I shift as soon as I get outside as I see the even bigger group of vampires, these were covered in blood and already attacking what looked like a group of magic wielders, wolves, and vampires…

“They’re with us!” Tony calls out beside Pauline as I nod.

“Just like before, create a path!” I howl as Zane leaps up beside me.

The packs push through with the hunters aiming more carefully this time as it was more chaotic than the last.

“Serena! Get me to them!” Pauline shouts as I bark in agreement as she jumps on my back.

“Zane! I need to get her to the others the other side!” I call as he nods, howling as he and a few of the others join me in leaping over the vampires, tearing at them as we get Pauline to the other side.

“Pauline!” A young witch cries out as she’s battling a vampire.

I leap over with Zane as we take it down, Pauline jumps off me and dives into the fight as she links hands with the new witch, chanting as their eyes turn bright white and the floor begins to shake.

I howl as I feel the power surge through me and the other wolves as we’re flooded with a new power as we rip through vampires again and again.

“Get them and get back in!” I order as Pauline and the little witch jump onto Zane’s back and others grab the rest of the group.

I whirl around as I feel a stab of pain from one of my pack members going down as my eyes dart across the battle as I spot Eric being thrown about as he howls in pain.

Leaping over the vampires I’m joined by Liv and Oliver as we attack anything in our path as Liv gets to Eric first.

“Serena! I don’t think he’ll make it!” She calls.

“Get him inside! We have to at least give him the chance! Oliver! Go with her!” I order.

“Serena! Retreat!” Zane calls out as I see most of the packs were nearly back.

“Wolf bitch!” A vampire growls as it jumps on me as it squeezes my back hard, yelping in pain as I manage to grab its shoulder and toss it to the ground.

A smaller wolf darts to my side, ripping off the head of the vampire before helping me get back to the base.

“Did everyone get back in?!” I call out.

“Ralph! Ralph is missing!” A woman shouts to Zane as he looks out towards the vampires.

“There! In the trees!” The young wolf beside me calls.

“Shit…” I growl as the vampire numbers seem to be rising again.

“They just keep coming!” Carla runs out as she’s helping her mum tend to the wounded.

“Help me!” The young boy, Ralph, in the tree shouts. He had to be about thirteen.

“Pauline! Can you get him?!” I shout.

“I’m wiped!” She groans from the ground.

“Shit…” I pace.

The trees begin to shake as the vampires notice him.

“I think it’s my turn,” Calvin comes out with a huge grapple gun as he aims it at the tree and hands it to me.

“Hold this would you, you might need a few hands…” he says.

“Zane! Owen! Give me a hand!” I shout as they race to my side, holding the grapple gun as Calvin clips something to it and himself as it zips him across to the tree as he grabs Ralph and zips back.

“Now that’s cool,” I smile as he comes into land.

The woman that was screaming for the boy rushes up and holds him in her arms.

“Thank you!” She cries before taking him away.

“I didn’t think you could get any cooler,” I smirk at Calvin as he gives a bow.

But then I feel the line tug in our arms as vampires climb the tree and onto the line.

“Throw it!” Calvin shouts as Owen takes it and lobs it as far as he can as they tumble to the ground.

“We need to cull the numbers, they are turning up more than we know how to deal with,” A hunter comes to Calvin.

“Got any flame throwers?” Owen asks with a twinkle in his eyes.

“Plenty,” Calvin smirks.

“Get a team burning the bitches, roast them!” I order as Owen runs off, gathering a group to join Calvin and the other hunters.

I wince as I feel a tether snap.

“Eric…” I whine.

“Serena…” Zane places a hand on my arm as I feel an electric shock, skin tingling.

“Oh goddess,” I groan.

“Mate…” He whispers.

“Not the time Zane, I’m sorry,” I sigh.

“I know, trust me. We’ll get to know each other after the battle. However…” He says before planting a kiss on my lips quickly before rushing off.

“Of all the times…” I groan as I run into the building.

“Eric…” Carla says, tears in her eyes.

“I know,” I sigh as I walk over to his body, kissing his head and howling to the pack.

“Serena! Have you seen Brianna?! I can’t find her!” Mum comes rushing into the room, frantically looking around.

“No! I haven’t!” I look around in a panic.

“Carla, have you seen Brianna?” I ask.


“Those who are able, I want my sister found! Brianna is missing!” I call to their pack.

“We don’t know what she looks like!” Robin shouts as I close my eyes and project an image of her into their heads.

“Brianna! Where are you?!” I try to call through our link.

“Bad vampires,” She links back suddenly.

“Where are you?” I ask again.

I push into her mind as I see through her eyes, she’s in a long cement corridor, lights flickering as she hides by a box.

Red eyes were glowing in the distance.

“SHIT! Calvin! Dad!” I shout bolting towards where my father was.

“What?!” He asks in a panic.

“A cement corridor, flickering lights, do you know of one here? Brianna’s in it, vampires are heading right her way!” I call.

“Fuck!” He howls as his pack flock towards him as I follow quickly as we head down to the basement, running down I see several corridors.

“Brianna!” I shout.

“Find the girl and get out! We have to block the entrances off!” Dad orders as I shift, sniffing the air.

“Brianna which tunnel?” I ask.

“I don’t remember,” She cries.

“Shit,” I smell the air again as do the other wolves, but there were too many scents. Splitting into groups we bolted down the corridors.

I ended up coming face to face with vampires as they hiss at me, fangs bared as I growled.

“Move back! She’s not in this one! Vampires are though!”” I growl to the wolves behind me who were halfway through the tunnel, after I had bolted in ahead.

Shit…The corridor was too narrow for me to turn as a wolf.

“Here doggy,” The vampires taunted as I backed up snarling.

“We’ve got her! Serena! Get out!” Dad shouts.

“Get her!” A vampire shouts as they begin to flit towards me.

Needing to shift to be able to turn I shifted but the vampires were quicker, jumping on me as I fought them hand to hand, trying to shift but they stopped me every time, biting at my skin as I roar out.


Gunshots echo in the corridor as vampire after vampire goes down, giving me the chance to shift and bolt away from them, but one jumped last minute, grabbing on with its claws as I burst through the entrance and a hunter slammed down a silver and iron door as I thrashed around, the vampire on my back digging into my skin as I howl.

It’s ripped from my back as a wolf leaps over me, ripping it apart as I whine on the floor.

“Serena, I’m sorry!” Brianna cries in my mothers arms.

“Get her to a healer now!” Dad shouts as the wolf that had saved me from the vampire shifts as I notice it’s Alpha Quinn.

“How the hell are you here?” I groan as he lifts me.

“A very nice Luna pack joined us, and we managed to fight our way in while you were saving others from the south,” He says as he places me down on a bed.

“Serena! For god sake! Why is it always you?!” Wren growls running to me as she pours a vial of liquid on my wounds as I yelp in pain.

“Comes with being an alpha I guess” I groan.

“That will help you heal quickly, I have to go, several hunters have been burnt,” She runs off as my eyes go wide.

“I must go see Brianna, thank you for everything you’ve done for her Serena,” Quinn says as I nod, and he runs off.

“Thank you for helping me!” I call out to him before he disappears.

I groan as my wounds begin to heal I was no way the worst of the hurt. I walk through the busy room as I notice new faces, healers of what I was guessing the Luna pack.

“Alpha Serena, my name is Luna Talia, I am leader of the Luna pack,” A petite older wolf holds out her hand as I shake it.

“I appreciate you coming, Luna Talia, I hope none of your wolves have been hurt,” I sigh looking around the room.

“Nothing we can’t manage. Once this is over we shall talk, but first, we must get through the night,” She says and wanders off quickly.

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