look at her, "You can't hurry this. You have to go along with nature and count the days carefully."

"Jiang Ning!" Lin Yuzhen exclaimed and bit her lip. "Stop it!"

"'re not allowed to touch me yet!"

Jiang Ning purposely put on a serious face. "Then when?"

Lin Yuzhen didn't say anything.


She seemed to be mentally prepared for this to happen, but even though they had been sharing the bed for a while now,

Jiang Ning never did anything more than just sleep.

Some people said that men who crossed the line were animals. So Jiang Ning was worse than an animal?



"I want to have you."

Jiang Ning was very serious when he said this.

Lin Yuzhen instantly turned all red. She felt like her face was all hot and she didn't dare to look at Jiang Ning. She couldn't believe that this guy had said something like that so directly! " could you say it so directly?!"

"Oh, okay I'll be a bit more indirect," Jiang Ning kept a serious face on. "Yuzhen, can I have you?"

Lin Yuzhen didn't respond. She stomped her feet and turned away so that Jiang Ning could only see the side of her face.

But even her side profile was beautiful.

Jiang Ning was very amused. This wife of his was so innocent and adorable. He liked her so much.

He had just teased her with two sentences and her face was this red.

He saw Lin Yuzhen's long eyelashes flutter and flutter, as if she was going through a difficult mental battle.

He couldn't believe how adorable this girl was.

The two of them didn't speak anymore.

Once they reached the office, Lin Yuzhen hopped out of the car.

"When I'm ready, I'll tell you."

Lin Yuzhen then hopped into the elevator.

Jiang Ning froze for a while, then started laughing. So Lin Yuzhen had been considering this question the whole way here?

He suddenly started having feelings of anticipation.

Meanwhile, the new spokesperson had arrived in Shengcheng.

The man who came looked very ordinary and nobody would notice him in a crowd. He came all by himself and walked straight into Masquerade Club.

Of course, Master Fu knew that this day would come. But he was surprised at the way it happened.

"The master isn't angry. He's just a little disappointed."

A middle aged man sat opposite Master Fu. He wasn't large in stature, but was fairly muscular.

He calmly drank the tea. He couldn't sense Broken Sword's presence, and he didn't seem afraid anyway.

"You've put in a lot of effort over the past years, so the master says he won't fight with you over this matter and you can retire..."

"Even if he doesn't want to fight with me over this, I want to fight with him!" Master Fu cut him off with a cold smile before he could finish his sentence.

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