Chapter 225 Wrong Data on the Drawings

I laid eyes on Atlas, whom I hadn't seen in half a month, I had no idea when he had returned to Foswood. Seated next to him was the imposing figure of Celine.

It was evident that today was going to be challenging. When someone wanted to find fault, they would find a way.

Celine's sharp eyes swept over the attendees at the meeting before finally fixing on my face, her expression disdainful.

"Ms. Chloe, please explain the situation to everyone present," she said calmly.

I knew this was the calm before the storm. Clearing my throat, I meticulously recounted the entire situation in sequence. I had Carol hand over the blueprints to Celine.

Each person in attendance was also given a copy of the incorrect data images. I had come prepared, especially with the one containing the falsified data. Except for one piece of data, everything else was the


Celine glanced at the original erroneous blueprint, furrowing her brows. Kenzie sat next to her, looking stern.

Everyone was perplexed after reviewing my explanation and the provided materials.

Celine had each member of the relevant departments speak. They all emphasized their department's diligence in double-checking their work.

I remained silent, observing their responses and Celine's expression.

Atlas took two phone calls in the middle of the meeting. He would grunt in response, never saying

anything on the phone, and then return his attention to the discussion.

He looked somewhat indifferent to the meeting.

In the end, no conclusion was reached. Everyone agreed that there was indeed an error in the data.

What was strange, though, was that only the blueprints given to Fred were incorrect. Even the archived blueprints we submitted to Fred were correct. This was starting to raise eyebrows.

Blueprints don't just mess themselves up. The wrong data was modified on the original blueprint, not with a pen afterward. That made it hard to detect. Of course, Celine wasn't buying this explanation, and she blamed our negligence. Her argument was persuasive and logically sound.

ATL Empire audited the blueprints and sent them to us after approving them. Then, our technicians double -checked them before sending them back to Fred. Based on this account, the relevant departments at ATL Empire were entirely blameless. It was clear that the responsibility could only fall on us or Fred.

I staunchly defended Fred, and Atlas finally spoke up.

"Ms. Chloe, what evidence do you have to prove that this isn't Mr. Fred's fault?"

I replied, "Mr. Fred runs a professional company with years of experience and a meticulous production process. After committing to high quality, which manufacturer would allow product issues?" Atlas clearly didn't like my response. His eyes were icy as he asked, "Is that your position?"

I confidently said, "Yes."

"In your perspective, is there no third possibility?" His eyes looked at me with restrained anger.

Suddenly, I realized I couldn't be sure the blueprints hadn't been leaked.

My eyes involuntarily turned to Kenzie.

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