Alex hooked his arms under me as he lifted me and took me indoors as everyone else followed.

My dad had been put in the cell downstairs while Pauline began to work her magic, my mother sitting by his side, her eyes puffy and red from crying.

The lounge was filled with hushed tones as we waited to hear something about my dad, I was praying he would be ok. But my head wasn’t quite there yet, my alpha gene wanted to fight still.

“Serena, are you in pain still?” Carla frowns as she watches me.

“No, I’m fine” I shake my head as Alex turns to me, watching me carefully.

“Then why do you have a pained look on your face” she replies

“My wolf is mourning a pack member; my father is unconscious downstairs as some fucker is messing with our heads and I feel like want to tear everything apart!” I snap.

“Don’t snap at me Serena” She grumbles as she hugs into Daniel.

“Do you feel something within your head?” David asks.

“Its…its not normal…” I groan holding my head.

“Pauline!” Alex shouts before picking me up and taking me swiftly down the stairs.

“Oh no, what’s happened?” Pauline says in a fluster as her hand hovers over me and her eyes widen.

“What is it, Pauline?” Mum asks.

“The same person who took over Grayson is trying to get in your head too Serena. You must resist as much as you can! I can only deal with one of you at a time. It’s not a quick process” She says as her hand goes back to my father.

“What happens if I can’t resist?” I gulp.

“They’ll take your mind completely and I will struggle to get you back. They will be able to use your body to do anything, including order the pack” She sighs.

“Never gets any better…” Tony murmurs from the side of the room.

“Lock me up,” I said as I tried to think of every way I could to help prevent me from doing any damage to the packs.

“No, we’ll come up with something else” Alex refuses.

“It wasn’t a suggestion Alex. If I can’t control the power, then the whole pack is in danger. I need you to lock me up so I can’t hurt anyone. You can help Liv and Oliver with keeping the pack safe alongside Lucien and Calvin. Someone needs to find out exactly who is doing this, which hunters are helping them and stop this.”

“So what is stopping them getting in every head here?!” Alex shouts angrily.

“I am. I can keep them out easily if they aren’t in the mind already, but once they get in, it’s like they cling to every inch of the mind. I’m having to go through every single piece of the mind to rid Grayson of this turmoil. I’m going as quick as I can, but I’m tiring, I’m nothing without a coven” Pauline sighs.

“Which is why you have me to help” Tony adds.

“Blood will only give so much before it begins to turn me,” Pauline says as Tony nods.

“I can try to find another witch to help” Calvin walks down the stairs slowly.

“That’s risky business,” Mum says.

“What choice do we have Cassandra?” Calvin replies.

“Find another witch to help, but they are under constant guard” I order as Calvin nods at me.

“I will show you the traitor too,” Pauline says as Calvin grabs her hand quickly.

“Traitorous retch!” Calvin shouts angrily. I couldn’t concentrate on him right now though, my head was pounding, my body called towards something.

My eyes drift over each person in the room until they meet my father’s body as my wolf begins to growl and get aggressive.

“Get me locked up” I clench my teeth, trying to reign in my wolf in my head.

“What…” Mum frowns before I let out an almighty roar as Alex holds me down as I claw at him, trying to attack my dad on the bench.

“Lock me up now!” I cry out as I try to fight back in my mind.

“No, I can’t…” Alex looks at me sadly.

“I’ll do it” Mum growls as she takes me from him and leads me to a room nearby as I wriggle in her arms, but Tony helps her, keeping me from running.

“I’m sorry, this is really going to hurt, I’m so sorry baby,” Mum says as she clamps the silver shackles on my arms as I howl out in pain.

“ALPHA!” I hear the pack shout as they feel my pain before all goes quiet, the silver weakening my power.

“Go tell the pack to stay calm” I grit my teeth in pain as I fall to my knees.

The door bursts open as Liv and Oliver run down the stairs their eyes darting around to find me.

“Alpha! What the hell?! Why is she shackled?!” Liv tries to get to me and undo them but is grabbed by Alex and toss away as she growls and shifts, snarling at him.

“ENOUGH! Her mind is not her own right now and until Pauline can help her this is the only way to keep her and the pack safe. Now SHIFT!” My mum growls at Liv as Oliver looks at me in shock.

“You’re hurting her!” Liv cries out as she notices me crying in pain from the silver.

“Liv, I know, I don’t want her in there as much as you, she’s my mate and I would do anything to stop her pain, but we have to be careful, this was her choice” Alex mumbles, I can hear the pain in his voice.

“Protect…The…Pack” I wince through the pain.

“The pack will be fine Serena,” Mum says.

Get out the shackles…run…kill…destroy…they weaken us!

I scream out in pain as there is a constant loop in my head from my wolf. I had to get out of here, I had to keep everyone safe and even in the shackles, I could feel the power burn through my head before I felt the rage flood my body as I began to tense against the shackles, pulling at them.

“Serena! No! Stop!” Alex shouts at me as he rushes to my side, pushing me back, trying to calm me, but instead my rage built, my muzzle shifting slowly as I bit his arm hard, growling at him.

“You…Cannot…Control…Me!” I scream out as I realise what I had done, pushing back at the power in my head as I fall back to the ground, panting.

“Alex, get yourself to Olivia now” Mum orders but he doesn’t listen, he just watches me carefully.

“Serena…” He says as he moves a lock of hair from my face.

“I’m sorry” I cry.

“Serena it’s ok,” Alex says as his hand comes closer I bat it away from me and move back from him.

“No, it’s not ok. Get out! Get out!” I scream.

“Serena! Calm down!” Alex tries to get closer, but my mum puts a hand on his shoulder stopping him.

“Go see Olivia now Alex. She’s distressed and you’re making it worse. I know you want to help but can’t you see the fear in her eyes, she’s scared to hurt you” She says.

“I need to protect her” He growls.

“Protect me by being away from me” I whimper as I turn from them all, crying from the pain of the wounds on my body from the silver and from hurting my mate.

“Serena…” Alex says quietly.

“Out… Just get out,” I whimper.

“Come on Alex, let’s go,” Oliver says as I hear them retreat from the room leaving my mother the only other in my section of the basement.

“You didn’t mean it Serena; it will be ok baby” Mum says coming near.

“Don’t, don’t come near me. Get out, I don’t want anyone in here. I can’t hurt anyone else” I cry.

“Baby…” She says her hand on my shoulder.

“GET OUT!” I growl as my rage begins to build again she sees it in my eyes, a tear falling from her face as she nods and pulls back, closing the huge iron door which separated the cell from the second section of the basement.

I could hear the locks all click in place, I could also feel the rage build within me again, I couldn’t contain it much longer, they were in my head, I was losing myself and I could feel it.

Calvin better hurry up with that other witch.

My mind was in tatters for hours as I began to pull against the silver shackles once more, my wolf pining to get out as it burnt us.

I ignored the searing pain as my wolf began to help push through the shackles, shifting at the same time as we burst out of them, silver flying across the room with a clank.

I howl loudly as it bounces off the walls echoing and almost shaking the house.

Footsteps rush to the door as they peer through the protective glass.

“Serena! Oh shit! She got out the shackles!” Tony shouts out.

I jump up at the door, snarling at him like a rabid dog, claws pounding at the door as all I can feel is the need to get out, rip something apart.

“Serena! Fight! Fight your mind, this isn’t you!” Tony begins to look panicked as the door begins to give under the force I am putting on it.

Again and again, I pound at the door as I ignore the pain rushing through my body.

“Serena! Oh my, get the pack to the safe houses! If she breaks free we’re all in trouble!” Pauline looks shocked at the door as she notices me, teeth bared at her.

I shift to my human form as they watch in shock.

“Let me out Pauline” I growl.

“No, you need to fight your mind, Serena. This isn’t you” She squeaks in terror.

“Let…Me…OUT!” I slam my fist against the door, the bolts shake as I begin to smirk.

“Pauline I have brought you a…What’s going on?” Calvin rushes down the stairs with another man in tow as he watches me.

“Let me out Calvin, they won’t let me out. I just want out. Come on, please. I need to get back to my pack Calvin, just let…me…OUT!” I growl as his eyebrows raise in shock.

“When did this begin?” Calvin asks before I shift once more, attacking the door with all my might as it begins to bend under the force, a gap beginning to form.

“What madness have you brought me into Calvin?” The new man steps backwards in terror.

“Her mind has been taken over by another, we need to stop her!” Pauline cries out as they all step back further.

I howl out an almighty roar before suddenly bursting through the door as Pauline screams as I pounce on her, growling, my teeth bared.

“Serena! Come on! You want to attack someone, come attack someone your own size!” A voice shouts down the stairs as my eyes snap up and I jump towards them.

“Alex NO!” Tony shouts as I run towards Alex as he stands in a defensive stance.

I sniff the air and smell someone…A human as I dart off in another direction, furniture torn apart as I burst through a set of doors into the lounge.

“Oh no…Carla stay behind me” Daniel growls at me.

“Serena…That’s your best friend…” Alex stands behind me as he tries to pull me back, but I snap at him before taking a step towards Daniel and Carla.

“Serena…You’re scaring me…Please don’t do this” Carla cries behind Daniel.

Kill her…Do it…

My urges push me forward as Daniel shifts, as does Alex behind me.

“Serena!” Carla’s hands shake in fear behind Daniel.

Kill her…

I howl, the sound vibrating through the house as I look towards my target, licking my lips as my canines grew larger.

“You will not touch my mate!” Daniel growls.

“Then I will go through you too!” I growl as I go to pounce I am suddenly pinned on the ground.

“STOP!” My father was on me, growling, his body looking frail but he still held his alpha power.

“Hold her!” Pauline cries out as she and the other magic wielder lay their hands on my head and begin to mutter their spells as pain floods my body.

“Daniel get Carla out of here now!” Alex orders as Carla cries in his arms from fear.

I feel the shift in power from my mind as they worked their magic on me, fear flooding my mind as I remembered everything that I had done. I had nearly killed my best friend…I had hurt my mate… Then I passed out.

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