Chapter 359 Trouble Came Without Warning

I saw the set piece collapsing toward Harmony. I yelled and rushed to pull her away, but she pushed my hand away stubbornly. The structure came crashing down, and we both got caught in it.

Thankfully, I stood a bit to the side, so I avoided being crushed. However, Harmony was a bit delayed in her struggle, and the board fell on her leg when she fell.

On the rooftop, the scattered guests were shouting from a distance, too scared to come closer. Someone

ran downstairs to call for help.

Harmony's leg was trapped under the debris, and she cursed at me between howls of pain.

I felt a sharp pain in my ankle. However, I was afraid of more pieces falling, so I gritted my teeth and tried to get up. At the same time, I tried to help Harmony.

"Chloe, how could you be so cruel? Why are you trying to hurt me?" Harmony screamed hoarsely.

"Please get up and check yourself for injuries. I didn't invite you here..." I said, trying to explain while

helping her.

Then, a crowd rushed onto the rooftop. Harmony was still crying. 'My leg hurts... Atlas..."

A strong figure came toward us. I meant to step aside for them to check on Harmony first, but I moved, and a sharp pain made me fall to the ground.

As I looked up, I saw his deep, icy eyes staring at me. After a while, he crouched and asked Harmony, "Are

you okay?"

"It hurts! My leg..." Harmony instinctively pointed to her trapped leg.

He swiftly moved the debris and gently touched her leg. Harmony whimpered, "Atlas... it hurts so much."

Atlas scooped Harmony up and carried her away without even glancing at me, who was still on the ground. He didn't even ask if I was okay.

My heart ached, and the pain felt deep. I tried to get up, but Ryan was there and lifted me up. "Chlo, where

are you hurt?

fet numbs unable to shake it off. Ryan carried me away from the danger zone and was about to set me However, when my feet touched the ground, I cried out and fell again. Ryan quickly grabbed me


woged to get me down the staire and to the hospital with all the chaos. My edu

Once things calmed down, I sent everyone away except Ryan and started crying in the hospital room.

Ryan saw me crying silently, my shoulders shaking. His large hand gently stroked my forehead, whispering, 'Cry if you need to. Everyone cries when they're upset. You'll stand up again after you've cried it out and your foot heals! We'll start a new journey!"

Yeah. Everything had come to an end. Atlas had given me a chance, helped me protect my interests, and then abruptly ended the game without warning.

He decided everything, including the right for me to know what was happening. He may have thought I was just a pawn. It seemed my role was no longer serving its purpose.

The next day, the headlines read, "Injured at the party, CEO of ATL Empire's girlfriend rushed to the hospital, suspected revenge by the envious female boss of a rival company. The headline continued with a more sensational twist, 'Envious female boss strikes, injures celebrity due

to striking resemblance."

The news spread like wildfire, with pictures and evidence, including one of me sitting disheveled on the ground. Though pixelated, those who knew me could recognize me.

My identity was soon exposed, and my personal information surfaced. It felt like this information had been prepared in advance due to the speed at which it came out. Fans and reporters flooded the hospital, trapping me in the ward.

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