Chapter 254 A Mall Event

I sat in the car for a long time, gazing toward Pleca Park. After rush hour, I started the car and drove


Perhaps it was from sitting in the car for so long or sheer exhaustion, but I felt dizzy. Luckily, there weren't as many cars on the road at this time, so I arrived home quickly.


Upon parking, I spotted my daughter playing in the yard. I approached, and she leaped into my a exclaiming, "Mommy, you're back!"

She then took my bag and dashed into the house. Shortly after, she returned, grabbing my hand and

pulling me outside to play.

I had thought about lying down for a while when I got home. However, seeing her so excited, I couldn't

bear to refuse.

We played in the yard together, sometimes watering the plants and other times tending to the flowers. We played until the lights came on, and it seemed that my feelings of exhaustion had dissipated. My mother called us in for dinner, and we finally entered the house hand-in-hand.

After dinner, I remembered the new clothes I had bought for my daughter. I hurried to the car to fetch them and asked her to try them on. Then, I realized that my daughter had grown taller.

The clothes I bought were too small, fitting her too snugly. It seemed I would have to go and exchange.

them tomorrow

I hugged Ava and kissed her. "When did you grow so much? I didn't even notice. You're turning into a big girl

"Mommy, I'm five years old!" She proudly declared. "Why isn't Uncle Atlas back yet? He promised to get me a tablet for my birthday."

My heart suddenly flipped. I held her tightly. 'Soon! H-He has gone abroad."

What's abroad? Why does Uncle Atlas always go abroad?

Abroad is a very faraway place, a different city" I answered simply

dom, can we go abroad too?" She looked at me with hopeful eyes

we have the time I'll take your I promised, "Now, go to sleept promine 111 get you a tablet,


"No, I want it from Uncle Atlas. Uncle Atlas said he'd get the best one! Mommy, you won't understand!"

She shook her head.

I was speechless. He had once said that daughters should be raised in wealth. I didn't understand it then. Now, my daughter was saying I didn't understand either.

The next day, I went to the mall to exchange my daughter's clothes. However, I arrived during a jewelry brand event. The first-floor lobby was packed, all waiting for some celebrity to arrive.

I glanced at the backdrop on the small stage. It was a renowned International jewelry brand, Sautoir Fine Jewelry, making a grand launch with its new spokesperson.

When I looked at the spokesperson's image, it turned out to be Harmony,

There was a commotion, and the crowd surged forward like a tidal wave. Everyone was rushing into the

lobby, some of the younger ones shouting Harmony's name,

I spotted Harmony walking in, surrounded by bodyguards. She was gorgeous, with her face covered in make-up.

Ivanna was being pushed along, moving passively toward the small stage. This seemed to be a well- known event, and Ivanna was a part of it.

I wasn't particularly interested in this, but I had to wade through the enthusiastic fans to get upstairs. It was a real struggle.

It was no wonder these businesses hired spokespeople. With so many passionate fans, the impact was

not to be underestimated.

With an exuberant smile, Harmony took the stage. The emcee on-site was fervently praising her, emphasizing the magnitude of this event.

Honestly, I found it rather distasteful. It was too noisy for my liking. I maneuvered towards the staircase, but it was packed

Everyone was pushing toward the lobby. There were hardly any, like me, going against the flow.

Just then, I heard the emcee booming with excitement, "This time, the owner of Arkadia Plaza, Mr. Atlas

Pierce, is here to support the leading international jewelry brand, Sautoir Fine Jewelry, Let's welcome our bg boss Mr. Allas Pierce!

Att voldt was forcibly thrust into my ears, I froze my steps, turning slowly to face the stage.

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