Brother Si's expression changed and he stopped walking.

"Brother Si, it's them!" the hooligans started shouting from behind again when they saw that Brother Si had stopped walking. "They don't have any regard for Brother Si, so if we don't teach them a lesson today how are we going to hold our heads up high in the future?"

Brother Si didn't say anything. He took his phone out and looked for a photo.

He looked up at Su Yun, then back down at the photo.

His expression completely changed.

"Brother Si, let that little bitch see what happens if she offends you!"

Brother Si didn't say anything and his face was slightly pale.

He looked seriously at the photo, then back at Su Yun. He kept gulping and the hand holding the phone was even beginning to tremble.

"Brother Si, let me do it! I'll slap them a few times first!"

The hooligans behind him were getting impatient.

Now there were so many of them, so they were much more confident.

Brother Gou and Su Yun were still very calm. In fact, Brother Gou even felt like laughing.

Just a dozen of them?

In the past, he wouldn't be able to guarantee anything. But now, even if another dozen appeared, he would send all of them sprawling to the ground. "May I ask," Brother Si suddenly looked warily at Su Yun and said, "Is your surname Su?"

Su Yun froze for a while, then nodded.

The moment she nodded, Brother Si understood what was going on.

He took a deep breath.

"Brother Si, why are you still bothering to talk to her? If you want to play with her, I'll pull off all her clothes and throw her to yo-...AHHH!"

Before that hooligan could finish is sentence, Brother Si spun around and slapped him hard on the face.


It sounded especially crisp.

"You little motherfucker! You can die by yourself, don't drag me down with you!" cursed Brother Si loudly. "You think you can afford to offend Miss Su? You actually dared to anger her? I'm going to kill you!" He gave a roar and the men behind him immediately surrounded those hooligans and started beating them up.

"Brother Si! No! Hit them, not us! AHH!"

"I'm beating YOU guys!" yelled Brother Si. "Whack them harder! Otherwise they won't


Damn it! He was so glad that he had cleverly saved Su Yun's photo in his phone so that he could remind himself to stay faraway from this girl. He couldn't afford to offend her at all.

His big boss was wary of her because apparently she was connected to Master Fu. So who would dare to offend her?

Unless you felt that you had lived on this earth for too long.

But his useless followers had nearly done him in today.

If Master Fu found out, he didn't even need the Grim Reaper to appear. He could just say the word and he would have to get out of Shengcheng.

"Whack them! Whack them silly!"

"I'm going to kill you for offending Miss Su!"

The men started beating them up even more aggressively than before. The four of them were close to tears. They had called these men over themselves but now they were the ones getting beaten up, and they were getting beaten up so fiercely too.

The howls continued but Brother Si was still perspiring.

Su Yun was completely floored.

What was going on?

Why were these people...hitting their own folks?

Miss Su? When did she become Miss Su?

"Miss Su, I'm really sorry for not watching over my men! Please forgive me, please forgive me!"

Brother Si bowed low and put on the politest smile he could, "I'll teach these punks a lesson and make sure they don't dare to offend you ever again!"

Su Yun didn't know what to do. She turned to look at Brother Gou.

Brother Gou snorted. "At least you know what you're doing!"

"If anyone even touched a single hair on Miss Su's head, even your big boss has to die!"

He didn't mince his words.

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