
Gao Yong finally breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this response.

The contract was printed out and after the legal department checked it and found no problems, both sides signed it. Everything was so smooth sailing that the whole process only took less than 30 minutes to settle.

"Director Gao, you're really a good negotiator, we've lost this round," said the representative from Shanshan Group sincerely.

He looked at Lin Yuzhen. "I'm so envious that Un Group has such a capable senior director."

Lin Yuzhen just smiled and didn't say anything.

She had to hold it in. She was afraid that she might burst out laughing and ruin her prim and proper CEO image.

She knew that Jiang Ning had arranged all of this. He had forced Gao Yong to follow his instructions and get the contract signed. Otherwise Gao Yong wasn't going anywhere, never mind go to hospital. "CEO Lin, since this matter is settled, then..." Gao Yong smiled sheepishly.

"Director Gao, you can't leave now. Why don't you stay and have a meal?" asked Jiang Ning with a serious face.

Gao Yong was really going to cry.

He was in no mood to eat now!

He didn't want to die, and he didn't want to turn into a broccoli.

"That's right, Director Gao, you've got to stay. We've already signed the contract, but I'm really upset we lost and I think we could continue to exchange tips over dinner!" the representative from Shanshan Group added on.

"Director Gao, do you have something urgent to attend to?" asked Lin Yuzhen with great concern.

Gao Yong gulped. "CEO Lin, I'm not feeling very well so I would like to pay the hospital a visit."

"Oh no!" Lin Yuzhen pretended to be all shocked. "That's more important then! We have plenty of chances to eat together in the future, your health is the most important."

Gao Yong almost started crying when he heard these words and kept nodding.

"Thank you for your concern, CEO Lin! Thank you..."

"I'll go with Director Gao then. I feel so bad as the CEO seeing how my employee has worked so hard for the company to the point where he feels unwell." Lin Yuzhen turned to Jiang Ning, "Let's go together?" Gao Yong quickly waved his hands.

He was going to check on such a private matter, so there was no way he was letting anyone go with him.

"No no no! No need!" replied Gao Yong frantically. "No need to trouble CEO Lin, I'll go by myself. You guys go ahead and have dinner, I'll treat all of you next time! I'll treat everyone and we can have a good chat!"

He couldn't stay any longer. He waved to the rest of the investor team and left quickly.

He was really afraid that Lin Yuzhen would follow him out of concern.

That would really be too embarrassing.

Lin Yuzhen really wanted to laugh when she saw how frantic Gao Yong was, but she had to endure it.

She looked at Jiang Ning as if to say, "You're so bad! Look how you've frightened him!"

Jiang Ning looked back at her in reply, "I didn't scare him. That report is real."

Xu Ruyun had failed.

She thought this matter would be settled easily and even tried to get Yu Fang to give her credit already.

She didn't expect her medical report to suddenly appear and ruin all her plans.

And that kick from Gao Yong had caused her jaw to be crooked. It took her a long time before she managed to make herself look more normal.

"Young Master Yu, the contract didn't get signed. Gao Yong suddenly changed his mind." Xu Ruyun didn't dare to tell him about the medical report. "I'm sorry, I've already tried my best. As for the money..." "Useless trash!" cursed Yu Fang loudly.

He had already started preparing the next stage of his plan, but she had told him that the first stage had failed.

And she still wanted money?

She was lucky that he didn't kill her!

"You can't even get a small thing like this done? You useless woman!"

"Young Master Yu, I've tried my best. I didn't get the result but I've put in effort, so how could you say that about me?"

Xu Ruyun was equally frustrated.

Her face had been kicked out of shape. Without enough money, she couldn't fix this nor maintain her looks. So she had to get the money she deserved.

"Young Master Yu, I know what you're plotting against Lin Group. If you don't give me the money, I'll tell Lin Yuzhen!" Xu Ruyun continued to threaten him, "If she knows you did it, she won't let you off."

There was silence on the other end.

Xu Ruyun thought that she had managed to convince Yu Fang and became gleeful.

"I don't want much, just $1 million. Give me the money and we're even!"

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