Chapter 308 News Blackout

I remained silent momentarily before saying, "I was eager to know how severe his injuries were and why

there's no news about it."

One of the officers said, "Mr. Atlas suffered severe injuries in his accident, and ATL Empire requested to

remove the news."

I couldn't help but frown at the words "severe injuries."

"We could only cooperate with ATL Empire. However, it doesn't affect how we usually handle his case. The news blackout only concerns Mr. Atlas's condition, not the case's outcome. The public should receive a satisfactory explanation once we've concluded the case."

I knew the officer was tight-lipped and that trying to extract the information I wanted from them was unlikely. However, I deduced that Celine had ordered to block the news because Atlas was in a coma. Although it was a reasonable precaution on her part, I needed to know what she planned to do afterward. I figured only she and her people knew.

I helplessly looked at the two officers and softened my tone, "That's why I rushed to meet Kennedy when he said he had information on Atlas. But Kennedy died on the way. I want to know if it was really a car


"There are no signs of foul play yet, so we concluded it as a freak accident." The officer's response didn't change, and I could tell they didn't have any leads yet. Still, the case seemed suspicious, or they wouldn't

continue investigating it.

I felt exhausted and muttered, "This situation makes me anxious. I wonder why people end up dying just because I want to know Mr. Atlas's condition. I hope you can provide a reassuring answer once you've concluded your investigation."

pinched the bridge of my nose and added, "Oh, if it was foul play, then I want to know who killed


elayed silent after saying this. I suspected the officers sensed my reluctance since they quickly ended the conversation and left my office

mediately after, Carol entered and gave me a thumbs up, saying. "You sure are assertive, Boss!"

sorted to express my exasperation, 1 haven't committed any crimes, so why should I fear what they

being sesertive Uni, 110

how to prove my suspicions.

Just then, Ivanna called me. She told me Stella had gone to see Harmony, which surprised me. I wondered why Stella would visit Harmony at a time like this and what Stella was planning.

I grew annoyed but knew Stella would reveal her true intentions soon. Unbeknownst to me, I had

manifested it.

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