"My cooking is very bad now, but I'll improve," said Lin Yuzhen after a very long while.

Jiang Ning nodded. He never said Lin Yuzhen's cooking was bad.

After they reached the office, Lin Yuzhen got busy. The latest two projects were focused on entering Shengcheng's market.

The two companies she was working with were both big players in Shengcheng, so working with them was a great opportunity for Lin Group to enter Shengcheng and Lin Yuzhen viewed them as her most important projects.

Jiang Ning had told her before to go ahead and do whatever she wanted, and she didn't need to consider the consequences.

He would always be there for her.

Jiang Ning's phone rang and after he looked at it, he glanced over at Lin Yuzhen buried in work.

Looks like Lin Group's road into

Shengcheng isn't going to be very smooth."

He said this very calmly and wasn't bothered by it at all.

Nurturing his wife was a meaningful thing in itself. Besides, Lin Yuzhen was so adorable.

As for the great change that was going to happen in Shengcheng, Jiang Ning couldn't be bothered at all.

Meanwhile, in Shengcheng.

Zhang Cheng still had one arm in a cast but he was sprawled on the floor. There were five bright red finger marks on his face, as if his humiliation was etched on his face. "Admit defeat now?"

The man seated in front was icy faced. He was like a wild beast who was ready to bite Zhang Cheng's head anytime.

"Let go of our boss! Come for me if you dare!" roared Lin Wu angrily. But he couldn't even stand properly, so he was roaring as he knelt on the floor.


Without any hesitation, a sharp knife instantly stabbed through Lin Wu's chest and blood spurted out everywhere.

"So noisy!" That icy faced man had a cold glint in his eye. "Drag him out and throw him into the sea to be fish food!"

"Brother Wu!"

Gao Fei's eyes immediately reddened and he tried to rush over, but someone slapped him onto the floor again and stepped on his back so that he couldn't move.

"Stop it! Stop hitting my men!" Zhang Cheng roared angrily. His face was contorted as someone stepped on him and Zhang Cheng couldn't struggle free. "You can kill me if you want! Why touch my brothers!" "All you want is my territory, isn't it? Dream on!"

Zhang Cheng smiled threateningly, "Once Master Fu comes back, you're dead meat!"


One foot kicked Zhang Cheng's face. He immediately howled in pain, and his skull was going to break.

"You think that old man dares to come back?"

The icy faced man had a look of disdain, "He can't even save himself now!"

"Zhang Cheng, it's better to go along with what will benefit you at this point in time. Follow me obediently and be one of my dogs, I won't treat you any worse than that old thing." The icy faced man narrowed his eyes, "Don't tell me you want to watch your men all die for nothing?"


Zhang Cheng's eyes were bloodshot. He had just watched Lin Wu get killed in front of his eyes, and the anger in his heart was raging.

He never thought that Lu Qian would have come so quickly and so aggressively.

In just three days, he had already taken over two bosses' territory and now it was Zhang Cheng's turn.

"Don't think you can just take without giving!"

The man next to Lu Qian wasn't very tall, but his bulky muscles were like the roots of an old tree. Nobody knew how much terrifying and explosive strength was in those muscles. Explosive Dragon!

He was one of Lu Qian's closest men. He was a cruel and ferocious man. And he was the one who just killed Lin Wu!

He had lost patience and stepped hard on Zhang Cheng's head while clenching his fists tightly, "Boss, don't bother talking to him anymore. If he doesn't want to follow us, then I'll smash his brain!"

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