Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 259 Greetings, Mrs Jiang!

A lonely old man. How pitiful.

Lin Yuzhen felt bad for this old man, so after getting out of the car, she took Jiang Ning's arm and walked towards Masquerade Club.

She had never come to such a place before. Judging from its architecture and decor, it was probably a very high class place, and Lin Yuzhen started feeling a little nervous.

But with Jiang Ning by her side, she wasn't afraid of anything.

Jiang Ning reached the door and it opened. Butler Zhao immediately came walking over.

"Mr Jiang, you're here," Butler Zhao greeted him politely with a face full of smiles.

When he spotted Lin Yuzhen next to Jiang Ning, he knew who she was immediately. He was slightly surprised. Since Jiang Ning actually brought Lin Yuzhen along, he was clearly very confident in his abilities. "Welcome, Miss Lin."

"Hello," Lin Yuzhen responded politely.

"This way please!"

Butler Zhao bowed slightly and showed them in.

Jiang Ning was the only person whom Butler Zhao would personally come out to welcome.

Similarly, nobody else besides Jiang Ning would have dared to come this late.

Zhang Cheng and the other bosses had come a long time ago.

They were all fearful but didn't dare to show it on their face. After receiving the invitation from Master Fu, many of them were hesitant because they weren't sure if this banquet was secretly a trap. They might never come back if they attended this dinner.

But in the end, they all appeared anyway.

Nobody dared to be absent.

There were seven or eight bosses sitting together and engaging in small talk.

Some of them were whispering to each other, trying to sound each other out, hoping that someone might know what was going to happen to Shengcheng next.

Everyone else besides Zhang Cheng was well aware that they had made the wrong choice once. If they made the wrong decision again, then they were definitely going to die.

Master Fu hadn't done anything to them, but it didn't mean that Master Fu had forgotten what they had done.

It just wasn't time to settle old debts yet.

But even Zhang Cheng was feeling uneasy.

He was most afraid that Jiang Ning and Master Fu might end up fighting each other. If he was forced to choose between them, he didn't know who to choose. He couldn't afford to offend either side! "Mr Jiang has arrived!" A voice rang out from outside.

All the bosses felt like they had been struck by lightning. They all stood up immediately.

All of them kept a serious face on and didn't even dare to breathe too loudly.

Jiang Ning walked in with Lin Yuzhen, while everyone else stood aside and watched them walk in politely.

When they reached the main area, everyone raised their voices in unison, "Greetings, Mr Jiang!"

Their voices were so well coordinated, it was as if they had practiced before this.

Jiang Ning's expression didn't change. He just waved his hand and didn't even look at them, while Lin Yuzhen got a terrible shock.

What on earth was going on?

Everyone standing seemed to be very scared of Jiang Ning.

But they didn't seem like ordinary folk from the way they dressed and carried themselves. Why were they so polite to Jiang Ning? More than polite - they were so reverent towards Jiang Ning. Lin Yuzhen didn't know what was going on and she started looking at some of them curiously. This made everyone start noticing her.

A woman on Jiang Ning's arm...

"Greetings, Mrs Jiang!"

Someone called out loudly, and the rest all bowed reverently as they called out loudly, "Greetings, Mrs Jiang!"

Lin Yuzhen was even more taken aback.

Why...why were they so polite to her as well?!


Lin Yuzhen was a polite person. Since others had greeted her, she had to greet them back too. So she nodded and smiled at them. After that, Jiang Ning pulled her to one side. "Sit down."

Lin Yuzhen turned and whispered, "But everyone else is still standing."

"You don't have to be bothered by them," Jiang Ning glanced at the rest. "If you don't sit, none of them will dare to sit."

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