"Call all our brothers together! We have to guard Shengcheng and guard our territories closely, so they can forget about going anywhere during this time!"

Zhang Cheng immediately gave out orders and his expression was stern.

"Shengcheng is now in great danger. Master Fu isn't around, so that man is definitely going to make his move!"

That man was definitely going to take revenge after Broken Sword had killed off two of his brothers.

All these years, both sides had been secretly plotting and sending attacks to each other. This time, the other side managed to poison Master Fu, so they were definitely going to make an attack now. Besides Zhang Cheng, all the other bosses also sent the same order out after getting this news.

To them, it was good enough to just hold on to their own territory.

Once Master Fu came back, nobody would be able to enter Shengcheng!

Now the bosses suddenly realized how good their lives were under Master Fu.

Even though Master Fu had control over them, at least there was someone to look out for external dangers. Now that Master Fu wasn't around, all of them started to panic.

In an instant, everyone in Shengcheng's illegal circle was filled with fear.

One side was trying to recuperate as quickly as possible while the other side was making preparations for an attack to hit them anytime.

Jiang Ning had heard about this too.

But he merely laughed and called Master Fu a wily old fox.

Master Fu had been poisoned?

Jiang Ning wouldn't believe it. Even if there was really a traitor who had hidden himself near Master Fu for many years, there was no way Master Fu didn't know about it.

If he wanted to kill this traitor off, he could have let Broken Sword kill him a long time ago. Why would he allow himself to be poisoned?

So the only explanation was that Master Fu had purposely let this traitor stick around so that he could use him when necessary.

And quite apparently, the time had come.

And the time had come just after Jiang Ning met up with him.

"So he wants to make use of me to kill someone else. Master Fu is really good at this," said Jiang Ning to himself. "Since he's started the game, then it looks like I have no choice but to step in as well." He knew very well that Master Fu had started the game once he left Shengcheng.

Jiang Ning was already part of the game.

Jiang Ning sighed to himself on the sofa. This city of Shengcheng was a really interesting one.

"What are you dreaming about?" Lin Yuzhen noticed that Jiang Ning was sitting there in a daze and she wrinkled her nose. "I asked you how was Shengcheng, but you ignored me." "There's nothing interesting in Shengcheng, Donghai is still better."

Jiang Ning shrugged and just simply gave an answer. "None of the women there look prettier than you."

Lin Yuzhen was about to say it was impossible that Donghai was better than Shengcheng, but she didn't know how to respond to his second statement.

Did this guy only know how to tease her all the time?

Her face reddened and she glared at Jiang Ning for a long time before she finally managed to say, "You went just to look at women?"

Jiang Ning nearly choked on the water he was drinking.

Why was that Lin Yuzhen's focus?!

"It's time to knock off, let's go home. I wonder what Mum is cooking tonight."

Jiang Ning didn't want to continue this topic with Lin Yuzhen.

There was no way he could understand women's crazy thought process, even if he had been tested to be a super genius.

After they reached home, Lin Wen was still not back yet. He probably had to work overtime.

Su Yun was in the kitchen helping Su Mei and talking excitedly about everything she saw in Shengcheng.

"Third Aunt, Shengcheng is a really nice place and I've already thought of which university I want to attend!" said Su Yun animatedly. "I'll be going to school in Shengcheng in the future!" "Since you've got a target, then you have to work hard," smiled Su Mei in return. "Don't let your parents down!"

"I won't let you down either!"

"That's right!"

When Su Mei heard the door, she knew Lin Yuzhen and Jiang Ning were back. She wiped her hands and walked out. "Hungry?" she smiled. "Wash your hands, the food is ready. Yun'er cooked too."

Lin Yuzhen was surprised.

Su Yun knew how to cook?

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