Chapter 362 A Fleeting Encounter

As soon as someone took charge, the journalists moved aside. Grayson shielded me as we got into the car and headed straight to the office. In the rearview mirror, I could see the crowd dispersing. Outside the company building, fervent reporters and Harmony's fans were staked out. Even the

underground parking lot was crowded.

Grayson reacted quickly. He quietly reversed the car and left Galar Tower. Suddenly, a thought struck me. I decided to go to the Vanderberg Palace.

I asked Grayson to gather a few people at the Vanderberg Palace. It was conveniently close to the office, making it a suitable place for discussions

As we entered the mansion, I saw the last person I wanted to see. It was completely unexpected. He seemed far away when I wanted to see him, but then, out of nowhere, he was there.

Every cell in my body seemed to freeze. My gaze fixed on his face, which was both stern and captivating. I held Grayson's hand tightly, seeking support.

The ever-composed Grayson greeted the two men with a smile. "Mr. Atlas! Good to see you, Mr. Atticus!"

"Yes. We need to talk," Atlas said in a controlled tone, his eyes never leaving my face. Then, he cleared his throat and asked, "Is your foot okay?"

I smiled wryly and replied, "It's fine. Thank you."

Then I turned to Atticus, who had been quietly observing us. "Mr. Atticus, are you leaving?"

With a quick nod, Atticus looked at my foot with concern. "Why is it so bad? It hasn't healed yet? You


should rest."

It's alright. There's something urgent I must do," I said calmly, then squeezed Grayson's hand. "Let's go. Inside Mr. Atticus, please excuse us."

I did not give Atlas a second look. I treated him like air and allowed Grayson to support me as we walked

I struggled to walk on my single good leg. My only thought was to leave their sight as quickly as possible.

was racing, and I must have looked like a mess. I wasn't sure if he was watching me leave, but

e was right behind me.


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Grayson settled me into a chair in the inner room. I was covered in sweat, and my hand clung tightly to Grayson's, using it as a crutch.

Grayson didn't pull his hand away. He looked at me with concern. "Chlo, are you okay?"

It was only then that I realized I was gripping him too tightly and quickly let go.

"I'll go get you some tea!" Grayson said before swiftly leaving

I sank back into the chair with a wry smile, feeling pitiful. From beginning to end, I never truly knew my place in his heart. However, the online abuse made me much more clear-headed.

I had overestimated my abilities as a divorced woman with a child attempting to lead a conglomerate.

I didn't even have the right to complain. The fact that he occasionally showed concern for me was already a blessing. The best I could do was to have self-awareness.

I wasn't Harmony, glowing in the limelight with millions of fans. She was undoubtedly more capable than me. The online hate reminded me I had to confront this challenge alone.

Before long, Ryan and several key figures entered the room one after another. I also called Ivanna and Lauren, asking them to join us.

Lauren was skilled in handling interpersonal relationships, while Ivanna was experienced in dealing with the media. I secretly felt grateful that I still had friends and wasn't fighting this battle alone.

We reviewed all the details for the press conference scheduled for the day after tomorrow. Grayson also added the evidence he had found, ensuring everything would be airtight.

With the plan in place, the rest of the team returned to the company to get things ready.

Ivanna hired a highly skilled public relations specialist. After we presented him with our materials and strategy, he identified a few flaws and made some changes. He arranged for some influential journalists to shape the narrative.

Everything seemed in order, and we waited for the showdown the day after tomorrow.

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