Davina laid atop a metal bed, going in and out of consciousness. She’d wake up, finding bright lights mere inches from her face, then quickly drift back to sleep. At one point, she managed to stay awake long enough that her limbs gained feeling. She made an attempt to move her arms and legs but found they were restrained. As she fought a wave of sleepiness that was slowly taking over once more, she heard a door creak open, and a blurry figure approaching her. She closed her eyes only for a moment, but reopened them to find the figure now at her side, resting the palm of their hand on her forehead.

“I’m sorry, but if Vincent finds you all dazed, he’ll know what I’m up to. It’s best if you’re asleep for what I have to show you.” A feminine voice spoke before Davina’s eyes fluttered shut and she fell back into a deep sleep. Not a moment after, her eyes peeled open, and she sat up immediately. She panted heavily as she examined her surroundings, not expecting the change in scenery. She found herself sitting on the ground in a forest bare of anything but trees. She cautiously stood up, wanting to remain sharp, and on guard in case she needed to act. The more she looked around, the more she felt that she didn’t need to be on guard. For a reason unbeknownst to her, she felt safe.

“Where the hell did that person send me?” Davina asked herself. In her mind, she came to the conclusion that it had to have been a witch or a beast. To her knowledge, a ghoul or banshee couldn’t do what the strange woman from before did. The wind suddenly began to pick up, making her shiver, and rub her arms to provide warmth. She could hear something in the distance. It was faint, telling her whatever it was, it was far away. She shut her eyes, trying her best to drown out the sounds of the howling wind. She focused on that one sound with her beast like hearing. In her ears, the sound enhanced. It enhanced so loud that she swore she was standing right next to it.

“Wind chimes.” Davina said as she recognized the soothing sound. She opened her eyes and turned in the direction of the chimes before running throughout the forest to pinpoint the location. The sky began to darken as she continued to run throughout the seemingly never ending forest. She stopped for a moment to let herself catch her breath. She rested her hands on her knees, panting heavily as she did.

“I’m never gonna find this thing, am I?” Davina asked herself. Just then, the wind chimes rang in her ears. Davina’s eyes went from the dirt beneath her, to the large, two story house sat before her. Not far from it was a lake with a dock. She stared at the rushing water in the lake before the chimes caught her attention once more. She turned back to the house before approaching it. She walked up the steps of the porch and to the tall, wooden door before her. Inside, she could hear laughter. She hesitantly reached out and twisted the door knob, letting the front door creak open. She then quietly entered and shut the door behind her before walking throughout a long entrance way and towards the laughter. She entered a large room with the living room, kitchen, and dining space all connected. To the left of her sat the kitchen, the right sat the dining area, and not far ahead sat the living room with high ceilings and wooden beams. On the carpet of the living room sat a much older woman. In front of her was a young child around the ages 1-2. The older woman with pepper hair tickled the child, emitting the giggles Davina heard before. The older woman stopped for a moment, making the child’s laughter cease, before continuing her playful attacks, and earning precious giggles once again. She lifted the child up into her arms, staring up at them with amazement. She then embraced the child and pressed a kiss to their cheek,

“Well, don’t just stand over there, child. Come and join us. We have much to discuss.” The older woman said making Davina’s eyes widen a little. When Davina didn’t come, the older woman turned to her. She patted to the spot next to her as she rocked the child with one arm. Davina was hesitant as she approached the older woman and sat down beside her. She eyed her cautiously as the older woman gazed at the child.

“Did my niece inform you of your purpose here today?” The older woman asked. Davina only shook her head. She wasn’t sure who the woman was and didn’t feel much like speaking to her until she knew. The woman let out a sigh before she turned and put the baby down in a crib sat beside her.

“I’m Mabel.” Mabel introduced herself. Davina nodded her head, then held her hand out for the woman to shake.

“I’m Davina.” Davina replied, making Mabel chuckle.

“I know, darling.” Mabel spoke as she took Davina’s hand. Instead of shaking it, she gave it a light squeeze, but didn’t let go afterward. “Where were you before coming here?” Mabel asked curiously, giving Davina her full, undivided attention. Davina wasn’t quite sure why, but she felt that Mabel knew much more than she did. That Mabel knew of her circumstances. She also felt that she could trust her profoundly.

“I believe I’m somewhere in a lab of some sort. I remember having a light directly above my head and lying on something hard and cold, perhaps metal. My arms and legs were also restrained. A woman came and found me. She told me she had to show me something that Vincent couldn’t know about, then she put me to sleep.” Davina said.

“Oh, my. My niece certainly has left you in the dark.” Mabel said, letting out an amused chuckle. Mabel’s eyes drifted away for a moment as she sat deep in thought.

“You know, when my daughter told me she was seeing an older man, I warned her of how dangerous that could be. She obviously didn’t listen to me considering she was just a teenager at the time.” Mabel said before pausing. “You have to understand, it was a different time. Gapped relationships like that wouldn’t slide so easily now. Admittedly, I shouldn’t have let it. I should’ve done more to stop them, but...” Mabel said, her voice trailing off. She then stood and made her way over to the window, looking out at the night sky before her. Davina frowned but slowly stood and followed after her.

“But, I guess if I had stopped her, you would’ve never had a sister.” Mabel said, turning to Davina. Davina’s frown only deepened. Her mind began to race, wondering who the lady before her truly was.

“Tea?” Mabel asked as she made her way over to the kitchen.

“Hold up-” Davina started as she followed after Mabel. “You mean my sister, Bianca?” Davina asked as Mabel went through her cabinets.

“Do you like sugar or cream with your tea?” Mabel asked from the other side of the counter. When she turned back to pour boiling water into a cup, Davina could see how much the older woman resembled Bianca. She couldn’t say they looked a lot alike, but they both had the same shade of brown in their eyes. It almost looked like honey when the light hit it just right. She realized the older woman before her was Bianca’s grandmother. Almost immediately, she felt tears pricking in her eyes.

“I tried, you know.” Davina said, making Mabel come to a stop, and set the kettle down on the counter. “I really did try to save her but I couldn’t get to the gun in time.” Davina continued in a barely audible voice. Mabel stared at her with softened eyes as Davina let a tear trickle down her cheek.

“I don’t doubt that you did what you could. You’re only human, after all. When it comes to a beast, I fear no human, not even one of the organization, can overpower it. If only she’d known she could’ve done something to keep her safe.” Mabel spoke as she poured some hot water into the remaining cup. She then handed one to Davina as she took a sip of her own.

“What do you mean?” Davina asked as Mabel made her way over to the child, who now stood up in their crib, bouncing up and down. Davina could now see the young child more clearly. She had small, brown pigtails formed at the base of her head. She had chubby cheeks with deep, apparent dimples as well as golden brown skin. What Davina noticed most of all was that she had the same big, brown eyes that Mabel had. That herbelovedsister had.

“Bianca’s mother, my daughter, was never fond of what we are. She wanted to be normal, but she never was. When she met a man who seemed as normal and wonderful as he led her to believe, she found she wanted to settle down with him. It wasn’t long after she was impregnated that she realized Vincent wasn’t as normal or as wonderful as he seemed. She learned of the life he lead and how close he was to the supernatural world and wanted no part of it. Only, she couldn’t escape. She only learned of his true intentions after she had Bianca and tried to save the both of them. Vincent put a stop to her plans and killed her.” Mabel said, taking a pause. “Vincent didn’t care if Bianca didn’t have a mother in her life. All he cared about was that he impregnated a woman of the supernatural world, so that one day, he could use his own child to create a mutant. A cross of a beast and whatever he pleased.” Mabel continued.

“A genetically modified beast.” Davina uttered, making Mabel nod. “So then, what does that make you?” Davina then asked. Mabel turned to her with a slight smirk across her face.

“A smart girl like yourself ought’ve figured it out by now.” Mabel said. Davina knew the options of a ghoul or banshee were eliminated. She also knew Mabel couldn’t be a beast because it wasn’t possible for it to run in the family. Which meant, Mabel, and her deceased sister, were witches.

“But, I didn’t call you here for a little history lesson about my family. I called you here about your sister’s daughter.Your niece.” Mabel revealed as she picked the young child up from the crib. Davina eyes widened from shock. Despite the eye color, she would’ve never guessed that the child before her was Bianca’s daughter. She immediately approached Mabel and the child to get a closer look. She clasped her hand over her mouth when she saw just how much the young girl resembled her sister.

“My children have all died at the hands of Vincent. They tried to avenge their sister, but each of them failed. I sent my niece despite knowing the dangers, in hopes that she could send you to me.” Mabel started. “This child is all I have left of my daughter and Bianca. I cannot accept a world where she is not in it. Where Vincent takes her and preforms his appalling experiments on her. She’s just too young!” Mabel continued in a shaky voice. “When I learned from my niece that there was skilled hunter, slowly turning into a beast, was stronger than any member of the organization, and was the sister of my grandchild, I knew I had to call you here.” Mabel spoke. Her eyes finally found Mabel’s, finding a gave expression upon the older woman’s face.

“What am I to do?” Davina asked.

“I ask of you to please let Vincent inject you with whatever he uses to turn supernatural’s into genetically modified beasts. Let him try to turn you into what he’s planned and I promise I will place a spell upon you to slow the transformation process, and to keep you from being under the control of Vincent. So that then, you can kill that son of a bitch before he learns ofherexistence.” Mabel said as both of their eyes trailed down to the young child. Davina gazed at the young child, watching her eyes twinkle as she curiously stared back up at her. Davina knew there was no deciding whether or not she wanted to do this. She knew the life of a young child would be at stake. She couldn’t be selfish. She wouldn’t. Not when the child before her was her niece and all anybody had left of Bianca. She’d noticed Mabel’s face had fallen and she now had a worried expression. She’d gone silent for too long.

“Don’t worry.” Davina immediately assured her. “I’ll do it. For her and for Bianca.” Davina then said. Mabel let out a shaky sigh of relief, letting a smile grace her face.

“Thank you, and if you ever want to visit Ayla and I one day...” Mabel said as she took Davina’s hand in her own. Words were not spoken between the two. Mabel allowed Davina to read her mind, giving her all the information she needed in case she ever wanted to come visit one day. Davina smiled and nodded her head.

“I can guarantee the both of you will see me one day. A day where Vincent is no longer around to cause any harm.” Davina promised. Mabel nodded her head before the room around Davina faded away, leaving a violet cloud of smoke as it went. The room was now pitch black and not far from her sat a violet colored door. With no hesitation and only absolute determination, she headed to the door to do what she promised Mabel she’d do; she’d make the world a safe place for her niece. Not only would she do that, but she’d avenge her sister, Eloise, and of course, bring Colton back. She then swung the door open and entered. She’d forgotten what it was like for her in the real world. That she was restrained and couldn’t do anything but wiggle around, trying to get loose somehow. The presence of another chuckled one they noticed her struggle. Davina’s turned her head slightly to find Vincent standing nearby.

“Well, you didn’t sleep for very long. No matter, however. We’ve already drawn your blood and are starting to modify it.” Vincent spoke. He then approached her and began undoing her restraints. Davina quickly noticed they weren’t the only two in the room. She glanced over, finding the witch from before, Mabel’s niece. Beside her stood Anderson. She didn’t try hiding the scowl on her face as she glared at him.

“I’m sure you’d like to stretch out your legs. How about we go for a stroll, hmm?” Vincent asked, but didn’t wait for an answer. He quickly undid Davina’s restraints and pulled her up from the bed, then pulled her in the direction of the door. The other two began to follow but Vincent shooed them away, leaving just the two of them.

“What’s the matter, dear? You’re awfully quiet.” Vincent uttered, making Davina only turn and glare at him. He quickly took notice. “Oh, come on! I am your papa, after all.” Vincent said with a snicker, making Davina huff.

“I have nothing to say to you.” Davina spat. Vincent hummed at her as he walked slowly with his hands around his back.

“But, of course you do. I know you want to tear into me for a lot of things. For all of the pain and strife I’ve caused in your life. I am giving you the opportunity to do so.” Vincent said in a casual tone. Davina bit the inside of her cheek. He was right about that. She wanted to tear into him for a lot of things. She wanted him to know just how badly he’d fucked her up. She wasdyingto let him know.

“Let’s see, first you kill my mother! Then, you had a man of low morals and malicious intent, search for me so that you could keep tabs on me for years. Then, you had Anderson kill one of the few people I’ve ever allowed myself to get close to, my sister! Then, you had Anderson claw me so deep just so that you could experiment on me, and turn me into a beasts, superior than the King himself. After that, you kidnapped one of my brother’s, my closest one, if I might add! Finally, you called on a war with real people, not beasts, people with more humanity that you’ll ever have!” Davina s[at. Vincent remained silent as she glared at him.

“Also, I’m no fool, Vincent. You wanted me to tell you just as much as I wanted you to know because hearing that you’ve inflicted so much pain in my life brings you pleasure. I’ve learned so much about you in the past week. More than I’ve known about you throughout my adolescent years. I’ve heard stories about all that you’ve done to people and supernatural’s, but the one thing I have yet to learn is the why behind it. Because, it isn’t just about gaining back the control you thought you once had. It can’tjustbe about that.” Davina spoke, making Vincent come to a complete halt. She did the same as he turned to her, staring at her with a look she couldn’t quite comprehend.

“My father was a wretched man. He was bitter for a long time that he wasn’t the head of the organization. That it instead belonged to his cousin.” Vincent said, pausing for a moment. “Victor resembles him in many ways, though the two never got the chance to meet. He believed we’d benefit from becoming allies with the beasts instead of being their enemy. That together, we could do so much more. My father wanted to change that about to organization, but never could. When the leader of that time killed the bride of one of the co-leaders and the war began, my father tried to voice his opinions with others. They wouldn’t listen. They told my father that they wouldn’t stop until each and every beast in this town was eliminated. His opinions got him hung.” Vincent continued as he began walking down the hall once more, Davina following after him.

“Not long before I took control of the organization, Victor was born and my mother moved the both of them a few towns over. She didn’t want to go but I advised her to for the sake of my brother’s life and her own. I didn’t know at the time, but the same co-leader who had his bride murdered, learned of my plan to move her away. In the eyes of this vengeful beast, he believed he needed to take even the families of the organization out. And, that’s what he did. He beheaded my last remaining parent and left a newborn baby by himself. When I learned of this, I quickly went to him, and by the time I had reached there, I’d learned that the only leader of the organization standing in my way of being in complete control, had been killed. I was then in charge. When I looked down into the eyes of my baby brother, I knew I had to eliminate each and every beast just like the leaders before me. Only, I’d do it differently. I’d be smarter than the rest. I’d form a fake alliance and make a plan to take each and every one of them down. I stole from their research, their materials, and beasts from their own clan to create genetically modified ones who’d be at my command and take the King and the remainder of his beasts down. Finally, with them still under my control, I’d order them ingest the poisonous gunpowder from the organization’s bullets.” Vincent finished, leaving Davina a little in shock. She wouldn’t show it, however. She realized then that her and her father were the same. Their own, separate missions, were being driven by idea that they could keep a beloved one safe. To make sure they didn’t have to grow up in a world where they’d be in danger. Davina knew that in this world, nobody would ever truly be safe from supernatural’s and understood Vincent on that level. But, she also knew that in this world, and even before she knew of the existence of supernatural’s, nobody would ever truly be safe from man.

“Now, I must go check and see how far along my scientists are on altering your blood. You’ll wait in here while I go do that. I think you’ll be pleased with the roommate I’ve given you.” Vincent said as they came to a stop in front of a large, metal door. It was then Davina examined her surroundings. Wherever it was, they were underground, and all of the walls around them were made of metal. Before she could examine more, Vincent ushered her into the room. She stumbled as she entered, turning back to scowl at Vincent, but a voice from deep within the room called out to her.

“D-Davina?” The voice of a male spoke. She spun around, recognizing the voice instantly. Her eyes widened when she was met with the sight of somebody she loved. Somebody she hadn’t seen in what felt like eternity.

“Colton?” Davina uttered in a shaky voice. Immediately, Colton ran towards his sister, embracing her tightly. She quietly sobbed in his arms, feeling relieved to know her brother was alive.

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