Chapter 314 A Quick Glimpse

I spun around, but the figure hurrying away was now a fading silhouette. The figure vanished quickly. Still, the build, the height...

Feeling something was off, I followed the figure to the roadside, but there was no trace of anyone.

That captivating glimpse seemed more like an illusion. I scolded myself for paying attention to the scenery, not the person passing by.

But I knew who I saw, even if he was dressed in all black and wearing a low-brimmed cap. Though I

couldn't see his face, his presence was....

I stared around blankly until Carol returned to find me. Then I reluctantly followed her, still staring at

either side of the path.

Throughout the entire meal, that figure remained on my mind.

The next day, I went to see Nick. I said nothing about what happened, but I insisted on seeing Atlas. It didn't matter if he was still unconscious. I needed to see him. My firm stance made Nick uneasy. Even though his face darkened, I stood my ground.

"Otherwise, I'll head straight to Pleca Park. I must see him."

In the end, Nick conceded. "Then wait for my call. I'll arrange it."

His words irked me. Arrange?

"What do you need to arrange?" I asked, studying his expression.

I wanted to see what was happening, not what someone had arranged. I didn't want to believe anyone

else now. I only believed what I saw.

Don't forget, there are eyes around him. It's not as simple as you think. We can't bear the consequences

of your stubbornness," Nick said bluntly.

His expression was serious, and I could sense a touch of warmth.

Irelented. "Alright! I'll wait for your call!"

Then I left the ATL Empire building:

When I was in the car, I realized I might've been a little too unreasonable, I didn't know how Nick would

me: bin I couldn't care about that right now. I had to see Atlas

It was all because of that figure I saw yesterday and the anxiety I'd been carrying for days.

I had stayed in the office since then, waiting for Nick to call. However, three days passed with no news.t grew restless. Could he be deceiving me?

However, I also didn't dare act recklessly. Nick had warned me that there could be consequences for my


I didn't know what plan he had, but I understood that if it was a plan, it must be crucial. I couldn't push my

luck further.

The Builders Association was going to host a cocktail party that night. It was just a social gathering, but I couldn't afford to skip it.

Honestly, I never enjoyed mingling at such events.

Everyone in the industry knew each other, and friendships were often facades. People met, laughed heartily, and exchanged insincere words. They seemed friendly, but behind the scenes, they tried to outdo

each other.

However, I felt it was necessary to attend that night. My top executives would be present, and I aimed to gather some inside information.

All the professionals in the industry would be there, too. Considering the recent events at ATL Empire, I wanted to hear what outsiders were saying.

It had been a few days since the incident, and it was the perfect time for things to come to a head. Then I received a call from Nick.

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