Chapter 280 Feels Like Forever

Lauren looked at me and asked, "If you have a plan, don't forget to tell me. I want to watch the show.

when the time comes."

"Of course!" I said proudly.

When we arrived at my company, Lauren drove her car off. I checked the time and realized it was still too early to clock out. I chuckled at myself for being too eager. Strangely, it felt like forever since I last saw


No matter how impatient I was, I could only head upstairs and continue working. The afternoon felt like an eternity, making me restless. Unfortunately, I didn't have much work to do that afternoon to pass the time.

hurrying to Pleca Park, Finally, the end of the workday arrived. I happily packed my things and left. I was and the scent in my car was pleasant. It even lifted my spirits. I wished my car had wings to fly there, especially during rush hour.

I felt a sudden weakness in my legs, perhaps due to excitement. I looked at the time and realized it was getting late. I wondered if Atlas had already reached home.

While waiting for the lights to turn green, I impatiently picked up my phone and called Atlas. I wanted to tell him I would arrive soon, but the call rang several times without an answer.

I ended the call when the lights changed. Then, Atlas returned my call. I felt relieved and quickly answered, "Atlas, I'm on the way. I should be there soon."

I sounded eager and tender, showing the longing I felt all afternoon.

Chloe?" Suddenly, a woman's voice came through the phone. I widened my eyes in shock and pressed the phone to my ear to ensure I hadn't misheard. "W-Who is this?" I panicked a bit and replied with a question.

Chipe, you can't even recognize my voice now? It must've been a while since we last saw each other

voice on the phone sounded eerie, and I quickly realized who it was

masives before finally asking, "Oh, Me Stalia, whara's Mr. Allent

I felt a chill run down my spine. My heart pounded as I sweated profusely. Stella mentioned the shower and getting out of bed, which caused my mind to race.

"Oh, no need. I don't want to disturb him," I clenched my jaw. I tried sounding calm, but my hands shook, and sweat dripped from my forehead.

*Don't be like that. Atlas, there's a call for you!" Stella suddenly raised her voice.

was about to hang up when I heard a familiar voice asking. "Who is it?"

Immediately after, I hung up. My heart sank, and I felt an overwhelming coldness. I couldn't help but panic as I gripped the steering wheel to get out of the traffic. Fortunately, there was a gap between the cars. I swerved into another lane and slammed the gas, desperately wanting to escape the suffocating traffic. My legs felt weak as I headed to another road. I felt exhausted and could hardly breathe.

Suddenly, a truck sped toward my car, and I heard brakes screeching. So, I stepped on the gas as hard as possible. A moment later, I could only see a blinding whiteness around me. I struggled to breathe and shook uncontrollably.

Meanwhile, I seemed to hear my phone ringing. Immediately after, my vision faded.

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