Best Intentions
Chapter 24

“Let’s get out of here, CJ,” Mark said while pacing back and forth in the command center. “I need some time to clear my head after all this crap.”

“Where do you wish to go, Mark?”

“Just away from Earth, CJ.” He gestured toward the viewscreen. “Out into the system I guess.”

“Affirmative, Mark. Should I discontinue the ground operations in Pakistan?”

“No, absolutely not. I want every terrorist hiding in those mountains found and killed! When they are done there, have them move back into Afghanistan but coordinate with the Commander of the peacekeepers.”

“Mark, I am sorry you were forced to deal with such an obstinate human as President Zaradi. Even after everything you have done for mankind. You once told me that humans are not logical. These events have confirmed that diagnosis.”

“That idiot Zaradi just had to push me,” Mark fumed. He sat and put his face in his hands. “I don’t know why I keep expecting cooperation. Everyone is just out for themselves. They sign agreements one minute and break them the next. No matter how much we do or give, all they do is question, question, and question. It’s starting to get to me.”

“Mark, we are breaking orbit. I am setting our course for Titan. You should view the atmospheric processing operations. It may take your mind off these incidents.”

“Thanks, CJ. That’s a great idea. The farther away from Earth the better it sounds.”

“As it will take several hours for us to arrive, you should attempt to get some rest.”

“I’ll try, CJ,” he said standing up. He realized that he hadn’t slept since the meeting at the UN. “I guess I need it.”

“Affirmative, pleasant dreams commander.”

“Pleasant dreams, he says. I’d settle for no nightmares after today,” Mark thought as he returned to his quarters.

Mark didn’t have the most pleasant night’s sleep, but did manage to rest somewhat. After he awoke and had something to eat, CJ had something exciting for him to see.

The atmosphere mining operation that CJ had set up was impressive. Six of the huge modules had linked together forming a gigantic ring. As CJ explained it: Titan’s atmosphere was more than ninety-eight percent nitrogen. Induced negative gravity in the region below the ring produced much the same effect as punching a hole in a balloon. The atmospheric gasses rushed up the extreme low-pressure tunnel that was created. Passing through the three hundred meter diameter opening, they were subjected to an ultra-low temperature field. This froze the nearly pure nitrogen into ten-kilometer space-going icebergs. Small craft moved them into a higher, more stable orbit around Titan in preparation to be transported to Mars.

“This is incredible, CJ!” Mark exclaimed after watching the process for a few minutes. “It looks like you’re creating Christmas tree ornaments, on a large scale of course!”

“At seven hundred million metric tons each, you would need quite a large tree on which to hang them.”

“That’s funny, CJ,” Mark said laughing while picturing that in his head. “How will you move them to Mars? They won’t melt or evaporate if the sun shines on them while they’re in transit, will they?”

“Negative, they will be sprayed with a single molecule metallic coating which will reflect sunlight and prevent sublimation. The coating also allows magnetic linkages between the units for the journey. You can observe the coating operation in progress.”

The view switched to a close-up of one giant space going nitrogen-berg. Small craft passed up and down its length applying the silvery reflective coating. Now that he knew what to look for, Mark could see that dozens of the masses had already been treated.

“CJ, your capabilities never cease to amaze me. Please switch to a view of Saturn itself. I’d like a view showing the rings, please?”

“Affirmative, Mark. The view of Saturn is on the viewer now.”

There was Saturn in all its majestic glory. Not as colorful a planet as Jupiter, nevertheless seeing it with the ring system still gave Mark a lump in his throat. “Beautiful, isn’t it, CJ?”

“I find it aesthetically pleasing, Mark.”

Dark thoughts colored Mark’s mood once again. “What I don’t find aesthetically pleasing is the thought of giving a brand new world to people just to have them start up their same destructive ways all over again.”

“That would be unfortunate, Mark.”

That statement gave Mark pause. “Do I want to populate another planet in the Solar System with the kind of people I’ve been dealing with?” he asked himself.

“CJ, I just don’t know what to do. I have offered everything I can think of to get people to give up their selfish ways: food, energy, and at least the start of an end to the incessant fighting. Every time I turn around nothing has changed. I’m tired of bending over backwards just to get people to agree with what needs to be done only to have them do the opposite. What the world needs is better leadership. Better than the individual governments that lie, better than the United Nations that has no real power.”

“They mean well, Mark, but with so many members all voting according to their own national interests it is difficult for substantial progress to be made.”

“You’ve just hit on the main problem, CJ. As long as individual governments think of themselves first and not the future of the entire planet, nothing permanent will ever get done.”

“Perhaps the countries that do change will influence the nations who resist changing their ways.”

“That’s what I’ve been hoping for but even my own country has conspired against me. President Morris is cooperative, but he won’t be in office forever and the next administration might be as bad as the previous one. I wanted to influence people to be better. That is the only way to truly make Earth a better place. It’s a cleaner place, but the people haven’t changed. That’s what is needed.”

“Mark, you should not let the actions of one nation color your impression of the progress that has already been made. For the most part things have gone as you wished.”

“I guess so, but I’m learning that fear plus rewards are a better motivator than rewards alone. Just look at how cooperative Iran’s President Andijon became when he thought I would expose him.”

“I do not believe that I will ever fully understand humans,” CJ admitted. “President Andijon killed his own religious leaders in a quest for power. President Stone attempted to wrest control of this vessel from you, again in a quest for power. Both feared retaliation but that fear did not dissuade either from their chosen course. You appear to understand their motivations. They do not behave at all in the manner I would have expected when basic needs are being met.”

“No CJ, I don’t understand why people do the things they do. No one is ever satisfied with what they have. There must be similar historical examples I never learned that would explain it though.”

“I could examine the historical databases for that information if you would like, Mark.”

“No, CJ. Don’t bother.” He let out a sigh. “I’m starting to realize that stronger measures are called for. It’s time for the world to grow up.”

“What action are you considering, Mark?”

Mark discussed his plans with CJ and had the computer begin work on the technology that would be necessary to put Mark’s plan into operation. He stayed away from Earth longer than necessary hoping in the back of his mind for a change of heart.

Two months later everything was prepared and he was even more convinced that this was the only way.

“Ok, CJ. Let’s head back to Earth. We have work to do.”

“Affirmative, Mark, setting our course for Earth orbit. Are you certain that you want to proceed with this plan?”

As the vessel settled back into orbit Mark stared at the blue planet below.

“Many people have expected this from the beginning, CJ. They can feel themselves vindicated. I guess even the paranoid can be right sometimes. Let’s get started.”

Mark stood before the huge main viewscreen in the command center and watched as the ship’s huge modules streamed past his view headed down towards all parts of the globe.

“CJ, it’s time for my message. Please put me on all broadcast frequencies.”

“Affirmative, Mark. The satellite communications network connections have been established, you may proceed.”

“Attention citizens of Earth. After the incident with Pakistan I have come to the realization that serious changes will be necessary if the human race is to advance and thrive. Therefore violence in all forms must stop. Not tomorrow, not a week, not a month nor a year from now - but now, and it is going to stop.”

Mark paused to let the first part of his statement sink in. After a few moments he continued.

“I’m declaring peace on Earth. You will soon see my ship’s modules over your countries. They carry the instruments of peace. Tens of thousands of small flying security drones which will patrol the skies of every city in every country. It doesn’t matter if the government has signed the United Nations resolution or not. They are equipped with advanced sensors and stun weapons and will react to any form of violence. Do not take them lightly due to their small size. Each is also equipped with other devices that will be utilized if they are interfered with in any way. The carrying of firearms is hereby forbidden and the drone’s scanners can detect them in any form, concealed or not. Official law enforcement officers will be exempt until I can arrange for United Nations peacekeepers to take their place.”

Mark stared directly out at the people who were seeing this on their televisions and computers.

“I didn’t want it to come to this but uncooperative governments have left me no choice. I know that many will see this as my attempt at grabbing power, but I hope most of you will see that in the long run this is for the best. Thank you.”

News services all over the world carried live broadcasts showing the modules passing over the cities in their respective countries. Close-up shots showed what looked like swarms of insects left in their wakes. As the devices descended, they were revealed to be spherical metallic objects a meter or so in diameter. Studded with lenses and less identifiable apparatus, they looked like more like pincushions than guardians. They dropped to a height of ten meters and started to patrol the streets. One helicopter camera crew, covering a police standoff recorded one of the machines closing in and stunning the criminals before moving off again.

It didn’t take long before both President Morris and Secretary-General Bhan Jae-Sun of the United Nations were calling.

Mark had CJ split the screen so he could speak with both men together.

“Yes, gentlemen. I’ve been expecting to hear from you. Ok, let’s have it.”

They both started speaking at the same time.

“Please, one at a time. Let’s start with you, Mr. Secretary-General.”

“Mr. Richards, these actions you have taken are unconscionable! You’re taking away the sovereignty of all nations. The United Nations was created to protect the rights of the people. We have been making great progress with your aid. You said that you wouldn’t take unilateral action again. By taking power you make us appear to be fools for supporting your agenda. Most member states support your actions against Pakistan but this is a severe overreaction.”

“And you, President Morris, do you have anything to add to what the Secretary-General has already said?”

“Look, Mark. I know that you are understandably upset over the incident with Pakistan, but you cannot take control of the entire world. I have already been threatened with impeachment for cooperating with you. You must reconsider your actions before it’s too late.”

“It’s already too late, Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General. I’ve tried to work within the system and what has it gotten me? Every time I announce something to make life better all I get are questions about my motives and complaints. Countries harbor terrorists who kill women and children with no regard, and people generally trying to get whatever they can for themselves with no care for anyone else. Even you, Mr. President; I thought you understood my motives and you were all set to help me with my work. But what’s the first thing that concerns you, possible impeachment,” Mark said shaking his head, “and I thought you were different. If it helps, you can tell Congress that I do have a good working relationship with you so removing you will only be counterproductive. Make no mistake though, the decision I made stands.”

“Mr. Richards, this is an unacceptable situation. You risk all the good will that you have accumulated over the past years.

“Look gentlemen, the current system of government is broken. Instead of just trying to patch it I decided to become the power behind the throne. Would you prefer I come right out and replace all of them instead? I don’t want to control the daily lives of any of the world’s people except where it comes to violence and crime. Here is the bottom line, I’ve given this plenty of thought and there is nothing you say that will change my mind. I hope that you realize there’s nothing you can do that I cannot counter. I leave it to the leaders to sell it to all your constituents. I’m not saying it will be an easy transition but this is what I have determined is in everyone’s best interest.”

“Well Mark, I’ll do my best to get congress to see things your way. If they vote me out so be it,” President Morris replied.

“Mr. Richards, I will try to ‘sell it’ as you say to the rest of the world. I dare say that after your actions in Pakistan in spite of much grumbling I don’t see any other option but for people to accept it,” admitted the Secretary-General.

“That’s all I ask, gentlemen. I know many won’t be happy about this at first. But you’ll see; it won’t be long before people come to accept my gift of peace.”

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