Chapter 273 Making a Fuss

With trembling hands, I called Johnson to pick up Matthew's car. I waited until Johnson arrived and gave him instructions before leaving with Ava.

No matter what, Ava didn't want that toy that Matthew gave her. Back at home, Ava rushed into her

grandmom's arms with a loud cry.

My mom looked at me, puzzled, and I briefly explained what had happened. My parents let out a deep.


That night, I slept with Ava. She told me with a quiver in her voice that she never wanted to see her dad


I was at a loss for words. Faced with such a dad, I couldn't even defend him. From today's events, I could

see how miserable Matthew's days would be in the future.

I comforted Ava and shared some simple wisdom with her, teaching her to be a responsible and good person. I wasn't sure how much she understood, but I didn't want her mind to be filled with darkness.


Johnson finally called me late at night. He said, "Chlo, don't worry! She's okay."

"What about the baby?" I asked worriedly.

"The baby is just over seven months old. They performed a C-section. It's a boy, and he's alive! Thankfully,

she was taken to the hospital in time."

Johnson's tone carried a hint of disdain.

"That's good. At least nothing serious happened!" I sighed in relief.

"Chlo, I truly admire your kind heart. You're still concerned for her after all she did to you!" Johnson said,

As for Melanie, she's bound to face consequences sooner or later. Mr. Matthew has his own troubles.

S's just a troublemaker at home and in the company."

didn't want to make too many comments. This was Matthew's own doing. He had to bear the



the security footage from outside the school downloaded. I was worried she

copy Keep it


"Thank you, Johnson!"

I hadn't expected this. After hanging up, I went downstairs.

Sure enough, my parents were still in the living room, looking absent-minded.

I told them the outcome, and my dad sighed. "Those monsters! It's a good thing they're okay. Otherwise, they would come knocking at our door!"

"It's alright, don't worry. Johnson has retrieved the surveillance videos. Get some rest!"

They reminded me to keep my distance from Matthew in the future.

Johnson sent me the surveillance footage, showing several angles of the incident. I watched it, and the scene sent shivers down my spine. I didn't know when I could escape from this nightmare completely.

A long time passed while I sat alone in the living room. Finally, I turned off the lights and went upstairs. I kept tossing and turning as thoughts of the unpleasant scenes replayed.

The following day, I got up early. I had breakfast with Ava and took her to school.

She was still moody, which worried me. I knew that yesterday's scene had affected her deeply.

Whenever something like this happened, she would go quiet for days.

We were almost at the school when my phone rang. I checked it and was surprised to see it was from


I quickly answered, and he asked about what happened yesterday. I was astonished that he knew.

He asked if Ava was with me, and I confirmed she was. He requested to speak to her.

I handed the phone to Ava, and she looked at it listlessly. I told her, "It's Uncle Atlas!"

She accepted the phone with her tiny hands. After a brief exchange, she burst into tears and began.

sobbing, recounting what happened.

I didn't know what Atlas said to her on the phone. She wiped her eyes vigorously with her arm, then rottled Finally, she smiled. "Okay, I know I believe you, Uncle Atlas!"

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