
"Marisela! You are not even ready, the car is already downstairs waiting for you!" My mother shouts as she storms into my bedroom. "Marisela?" She calls and I grumble.

Just let me sleep...

"Marisela, show your face?" She instructs making me move further into the comfort of my blankets.

"No." I mutter in response. I hear her footsteps move around my bed, slowing down as she nears the side that I lay. I feel the bed dip slightly as she sits on the edge of my bed.

"Marisela, we discussed this, we can't keep playing these games anymore." She sighs, gently removing the blankets to reveal my face. "It was cute when you were sixteen, but you're twenty-one now and this is happening whether you like it or not."

"Its not a game, mother," I frown as I sit up, "you and father are shipping me off to God knows where, to be courted with someone I don't know anything about!" I rant.

"We are not shipping you off," she rolls her eyes, "you were invited by the King himself." She says with an ear splitting grin.

"Of course! because that makes it even better." I mutter sarcastically. "I know nothing about him!"

"He is a king, and that is all that matters." She says sternly. "You are the heir to this thrown and you can not rule this kingdom alone." The harshness of her words cut through like a knife. "You have refused every suitable prince and because of your rebellious behavior your father and I will not take this anymore, you are going to meet the king and you will be on your best behavior and that is final."

I refused to say anything to her after that.

I turn my focus to the wall behind her. I feel her tense beside me on the bed.

"You don't have much time, you must get ready," she sighs as she gets up off my bed, "when you are done, come and join your father and I for breakfast before your departure." Still without looking at her, I hear her footsteps leave my room. once my door is closed and I know she is gone, a stray tear leaves my eye.

I always knew I was just a pawn in my parents affairs. My father made it very clear to me from a young age that a queen can not rule this kingdom alone and my mother just had to throw it in my face, again.

Ever since I turned sixteen, my parents had introduced me to potential Princes that will one day be my future husband and King to Greemalia.

All of them, were without a doubt, a waste of my time. They were all the same. Arrogant and entitled individuals. Their haughty demeanor marked by condescending remarks, disdainful glances, and an overall lack of empathy or humility. Clad in opulent attire, they exude an aura of privilege, making it clear that they believe they are above the common folk.

However, that had all stopped when I turned eighteen. I didn't ask why, in all honesty I was just glad that I didn't have to go through with it again, I couldn't stand another meeting with an arrogant asshole of a prince.

To be fair, I made it very well known that I was not interested in either of my suitors. I always made sure to do something that will make them regret ever wanting to meet with me. Unfortunately that only angered my parents further, but I didn't care.

Growing up, I had a normal life- well as normal as a princess could have. As I got older and I learnt who I really was, that all changed.

My mother wanted me to be the exact mirror image of who she is, but I could never be her. She's perfect, and I was far from it, and she would remind me of it every time.

My father and I never really had a close relationship, he was only present when necessary.

Drying my eyes of any stray tears, I let out a deep breath of air. Finally I jumped out of bed and headed to the ensuit bathroom for a shower. An hour later I was just about done.

I glanced at the clock on the wall noticing the time. I told my handmaiden to leave me alone for a bit, I just needed this time to come to terms with everything. A few minutes later there was a knock on my door.

"Enter." I say as I stand by my balcony door, staring at the blue horizon before me. As I turn around, I come face to face with a familiar face and a small sad smile envelopes my face.

"Good morning princess," Harry- our butler- bows his head as he enters. "The car awaits you downstairs, may I help with your bags?"

"Yes, thank you Harry." I smile gratefully.

Harry knew how much I refused the marriage, he looked at me with pity in his eyes, but even he couldn't do or say anything that will change my fate.

I never grew up with my parents, they were always away, and even if they were here, they were never fully present in my life. It was the servants in the castle that did. If I'm being honest, I have a better relationship with Harry than I do with my own father.

Walking down the marble stairway, I pause midway as I overhear my parents whisper to one another at the bottom of the staircase.

''The King agreed because they are soulmates.'' my mother whispers harshly to my father. "Whatever that may be." I tried to concentrate and listen carefully, but I was still quite far to hear anything clearly.

''Its in the prophecy, what did he mean by that?" My father asks.

Prophecy? I tried to move a little closer to hear better.

''I'm sure you misunderstood what he said," my mother disregards, "there's no such thing as a prophecy Nikolai. Come now, I'll ask the servants to bring you a cup of tea, I worry this arrangement is getting to you.''

''No Nadia, I don't need tea, We have to tell her." My father stops her, "something about this doesn't seem alright, at least-''

''Tell me what?'' I ask making my presence known. My parents finally notice my presence, with shock written all over their faces, as if I overheard a conversation I was not supposed to hear.

"And what about a prophecy?" I press further as I take my last step, now standing in front of them with an arched brow. My Father clears his throat and they both straighten up.

"You should not be sneaking up on your parents Marisela, snooping is not what a future queen should be doing." My mothers says as she walks over to me with a stern look on her face.

"What were you two talking about?" I ask again.

"Not that it is any of your business, your father and I were talking about an issue with regards to the kingdom." She says as she gives my father a quick glance. "Now, enough about that, let's have one last family breakfast before your departure. Come along now." She says as she walks towards the dining area. My father and I share a look but is the first to look away and sighs. "Listen to your mother, Marisela." He follows after her.

Taking a deep breath, and pushing aside whatever that was between my parents, I follow them in to the dining hall. I take my seat at the breakfast table. I can't help but notice the weird glances my father would give my mother who in turn just ignored him.

My parents sat on either head of the large table while I sat in the middle.

"Is there anything that I could do to help?" I question suspiciously.

"You know Marisela, it's very rude to eavesdrop especially when it is none of your concern." My mother snaps dismissing the subject entirely.

Knowing I wouldn't get any answers, I ignored the fact that they both lied to my face and turn my attention to the delicious delicacies being brought out by the maids. They laid a silver plate in front of each of us, slowly revealing a beautifully well set dish.

I quirk an eyebrow at my father hoping he will tell me something, but he quietly shook his head "no" basically telling me to let it go. I sigh and did exactly that.

"This is a good opportunity for you darling." My mother speaks up as he takes a sip of her tea, "for the kingdom as well."

"Opportunity?" I scoff.

"You're mother and I are very grateful to you for agreeing to this proposal." My father finally speaks up. "Soon I will be handing my crown to you and to the future king of Greemalia. This is a huge responsibility."

Technically I didn't have a choice. Choosing to not speak up, I nod my head instead, taking a piece of bacon into my mouth.

"Indeed we are Marisela, the King will definitely be happy." Mother smiles causing me to mentally roll my eyes. "Especially because you will be on your best behavior," she gives me a stern look as if speaking to a child, "for the sake of this kingdom." Again, I choose to not say a word, instead I revert to nodding my head once at her then turn my attention back to the meal set before me.

"Darling," my mother turns to my father with a questioning look, "are you not having tea this morning?" She asks him, referring to his cup of coffee in his hand.

"I told you Nadia," he sighs, "I don't want tea this morning."

" But its a tea that I made for you darling, I put in all my time and effort making sure that it was made to your liking." She says to him sounding a little hurt.

"But that is alright, I suppose you do drink tea every day. " she says forcing a fake smile.

I mentally roll my eyes at her.

Always the manipulator.

My father sighs feeling a little guilty. He calls Harry and asks him to bring him a cup of tea. When Harry delivers the tea, my mother smiles pleased with my fathers change of heart.

She has him wrapped around her little finger.

"Marisela, you need to hurry your breakfast or you will be late for your flight." Mother says to me while sipping on her tea.

"Its a private plane mother, surely I can be a few minutes late." I reply taking a sip of my coffee.

"Actually," she looks at me, "the king sent one of his own planes, Their kingdom is so guarded that you are only allowed entry by invite from the king. Therefore you won't be accompanied by any of our palace guards." She says.

"Are you serious?" I say perplexed, my brows furrowing in frustration.

"I have no reason to lie," she sips on her tea, "he also sent a few of his trusted body guards to ensure your safety on your departure, they are outside waiting for you."

I was left speechless throughout the remainder of my breakfast. Just as the servant cleared the last of the plates, my father spoke up.

"Marisela, before you leave, you must remember-"

"I know father, " I sigh, "I will be careful." I look over at mother who nods her head in approval.

"Its for the best Dear," mother looks at me sternly.

''I just don't understand why I have to get married.'' I say to no one in particular. I look out the large window, gazing over the beautiful ocean view.

I'm going to miss this, I thought to myself.

''Sela ,'' Father sighs and I knew what he would say next, ''you are the Heir to the throne, you need someone to rule by your side, our people won't like having to be ruled by a lonesome Queen. The King is a very powerful man, if anything your mother and I are very proud that he has his eyes set on our daughter.'' Seemingly, every time he says that, the more it sounds rehearsed.

''I understand Father, but why does it have to be arranged?'' I ask sounding a annoyed of the situation I'm in. "I don't know anything about him and yet I will be marrying him."

''Its not as bad as it seems," mother cuts in, "look at your father and I, we were arranged to be wed and look at how happy we are together."

''Exactly," Father adds with a ghost of a smile, ''it will work out for the two of you. "

I refused to say another word, knowing that this was a battle I have lost.

King Nikolai, King of Greemalia. Tall and well built for someone of his age. He always has he's hair cut short, and his once dark locks now grey. Unlike me, my father has brown eyes.He is the type of King who doesn't show much emotion to the public, he always has a rather stern look, he's always serious. He is the kind of person that is interesting to listen to. When he speaks, he speaks with confidence and authority. Our people love to listen to him, they admire him and respect him. He is a good King, I suppose in another universe ... a good father.

I don't have any similarities to him, and quite frankly I have none of my mother's too.

Queen Nadia. Beautiful is the first word to come to mind when you see her. My Mother is tall and mighty. She has dark caramel skin. Her eyes, the first thing anyone notices, are as grey and mesmerising as the moon.

I have the same eye color as her, but many have said that my eyes are uniquely different.

Her wild hair is dark- long and curly, just above her ribcage. She's got curves in all of the right places, for someone of her age, she looks incredibly young.

Out of the many physical differences between my parents and I, there is one that stands out the most. My hair.

Its an unusual color of light grey. On some days it would look white. My parents always told me that my appearance made me unique. Other people however, have their own opinions.

It was because of that, that I rarely ever made an appearance outside of the castle grounds. For a long time I enjoyed my own company. I never got bored inside the castle, I always spent most of my time in the library. If I wasn't there, I'd go down to the ocean.

I never questioned my parents love affair, I always wanted to know more about it as a kid, but every time I did ask them I was always told the same story. Eventually I grew tired of asking for more and accepted what I was told.

My parents had an arranged marriage. That's the end of it.

The King and Queen of Greemalia, both so different in every way, and yet together, fit so perfectly.

Sometimes I wonder if their love is real. I shake my head clearing all negative thoughts.

When it was time to say goodbye, I hugged both of my parents, noticing how my mother looked much happier and excited to see me off. With one last final goodbye, I hopped into the awaiting vehicle and off we went. Sitting alone in the back, with only the driver in the front seat, I was once again left alone with my thoughts.

A part of me didn't want to leave, but the other part of me, the part that was always seeking for answers, wanted the adventure... Even though my heart was used as a gamble.

I sigh, looking out the window as I watch the scenery fly by.

Greemalia is a small beautiful island-kingdom, surrounded by the bluest of waters. Not many people know of our little kingdom, it's not even on most maps...

It's safer that way at least.

With a two hour drive ahead of me to the only airport on the island, I decided to take a nap.

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