Upon entering the dining room Anna saw Christian standing by the fire looking incredibly different from they way he'd looked when she left him hours ago. His fur looked as if he'd bathed, and had been brushed free of knots. It looked as though he’d even trimmed his mane and filed his claws down as well.

“You look lovely,” he managed past the lump in his throat.

In truth she was the most beautiful creature he could ever remember seeing.

Since arriving, Anna had filled out into a stunning young woman. Her hair had lost its mousy limpness and now hung in soft curls around her face. Her cheeks and chins had softened with decent food, and she seemed to have added several inches to her height as well.

“Please sit,” Christian said, pulling out her chair.

“Thank you,” Anna said, accepting his invitation with a radiant smile.

Over their meal, they talked about many topics from literature to art to botany. While they’d spent every day together, and she had ceased to cringe when he came into view Christian was still bewildered at the ease she seemed to have when he was near.

"Is there anything that you miss about the outside world," he asked suddenly, shocking both himself and Anna.

The young woman seemed to give the question a lot of thought before replying.

"No," she sighed, fingering the stem of her wine glass, "not really. I would love to know that my father and sisters are well. Despite how they treated me they are still my family."

"Would it ease your mind if I told you they were well?" Christian asked, having kept a magical eye on them since Albert's first incursion onto his lands.

"They are?" she asked, relieved to hear the news.

"Yes," he nodded, feeling no guilt about spying on them. "Though they are still as ruthless and rude as ever."

"Well," Anna laughed looking at him, "we can't expect miracles can we?"

"No," Christian chuckled, loving the sound of her laughter, "no, we can't."

At the end of their meal Christian asked Anna to join him for a walk in the gardens.

"I would love to," she replied, meaning every word, "but I need to run upstairs for my shawl."

Without a pause, Christian waved his hand and like a magician a soft, golden shawl appeared in his hand.

"Will this do?" he asked, holding open for her.

"It's perfect," Anna sighed, enjoying its velvety softness as it settled onto her shoulders.

Taking her hand, he led the way into the night taking her down a candle lit path she’d never noticed before. Intrigued, she looked up at Christian, but saw nothing in his expression.

The path led to a glass building, glowing with light. Opening the door for her, Christian stood back and reveled in Anna delight.

The greenhouse was full of flowers and butterflies of all color and size.

Not realizing she was moving, Anna walked to the center of the room. Opening her arms, she spun on her toes laughing as butterflies landed on her face, their little feet tickling her nose.

She’d never see so many colors in one place.

“Christian,” she gasped, looking at him, her eyes glowing with delight, “this is amazing!”

Running to him, she took both his hands in hers and pulled him into the center of the room with her, spinning them both.

Soon Christian was laughing with her as butterflies landed on him too.

On impulse, he pulled her into his embrace sliding his hand around her waist, his other hand gently holding hers.

Slowly they swayed as music began coming out of the flowers around them.

Anna had never danced a day in her, but with Christian's arms wrapped around her it felt completely natural.

Together they spun around the room Anna's feet barely touching the floor.

Swinging her in the air, Christian's heart soared seeing the joy on Anna's face.

Pulling her close, not letting her feet touch the ground Christian couldn't believe how wonderful it felt having her in his arms.

Looking into her eyes, Christian couldn't stop himself. Without thinking he leaned forward and kissed her, being careful not to hurt her with his jagged teeth.

Anna's hands slowly rose, cupping each of his downy cheeks, relishing in the feeling on his lips on hers.

Lowering her to the ground, Christian could barely catch his breath. In his long life, as a human and as a monster, he'd never felt like this for anyone before.

No less affected, Anna leaned into him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Good night Christian," she said, moving away from him trying to hide the blush that burned across her cheeks and breasts.

"Good night Anne," he replied, wanting nothing more than to go after her and sweep he back into his arms.

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