(Alexander POV)

Today started out like any other day for me. I wake up and have breakfast with just my sister Raina like every morning. My parents are never here to eat any meals with us. I do get to see my father but only when he wants to belittle me, or let me know what I’m doing wrong and to remind me to be more like him. I sat there finishing up my breakfast when Gamma Xavier, my future Beta Sebastián, and hopefully future Gamma Dani.

“Prince Alexander, we need to get going for your training. Also, Princess Raina your father agreed for you to start training today.”

“Really Gamma Xavier?”

“Yes, now please hurry up and get ready. Dani will be taking you to the training ground. Prince Alexander, we need to get going.”

“Yes, I’m ready to go Gamma Xavier.”

We drove over to the pack’s training building so I can start my long boring day like every other day. My wolf Hunter seems to be hyper today but I’m not sure why though. The place already feels hotter than hell itself and it’s only 6 in the morning. The morning went by so slow as if something were going to happen. Good or bad I wasn’t sure about but I will find out soon. I looked over to see that my sister showed up and is heading for one of the larger training rooms to Wait for Kaven who will be coming in with his two kids that I believe just turn 12 today.

“Hey Alex?”

I looked back to see Dani running over to me.

“Yeah Dani boy, what’s going on that got you so excited.”

“You told me when I win Sebastián in a fight that I’ll be able to challenge you. I want you to know that I’m right to be your Gamma.”

“Yes, I did say that. Gamma Xavier will you be so kind as to be the referee to our fight?”

“Yes, Prince Alexander.”

He smiles at me as we both remove our shirts and enter the ring. I know that Dani will make me a great Gamma even if he’s not the son of the Gamma but his nephew. Sadly, Gamma Xavier never found his true mate and refuse to be with another female. His sister Dariana became the packs doctor not that long after her mate died by rouge wolves. She brought her son Dani here to be with her brother who was more than happy to help his sister out by getting her a job here. Dani and I been friends since I was 6 years old. He’s a great fighter but sadly I’m better but only because I been training since I was 5 years old by my father and Beta Dustin. I still have all the scares from that training. Dani and I spare off for a while as I hear my sister talking to another female. My wolf was becoming more restless with just the sound of her voice, but when I heard her say my name that I couldn’t help but to look her way. While I was staring at this young girl that Dani decide to take advantage of it and take me down. I landed on my back hard onto the mat but my eyes never leaving her face.

“Come on Alex. What happen?”

I just glared at him not saying at him.

“Nothing Dani boy. I just got distracted is all.”

“By what Alex, a 12-year-old girl?”

When I turn around to see Damien looking into the ring hanging onto one of the ropes. Him and I never been remarkably close and defiantly never been friends. He wanted to be my Gamma, but I don’t really trust him to be in such a role. I than realize that he was looking over at the girl that’s with my sister and Hunter didn’t like it at all.

“Damien keep your eyes off of her, unless you do have a desire to be among the dead.”

“What’s wrong my lord? You afraid I’ll take her innocence away?”

Hunter growled with pure rage and I didn’t even try to hold him back.

“Come on Damien. Do you really need to provoke Alex like that?”

“Dani you know Damien likes to push Alex’s buttons to see just how far he can before Alex snaps.”

“Oh, Dani and Seb, why do you two feel the need to kiss his ass all the time? Well I do understand why Seb does and that only because he’ll be his Beta.”

“No dumbass! Yes, he is my Alpha but it’s also because he’s like my brother and my best friend.”

As all them talks it out, well more like yell as loud as they can at each other. I felt someone staring at me and realize it was her. I know she’s only 12 but she was still beautiful to me. Her long brown hair and her blue eyes that reminds me of staring into the blueish sky. It’s like nothing else matter to me but her. Just as I was going to head over toward her and my sister, they both started heading to the door. Most likely their heading outside to do Kaven’s famous laps around the building. I decide to go to the cooler to grab them both waters for when they get back in. For some reason I decided to look over at the guys but only found Dani and Seb standing by the ring and that’s when I realize that Damien was nowhere to be found. What can he be up too and does this involve her?

(Aurora POV)

As Raina and I was finishing up with our 20 laps that would roughly be about 10 miles. It’s a good thing I’m already used to doing a good 10 to 15 miles a day with my dad. He had us doing this since we were both ten. He also had us doing Tai chi, Yoga, and some martial art.

“Aurora, let’s go inside to get some water before all the guy’s drink up the cold ones.”

“Alright Raina.”

As we walk back to go inside, I noticed there was a guy standing next to the door as if he were waiting for something or someone. He’s one of the guys that was with Alex earlier.

“Hey pup, who’s your little friend?”

“Go away Damien and stop calling me pup. Come on Aurora, let’s get inside.”

“Ah Aurora is it. What a lovely name for a lovely girl. It means the morning sun, right?”

“Oh god Damien will you just go away. I don’t know what you’re up too and nor do I want too.”

She grabbed my hand and start pulling me away from the guy she called Damien, but he had other plans and grabbed my arm to keep me from going.

“Come on pup, I’m trying to get to know this very intriguing and lovely girl Aurora.”

“What part do you not understand about go away jerk.”

“Rania thanks, um Damien is it? It’s extremely sweet of you to say such nice things but I really need to go inside cause my dad might start looking for me.”

“Who’s your father?”

“It’s Kaven.”

There was a hint of fear in his eyes, but my dad can be a scary wolf when he wants to be. I would think that this Damien guy will leave me alone now but no cause he still had a hold of my arm.

“Are you going to let my arm go so I can go see if my dad about more of our training?”

“Come on beautiful.” As his hand came up to my face there was a loud growling coming from behind me and it was Alex. His eyes were as black as the starless sky. He was angry and his wolf was trying to take over but why?

“Are you upset my dear Alpha?”

I’m not sure but when he said that it sounded to me that he was being disrespectable even if he was bowing.

“Damien, what do you think you’re doing by even touching her?”

“I’m so sorry, but I didn’t realize she belongs to you and that meaning hands off to any other males.”

What does he mean by that? What does he mean about me belonging to Alex or is it Damien’s way of being a jerk to Alex?

“Damien don’t test my patients! NOW GO!”

With that Damien had no choice but to listen to Alex for he used his Alpha tone. It’s more like a command and anyone at a lower rank can't disobey it. I’m not sure why it didn’t affect me at all. I understand why Raina didn’t react to it herself for she’s pretty much the same rank as him. Maybe it’s because I haven’t shift yet, right?

“I’m really sorry about Damien but manners never his strong suit. By the way, my name is Alexander. Can I ask you for your name?”

“Oh, my name is Aurora.”

“Are you Kaven’s daughter?”

“Yes, and the boy over there is my brother Ethan.

As I stood there, I felt a sharp pain in my head as if something or someone was trying to get into my mind. What the hell is going on? While trying to figure it out I swear I was hearing two different voices in my mind. I couldn’t really hear what they were saying no matter how much I try too.

(Alexander POV)

I can’t believe just how beautiful she is and that she might even be our mate, but I won’t know for sure until her first shift, but I’m sure I can smell honey milk and lavender when I’m around her.

‘Come on Alex, I don’t want to wait that long to find that out. That can take up to a year.’

‘Well what other choice do we have Hunter?’

(Hunter POV)

I don’t want to wait a year, a month, a week, or even a day. Wait, maybe there is a way for me to confirm what she is to us. I can try to contact her wolf. It may be a long shot but if her wolf is my mate that may help me to do so.

‘Hi, my name is Hunter. I know even though Aurora is still incredibly young for her to shift yet, but I also know that one is born with their wolf. I just want to know more about you. Please if your hearing me than at least tell me your name.’

‘Who do you think you are, bothering me?’

‘Wait, are you Aurora’s wolf?’

“Maybe, but what’s it to you?’

‘Well if I’m able to get through to you, then that might mean that I’m your mate.’

‘It might be that or not. Now leave me alone for your present is hurting Aurora.’

‘Alright, but what’s your name at least?’

‘It’s Kamaria, now leave me alone. It still will be awhile before Aurora will be ready for me.’

‘I’ll be waiting for you until she is.’

‘Yeah sure, you go ahead and do that.’

Wow my mate is amazing. I can’t wait till I finally get to meet her in person or should a say in wolf.

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