Billionaire God of War novel (Jiang Ning)
Chapter 2071 Punishable by Death

Liu Zong and Liu went straight to the study. Another two guards were standing outside the door and their expressions immediately darkened.

"Chief Liu is having an important meeting! How dare the two of you barge in like this!"

"We want to see Father!" shouted Liu Zong angrily. "Move aside!"

"How dare you!"

The guards drew their swords and didn't bother being polite. Even though they were faced with Liu Zong and Liu Heng, they weren't going to give way. Those were the rules!

Anyone who tried to break the rules had to pay the price.

"I'll see how you're going to stop me!" roared Liu Zong as he lost any bit of rationality he had left. Both Liu Zong and Liu Heng rushed at the guards.

They were determined to go in and see exactly who was so important that Liu Chuandao had to meet him before his own two biological sons.

But the two guards didn't really dare to hurt Liu Zong and Liu Heng. When they watched the two brothers dash towards them like they had lost their minds, they had to take a step back.


The door of the study suddenly opened.

Liu Zong looked up to see Liu Chuandao walk out with a nasty expression on his face.

"What is this nonsense?!" he shouted fiercely. "What are the two of you trying to do?"

Liu Chuandao's voice was filled with unmistakable fury.

"Do you know what is the penalty for barging into the house of the sect leader?" he continued sternly. "Have you forgotten the rules of Qingshan Sect?"

"Father!" called out Liu Zong.

He didn't call him 'Chief' but 'Father', because he was now here as a son who was indignant that he didn't have status in the sect even though his father was the sect leader. He was really indignant about it!

"Shut up!" shouted Liu Chuandao. "In this place, you ought to call me Chief!"

"I really didn't expect both of you to behave like this and disregard the rules of the sect. Did you think I really wouldn't punish you two?"

"Men!" He called out and a few guards came running over.

Liu Zong and Liu Heng's expressions paled. They didn't think Liu Chuandao was serious about it.

Did he really intend to send his sons to become Sinners?

Their faces turned deathly pale at the thought of this.

"Chief Liu, please don't be angry!" said Liu Heng hurriedly. "We just

have a very important matter net

report to you, and that's why we barged in. Please don't be angry!"

He immediately knelt down and his eyes were bloodshot as a miserable expression covered his face.

"An important matter?" Liu Chuandao scoffed coldly. "And what important matter could the both of you possibly have?"

"We've been...we've been beaten up!" Liu Heng clenched his teeth. "We've been hit by someone else!"

Wasn't this an important matter?

Even if Liu Chandao didn't care

about whether they were his sons or not, beating someone else up within the sect was against the rules as well, Liu Chuandao couldn't possibly protect Jiang Ning and not punish Jiang Ning, right?

"Who hit both of you?" asked Liu Chuandao.

"I did."

Before Liu Zong and Liu Heng could reply, a voice came out from inside the study.

Jiang Ning then slowly sauntered out from the study. Liu Zong and Liu Heng were both stunned to see him.

Jiang Ning!

Why was he here?

Was Jiang Ning the important person Liu Chuandao was meeting earlier?

"I was about to talk to you about this matter," said Jiang Ning as he looked at Liu Chuandao and didn't even bother looking at the two brothers. "They hit one of my men, and worse, they wanted to barge into the prison of the Disciplinary Half. As for what they wanted to do in there, I don't know." "That's something that you should be asking them, Chief Liu."

The prison of the Disciplinary Hall?

Liu Chuandao's expression darkened even further.

Of course he knew what his sons were probably up to.

He could close an eye on almost everything else, but if these two tried to betray Qingshan Sect...

"Kneel down!" roared Liu Chuandao furiously.

"Father!" Liu Zong was so upset. Liu Chuandao believed anything that Jiang Ning said but nothing his own two sons said did anything?

"I told both of you to kneel down!" Liu Chuandao was really angry now. "Barging into the prison of the Disciplinary Hall is a crime punishable by death!"

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