Chapter 316 Evil Spirits

Knowing too many people were around, I didn't want to cause a scene and suppressed my anger.

Matthew tried to grab me as he said, "Chlo, what's with your temper?"

I dodged his hand, and it only grasped the air. He looked flustered, then glanced at the people watching us before casually putting his hand into his pocket.

Matthew continued, "There's a discussion for everything. We won't need to worry about our companies" statuses if we successfully handle these two projects. Why are you making things harder for yourself instead of joining me?"

I tried to shake him off again and replied with a hint of disdain, "You should just enjoy your life. I wouldn't

want to trouble you."

Still, Matthew persisted in getting in my way. "I promise to give you whatever I give Mel. She's leaving her work responsibilities to care for our son. You and I can have a harmonious family. What do you say?" *Matthew, you have no shame. Are you daydreaming? Wake up."

The air went silent as Lauren approached us confidently.

Matthew's expression soured when he saw her, but he didn't dare to offend her. He smiled and said, "Ms. Lauren, you seem to enjoy meddling in other people's family affairs."

"Oh, family affairs? Didn't you have the most memorable wedding anniversary celebration in Foswood? You know, the one where you got caught cheating

Lauren spoke mercilessly, "I heard your mistress's son

is a month old now. Are you addicted to causing trouble?"

The onlookers couldn't help but sneer.

"Lauren, you're overstepping." Matthew couldn't hold back.

"Oh? Lauren smiled while holding her phone. "Shall I go even further? I recorded everything you said just

now. Should I send it to your son's mother to cheer her up?"

Her words made me almost laugh. I admired Lauren for thinking of such a thing. It seemed she was the best at making a scene..

Just mind your business," I said, trying to break free from Matthew, I didn't want to cause a stir, so I led Lourenyaway. After all, I didn't want to embarrass myself and didn't like engaging with him.

Unexpectedly, I bumped into Stella as I turned around. She was walking toward me with an elegant smile

Lauren couldn't help but mutter, "Damn it."

I glanced at her before smiling and taking Stella's hands. I knew I had to appear graceful and elegant when in a crowd. After all, it was a performance for them, and we played our parts. "Yes, Ms. Stella. It's rare to see you here," I said, "You look stunning today, a standout in the business


Stella smiled while holding my hand. Then, she leaned in and whispered, "Are you


She hinted at something, and I understood what it was. I thought our relationship must seem unique in the eyes of outsiders. How we looked at each other would seem like we had a close bond. I blushed slightly at her words and whispered back, "Indeed, I am anxious. Since it's a minor injury, why

make it so secretive and tough on yourself?"

Stella glanced at me sidelong. She smiled mysteriously and said, "We're in the rich people's world."

"I don't understand. The problem is having too many scumbags," I said, looking disgusted.

Her eyes flickered briefly, and her demeanor became severe. "Even these scumbags are hard to get for

some people."

"In that case, you should be vigilant and not let your guard down," I chuckled mischievously and remembered something. I leaned in and whispered, "By the way, I heard Kennedy left something for the


Stella's eyes showed a hint of cunning. However, she quickly regained her composure and asked, "Who

are you talking about?"

"You know who that is," I said with a smile, then took Lauren's arm and turned to leave.

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