He wasn't sure if she was boasting about her own charm or if she was referring to something else.

Yu Fang glanced at her and knew that Xu Ruyun was trying to seduce him. But he wasn't interested in this sort of woman. She was filthy.

"Do what you need to do properly and I'll make sure you get remunerated as promised," he responded calmly.

Getting someone like Xu Ruyun to do this job was perfect. Someone like Gao Yong simply couldn't resist this bait.

Once they got hold of this project, Lin Group was going to suffer tremendous losses.

Besides that, they were going to lose credibility for going back on their promise. They had promised Shanshan Group already, then now they were going back on their word all of a sudden. So Shanshan Group would become upset with them, and other companies in Shengcheng would also be suspicious about Lin Group's sincerity in working with them.

In the business world, it only took one slip in credibility to destroy a company that was just starting out.

The Lin family...could prepare to perish before it could even rise!

"Lalala..." Xu Ruyun smiled as she came closer to Yu Fang and the smell of her perfume hit his nose. "Young Master Yu, besides the money, what I really want is for Lin Yuzhen to be destroyed."

Her eyes were curved as she smiled, "I've done such a good job, so isn't there something else you would like to reward me with?"

Yu Fang got up and his expression remained calm. "Don't be too greedy, you might get choked."

He then left the room to get prepared to make his move. He wanted to destroy Lin Group with one blow.

Xu Ruyun scoffed as she watched Yu Fang walk out. She was annoyed with such men who didn't seem to understand what she was getting at.

She looked down at herself and wondered if she should have unbuttoned one more button.

"Oh forget it. Settle Gao Yong first. There's always another chance to get Young Master Yu."

She was very confident in her skills.

After booking the hotel room, Xu Ruyun left along with that contract that she had meticulously prepared. It was a contract filled with problems!

She was sure that Gao Yong wouldn't look carefully at it. Because by that time, he would only be looking at her body.

Gao Yong drove himself to the hotel.

"Room 1204" was a message from Xu Ruyun.

Gao Yong licked his lips and his Adam's apple started moving. He felt that this simple text message seemed to have a voice to it. He could imagine Xu Ruyun's flirtatious voice saying it.

He immediately got into the elevator and ran towards room 1204, wondering what sort of surprised Xu Ruyun had in store for him.

DING DONG! Gao Yong immediately pressed the bell when he reached the door. "Darling, I'm here!"

The door opened. He was met with Xu Ruyun's charming face.

Gao Yong immediately went up and put his arms around Xu Ruyun, who was wearing only a sexy silk lingerie. He quickly shut the door in a hurry and he could feel all the blood in his body rushing. "Oh my, Director Gao, what's the hurry?"

Xu Ruyun had reached not too long ago and had just changed into these clothes.

She used her fingers to push against Gao

Yong's chest and smiled. "Wait a while, I'm going to bathe first."

"We can bathe together," blurted out Gao Yong.

"Oh no," Xu Ruyun pouted. "I have to prepare the surprise for you."

She had to apply some medication otherwise it would be difficult to cover that smell. It would be terrible if the smell affected her business tonight.

"Be good and wait for me."

She bit her lip, pushed Gao Yong onto the bed, then purposely threw him an alluring glance before darting into the bathroom.

Gao Yong was so excited.

He took off his jacket and changed into a bathrobe. He didn't even want to bathe and was just waiting for Xu Ruyun to come out of the bathroom.

DING DONG! The door bell rang again.

"Who's that!" Gao Yong yelled out impatiently. "Don't disturb me!"

A voice came from outside the door. "I'm here to deliver the red wine."

Gao Yong's heart skipped a beat. This was the surprise?

She knew how to set the atmosphere!

He had a naughty smile as he quickly ran to open the door. A hotel staff stood at the door with a smile on his face. He had a tray with a bottle of red wine, two wine glasses and an envelope. "Pass it to me." Gao Yong took the tray from the staff and closed the door again.

He immediately opened the wine to let it breathe, then poured out two glasses and waited.

He saw that there was an envelope as well and became curious. Why was there a letter? Could it be a love letter?

This Manager Xu really had a lot of tricks up her sleeve. This sort of surprise was so interesting and so romantic. He had never done anything like this before.

Gao Yong looked over and could hearthat the sound of the shower was very loud, so Xu Ruyun probably didn't know that someone had sent things to the room.

He immediately opened the envelope and started reading it on the bed.

Gao Yong's expression immediately became strange from the start of the document.

He continued reading and his face paled.

He clutched the paper in his hands and shuddered violently.

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