(David POV)

I thought when I marked Victoria that I have lost the right to my true mate. Have the moon goddess forgiven me and understood why I did what I felt I needed to do. Will my mate be able to give me a second chance to prove to her that I’ll do anything for her to show that I’m worthy of her and her love. I hear the door opening as King Alexander walking in with a young girl next to him that I knew now to be my mate. I can feel the tears that are beginning to pool up in my eyes as I look at her. She looked to be about 5”6”, light tannish skin, chestnut brown hair that seems to curl at the end, and light hazel eyes. I can see while she enters the room that she notices me as her smile faded away to an angry look. She stormed toward me as she slapped me across my face. Everyone was in shock at what just happened in front of them not knowing what’s going on.

“Do you know how much you hurt me when you did that?”

Tears are flowing down her face as King Alexander looks at her with confusion but also a bit anger in his eyes as he looks at my way.

“What is going on Rania? What has David done to you to make you this angry?”

“He’s my so-called mate that marked someone else. He rejected me before he could even meet me, like he felt I was not good enough to wait for.”

No, I can’t let her think that when that was not even true. I need to let her know what exactly happened and why I needed to do what I did for Victoria. I tried to reach out to her only having my hand smack away from her as she backs away from me. It was killing me to see her so upset and crying, making me want to do everything I can to make her feel better and smile.

‘David, please you need to talk to our mate before she leaves us forever. We can’t lose her now that she is so close to us having her in our arms.’

‘So, does this mean you are speaking to me again after all these years of barely talking to me and not even letting me shift to my wolf form.’

‘You know why I have done that to you. I was angry that you would not listen to me about marking that female, you didn’t even care how I felt about you are doing that. Now our mate is here with us, and I need her, I need Rose with me. Don’t you dare blow this for me or you’ll never hear from me again.’

‘Alright, don’t be such a drama queen. I’ll do my best to get her to forgive us.’

‘No, to get her to forgive you. I didn’t have a choice in what you did, so don’t put this onto me. This is one bad thing us wolves has to put up being paired off with humans.’

I walked over to Raina refusing to give up on us being together. I went over to her taking a hold of her arm and making her look at me for me to see the tears flowing down her cheeks more. She looked at me straight into my eyes as she pulls done the collar of her shirt showing me a light black mark on her neck where my mark should have been. Before I even knew what, I was even doing my lips were already touching mark on her neck just feeling the pain that was coming from it. It didn’t take it that long for the pain to turn into peer pleasure, but as it did, I then was pulled away from her and thrown against the wall on the other side of the room. I felt Zen’s rage just building up into me threatening to take over me even if I did not want him to. I try to keep control of him, but it felt like a battle I could not win. It’s a good thing that the children were already in the soundproof room taking a nap. We all had the camera link on our phones to keep an eye on them.

(Raina POV)

When his lips touched the mark on my neck the pain that I felt for years slowly disappeared leaving nothing feeling the pleasure of his lips. Then I felt him being ripped away from me and when I opened my eyes, I seen David on the other side of the room. I then looked over to my brother, but noticed it wasn’t Alex at all, it was Hunter. I was looking at me with his silver eyes. He looked over to David with such anger that I was afraid for my mate’s life and when I looked toward my mate, I noticed that his once green eyes had turned blue. I can see that he’s trying to keep his wolf at bay but is having issues doing so. If I don’t do something right now there will be a fight that won’t end happily.

“Please Hunter, let me take care of my mate.”

“But he hurt you Rania.”

“Hunter, I’m not a pup anymore so let me take care of this by myself. Also, can you please let Alex get back control.”

“Alright Raina, I’ll leave this to you but will step in when you need it.”

I wanted to speak to him alone without other ears listening in on us, I needed to know why he did it.

“Is there a place that when can speak alone with no other person will bother us?”

“My apartment is on the third floor of this building. We can go there if you like so we can speak alone for a bit.”

“Alright, please lead the way.”

He then escorted me toward the elevator to the third floor. His place wasn’t so far from the elevator and when I got inside the place was nice and a nice size for a small family

“So, your King Alexander sister?”

“Yeah, he’s my older brother and now King of our packs. He means well but ever since Aurora disappeared; he has less control over Hunter. Do you mind if I asked you something?”

“Alright, ask away then.”

“Are you living here alone or is someone else living here with you?”

“There are four other people living here with me. Three of them are four-year-old kids, two girls and a boy.”

I looked around the place to see two bedrooms that were next to each other. One you can tell that it’s for children. There were three toddlers’ beds, some toys, and some kids’ books. As I walked back toward the kitchen and through the dining area to see there was another bedroom that seemed to belong to a female.

‘Rania, I really don’t think that it could even be her. If you noticed that he doesn’t have anything on his neck. You should talk to him before you decide what the truth is.’

“David, who’s room is this right here?”

“Well, that would be Aurora’s room, I believe she’s your brother’s mate.”

“Wait, you had Aurora, and she was living here? What about my niece or nephew?”

“To be honest, you have a niece and a nephew. I found her on the side of the road a little over four years.”

“I can’t believe we have finally found Aurora. You don’t know how much I missed her. Where is she right now?”

“She said that she needed to go somewhere to make a call to your brother but that was a few hours ago. I’m not sure why she isn’t back yet.”

“Aurora had twins, a boy and girl but what about the other girl. Who is she to you?”

“Yeah, I knew you were going to ask me that question sooner or later?”

He took my hand to lead me to the couch past the kitchen. He seated me onto the coach as he knelled in front of me. He held such sadness in his eyes as he looked up to me and the pain that made my heart hurt just looking into them.

“Please, I’m begging you to hear me out before you decide on what you’re going to do about us. The girl is my responsibility because she is my god daughter. Her father and mother were my close friends as I was growing up. We were all in the same pack that would bring in rouge wolves that other packs would cast out for one reason or another. When we grew up Grey and Victoria found out that they were true mates. I was so happy for them both, and when she became pregnant, they made me the little one’s god father. While she was pregnant, Grey was killed in battle between our pack and a nearby pack. And was killed. I decided that I was going to take care of her and their baby but as she was giving birth, she became terribly ill. She was dying and I felt if I mark her that she will be able to draw onto me to heal herself, but she didn’t and died not long after giving birth. Then Muriel had only me to care for her and so I did. I know it was wrong of me to mark her, but I felt then I had no choice but to do so. Zen never forgave me for doing so and for me doing it he never really talks to me. So, what I’m trying to say is that I hope that you can one day forgive me and be able to give us a second chance to be your mate.”

I looked into his eyes, and I could see that he was being sincere about what he is telling me. I know what he did should be unforgivably, but I do understand why he did it.

“May I ask you something?”

“Baby doll you can ask me anything and I will always be honest with you.”

I took a deep breath to calm my heart down before I asked the question.

“Have you been with any other girl besides Victoria?”

He looked a little confused by my question as he got up to sit next to me on the couch. He reached over to me to me and pulled me onto his lap. I laid my head onto his chest listening to his heart beating.

“Look at me baby doll, one I never had that type of relationship with Victoria. Two I never had a real relationship with another girl besides a little dating and kissing a girl at a party on a dare.”

I moved on his lap, so I was able to see his face as I touched his face with both hands. Feeling his hand on me watching him close his eyes enjoying the warmth of my hands on his face and sparks.

“So, do you think that you and Rose could give us a second chance to be your mate?”

“I believe we can and will give you both a second chance.”

His other hand went behind the back of my head as he pulled me into a kiss. The kiss was mind blowing as I enjoyed the sparks just flying off his lips onto mine. If this is the sneak peak of what’s to come, then sign me up now.

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