(Aurora POV)

By the time Raina and I finished touring the palace it was close to dinnertime. It’s a good thing that we stopped by the kitchen earlier to grab a quick snack. We needed to hurry up to the dining room, so I’ll finally be able to be with Alex cause I’m feeling very anxious not being around our mate. I’m guessing that’s what a mate bond can do to wolves.

“Come on Aurora, we need to get going before the men start whining because they feel they’re going to waste away from hungry.” She starts laughing as we’re running to the dining room.

“Yeah, we should hurry before they turn on each other. Lol”

As we get to the room the first thing, we each notice is the fact that not only is Dani not there, but neither is Alex. I wonder where they both could be and why it is taking so long for them to get here. Seb and Autumn were already sitting down talking to each other and not noticing that we were even there.

“Seb, Autumn do either of you know where my brother and Dani are?”

I’m glad that Raina brought it up because I wasn’t sure how to ask them nor how they take about me asking a question like that.

“Oh, Dani just gotten back from the Black pine pack picking up his mate Jasmine.”

“Jasmine Greendale from the Black pine Pack?”


Oh no, why did it have to be her to be Dani’s mate. Jasmine is close friends to Kimberly, that is always all over Alex when she can do so. I can’t believe that this is happening now. What I’m I going to do? I’m not going to be able watch her trying to get into his pants or his bed.

“Aurora, why aren’t you eating your food? Alex should be here soon.”

When I looked up, I noticed not only Raina but also Seb and Autumn watching me with worried eyes.


“I’m fine, Rania.”

Ok, so I’m not fine but I don’t want to worry them about me worrying over Alex. I put on a fake smile and try to make it look like I’m eating but even though it was chicken parmesan and it’s one of my favorite foods to eat I just didn’t feel like eating though. I poke at it most of the time hoping the others didn’t notice. Not long after I felt a hand on my shoulder and I thought that Rania noticed the way I was acting, but when I looked up to see that it was Alex’s hand on my shoulder. He leaned down to grab my hand and lead me out of the room and into the hallway. He then pushed me against the wall as he started kissing my neck.

“What are you thinking about? Why do you look so sad that you don’t even want to eat your food?”

I don’t even know what to say to him too, that I’m jealous. I’m not sure what he will think of me if I tell him something like that. Will he think that I’m being childish? Before I could react, he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist.

“Please talk to me, my moon. I’m always here for you and there’s nothing you can say to me that will ever change my feeling for you, but you not telling me what is wrong then I’ll really be upset with you.”

“I heard about Jasmine being Dani’s mate and thought that, well I thought was a certain person might be showing up with her.”

“I see my moon.”

He then started kissing me on my neck not saying anything to me and I’m wondering if I should be worrying or not. Should I be worrying about the idea that Kimberly will be around Alex, but the more he kisses my neck the less I worry about it. The more he kisses me the more I think about finding the nearest room to us and with that I can feel a smirk on his lips near my neck.

“I believe your room will be the closes to us.”


“You’re like an open book to me my moon. I know you’re thinking the same thing that I’m thinking, for I can hear it in your voice, feel your skin becoming warmer, and smell…...

“Alright, alright that’s what I’m thinking. Are you happy now?”

“That’s my girl. Now to your room and don’t worry about meaningless things. I also link Dani boy about putting our food away for now.”

We started walking to my room when I realized something.

“Um Alex?”

“Yes, my moon?”

“Are you ever going to let me walk?”

“Yeah, that would be a no. It just feels too nice having you in my arms and it’ll be faster this way.”

“Whatever let’s get going…….

Before I could even finish my sentence, he was already walking faster, and we were at my bedroom door. When the morning light made it to my eyes, I still didn’t want to wake up yet. It was a good thing that we were able to take a break to eat our dinners before going back to bed. Wanting to stay in bed doesn’t help not wanting to move away from the warmth of Alex’s body. Feeling his warmth wrapped around mine, but sadly I need the bathroom to get ready for the day. It took a while to wiggle out of his arms with him holding on tighter and Alex growling in protest.

“Come on Alex, I need to take a shower and get ready to go out with the other girls to get out dresses.”

“Yeah, I can’t wait to see you in that dress or maybe it be better with you out of the dress that would look best.”

“Oh, really Alex. I’m not sure how other would think if I were to do that.”

I hear a deep growl coming from behind me and I almost couldn’t help but to want to laugh as I was grabbed from behind being pulled to Alex’s chest.

“I’ll hurt any guy that would dare to look at you in such a way. Now, let’s go take that shower.”

“I’ll race you there.”

“I like to know how you intend on racing me when I’m still holding onto you.”

Well, he got me there.

“Maybe if you put me down.”

“Uh no, I think I would rather carry you to the shower. You know to make sure that you don’t fall.”

“What makes you think I’m going to fall down?”

He smiles at me then kisses me on the forehead as he continues to walk to the bathroom. After our shower and another round of fun, we both get ready for the day. I went to find the girls so we could get going to the store to find a dress and Alex went to take care of pack business. We all found the perfect dress and I got to know Jasmine better. She wouldn’t be as bad as I was thinking if she didn’t bring Kimberly around. The month went by faster than I would like it to. The morning of the ball, I woke up earlier with Alex arms around me. I know I should be getting up and getting ready, but as I looked over to Alex, I felt scared at the same time for I felt something bad was going to happen today. I’m not sure why or what, but I felt it and I knew something bad was coming.

“What are you thinking about, my moon? You look so far away in thought.”

I looked over to Alex to see him smiling at me as he leaned over to kiss me on my lips.

“Morning my moon.”

“Yeah, morning. I know we’re both amazingly comfortable now, but we really should start getting ready for the day. It’s going to be a long day.”

“Yes, I am and yes I know we need to get moving but before we do, I have something that I been wanting to give to you.”

He walked over to his pants to get something out of the pocket. He walked back with a small blue velvet box and handed it to me.

“What’s this Alex?”

“Well, you need to open it to find out silly.”

I opened the box wondering what it could be to find a palatium ring with a red stone in it. It’s so beautiful with all these little diamonds around this large red stone. I’m not sure what the red stone is.

“It’s a promise ring.”

“Promise for what?”

“That we always be together.”

“What type of stone is this?”

“It’s a painite and it is exceedingly rare. I couldn’t find the stone, so I had the pack witch find it for me. Then I had the jewelry maker design the ring.”

It’s so beautiful that I needed to put it on right now.

“Thank you, Alex. I love it a lot.”

“And I love you, my moon.”


Did I really hear what he just said to me or was I mistaken?

“Did you really say what I thought I heard?”

“Yes, my moon. I said that I love you and I mean it.”

“I love you, Alex. You mean everything to me.”

He came over to me and gently kissed me on my lips and hugged me tightly in his arms.

“I have to get going so we can get ready for tonight. I need to get all my work done and plan to announce tonight about you being my mate as well as the future Queen of the packs.”

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