Chapter 269 Diamond Card

Liora looked like she had misunderstood something. She glared at Kate, asking. "Did I mishear you?"

"Yes, Mrs. Liora, I'll process your membership cancellation immediately, Kate became more assertive and called the head of the membership department to start the procedure. "Wait!" Liora roared, "Kate, what do you mean by this? Tell your boss to explain things to me!"

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Liora. Please don't make things difficult. It's my boss's decision."

"What do you mean? Why won't you process hers?" Liora was outraged, forgetting her reputation. Her friends also became agitated. "Exactly. Why are you canceling ours?" Liora stepped forward and glared daggers at Kate. "Do you want me and my friends to cancel our


"Mrs. Liora, since you insist on canceling, I can only comply. If I cancel theirs, we'll have to close the spa. immediately. So, I'm sorry, Mrs. Liora." Kate paled despite her anger. "Why would you need to close?!" Liora exclaimed.

"Because these two ladies' have Diamond Cards! They have the highest-tier VIP cards in our spa. There are only five Diamond members in the entire city," the receptionist added, "Our spa-" "Shut up!" Kate snapped at her.

Liora was in disbelief. She clenched her fists and pointed at me, saying, "Chloe, we're enemies from now


I responded casually, "Weren't we already enemies? When have you ever been nice to me?"

The head of the membership department was efficient. She respectfully said, "Mrs. Liora and friends, I've canceled your memberships and refunded the remaining funds. Please check your accounts accordingly."

Liora was furious, glaring at the department head.

The woman continued, "Furthermore, those who voluntarily cancel their membership cannot reapply at

this spa or its affiliated branches. That's our policy."

Immediately after, she walked away.

Liora's friends froze because they had suffered a significant loss. These women had lost their valuable

status. Then, Kate looked sternly at the receptionist who had assisted Llora. Kate said, "You can leave!

The boss says you're unfit to continue working here!"

The receptionist cried, "What does it have to do with me? They were the ones who made derogatory remarks about me first!"

Liora threw the attire the receptionist had given her just now. "Kate, I'll remember this! We'll settle the

score next time!

"Mrs. Liora... Kate felt uneasy.

"Don't call me! From now on, we no longer know each other!" Liora asserted, venting her anger on Kate." Don't play nice with me anymore. You're unqualified to call me by my name!" Then she looked at me. "Chloe, you better watch your back!"

I nodded thoughtfully. "All right, got it!"

Liora grabbed her bag, glared at me, and then stormed out. Her friends were sullen, muttering, "What's going on here?"

They reluctantly followed Liora.

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Kate finally sighed in relief and approached me. "Miss, I'll immediately!"

Meanwhile, several guests who had just completed their spa sessions came out. Some recognized Lioral and whispered about the situation.

"Let's get in line," I suggested with a friendly smile, "Everyone has been waiting for quite some time."

The waiting guests were pleased and smiled back at me, waving. I approached the random woman who had supported me earlier and extended my hand. "Thank you for your support earlier! I'm Chloe Hartz." She shook my hand and said, "I'm Mia Morgan. I wouldn't say I supported you. I just couldn't stand her

because she was annoying."

Mia remained distant and didn't press further. I guessed she also owned a Diamond Card, which meant she had an impressive background. Still, I remembered one of the receptionists saying only five Diamond

members were in Faswood.

I found it interesting and wanted to learn more about it.

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