Charlie let out an annoyed groan when he found Davina was no longer in his bedroom. He was a little shocked the previous night to find Davina in his bed. He couldn’t leave her by herself, so therefore, he couldn’t ask Dean about the decision. During the time she slept throughout the night, he didn’t do much. He didn’t want to wake her with the TV and couldn’t find much else to do but lay there, listening to her soft snores. When morning finally came, he went ahead and began his duties for the day. Later in the day, he had some free time and wanted to go spend it with Davina but found she was no longer in his room. He dragged himself throughout the hallway and to Davina’s bedroom, expecting to find her there. When he didn’t, he panicked.

“Oh, no.” Charlie said in a panicked voice. He quickly searched her bathroom and closet but didn’t find her in either. He then rushed through the halls, searching every room including ones occupied by beasts, for his beloved friend. He let out a panicked shriek when he reached the last room of the mansion, finding that she wasn’t in there. He wondered for a moment if she at some point decided to head up to Dean’s room. He overheard, at some point in the day, Dean got a little stressed from work and decided to clear his plans for the next few hours. Charlie assumed he was resting in his quarters and felt that it was the second most likely place Davina would be. He needed to make sure of it, though. He anxiously made his way to the highest level of the mansion, tearing away at his fingernails as he did. When he reached a grand, wooden, double door, he knew he reached his destination. He quietly peeled one of the doors open and peeked inside. He mentally cursed at Dean for not leaving any curtains open for him to see inside. He shut his eyes for a moment before opening them once again, now seeing the world through his beast eyes. Despite the red color of the world highlighting certain areas for him, he still couldn’t quite see if Davina was in the room or not. He closed the door at took a deep sigh.

“God, please keep me from waking the literal beast.” Charlie prayed out loud though he didn’t believe in any God. He then quietly opened the door once more, entered, and shut it behind him. He then tip toed over to the side of the bed Dean typically didn’t sleep on. He leaned his head down close for him to see, but still couldn’t see much. He then slowly hovered his hand over the spot on the bed and gently placed his hand down to feel for Davina. He mentally sighed of relief that he felt something beneath him, determining it was and could only be Davina.

“Charlie?” An all too familiar voice called out. Charlie mentally cursed himself, realizing he had been caught.

“Yes, My King?” Charlie asked in a high pitched voice, worried to hear what his King would have to say.

“The placement of your hand is somewhere it should never be on my body.” Dean spoke in an irritated tone. Charlie frowned, giving the area a light squeeze before realizing where his hand had been.

“Oh!” Charlie screeched before removing his hand, wiping it on his shirt afterwards.

“Want to tell me what you’re doing in my room?” Dean asked, letting out a sigh as he felt around for the switch on the lamp sat on his nightstand.

“Oh, well, you know me! Just wanting to check up on My King!” Charlie exclaimed as he made an attempt to run around to the other side of the bed. Unfortunately for him, he tripped on the rug on the floor, making him squeal.

“Uh-huh. Now, tell me what you’re really doing in here.” Dean said, sounding a little fed up with Charlie already. Charlie acted quickly and jumped on the bed to feel for Davina. At that moment, Dean found the light switch and turned it on. He then glared upon finding Charlie face planted on his expensive, silk sheets. Charlie quickly lifted his head up, hoping to find Davina’s small figure before him. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t. Charlie let out a squeak once more as he stared at the place that was ‘supposed’ to hold Davina. Dean now frowned at him, turning towards him.

“What is it?” Dean asked. Charlie turned to Dean with a worried expression.

“It appears to me that I have lost an all too familiar, bratty, midget friend of ours.” Charlie said, using a squeaky tone once more. Immediately, Dean knew who Charlie was referring to. Charlie watched as Dean’s chest began to rise and fall at a fast pace, indicating he was furious with Charlie.

“Okay, you must understand that she was sleeping all of the other times I came in to check on her, alright?! I was half expecting her to be asleep when I came back!” Charlie defended himself. He quickly arose from the bed, trying to back far away from Dean, who was now approaching him in angry strides.

“You were supposed to be with her the whole day. Why the fuck weren’t you?” Dean growled, finally reaching Charlie.

“Because, I had tasks and duties to full-fill, Dean!” Charlie exclaimed in an obvious tone of voice as he tried to scatter away. He hopped on the bed, trying to crawl to the other side, but Dean stopped him and leaned over him. Dean opened his mouth to speak when a knock at the door gained his attention. Dean and Charlie then turned as the door now opened. Catrice was just about to enter but stopped when her eyes landed on Dean and Charlie. Dean and Charlie glanced at each other, realizing how the position looked.

“My King?” Catrice asked in a taken aback voice. Dean let out a sigh as he stood up straight, now making his way around the bed.

“Yes, Catrice?” Dean asked in a tired voice.

“I only wanted to inform you that Jackson and Lucian have arrived in New Orleans. Jackson is gathering his beasts as we speak.” Catrice spoke.

“Thank you, Catrice. Will that be all?” Dean asked.

“Yes, My King. Carry on as you were.” Catrice said in an amused tone. Dean shook his head and let out another sigh as Catrice let herself out, closing the door behind her. Dean turned back to find Charlie laying on his side, his hand resting under his head, and his elbow holding him up.

“That really isn’t helping our case.” Dean said, motioning between Charlie and the place where Lucian once stood. Charlie scoffed, realizing quickly what Dean meant.

“Now, if you happened to be gay, wouldn’t I be one of the first men you’d consider fooling around with?” Charlie asked. Dean glared at him, already feeling annoyed with Charlie’s antics.

“Did you check for her in her room?” Dean asked, ignoring Charlie’s previous question.

“Who?” Charlie inquired.

“Davina!” Dean exclaimed in an irritated tone, making Charlie’s eyes widened as he remembered the situation at hand.

“Oh! Yes, of course I thought to check there. I even checked the rest of the mansion. She’s not in here, Dean.” Charlie said, making Dean heavily sigh.

“Alright, where should we check first?” Dean asked.

“The compound is a good place to start.” Charlie suggested.

“Great, go do that.” Dean commanded. Charlie huffed at the harsh tone Dean used but shook it off and went to do so. When he finished speeding around to check the compound, he sped back up to Dean’s room.

“Didn’t find her.” Charlie spoke. Dean let out another sigh before heading over to to a chair across the room where his leather jacket laid. He then pulled it on before turning back to his co-leader.

“Alright, come on.” Dean commanded once more. The two then headed downstairs and out to the courtyard. The moment they both stepped out, Dean’s personal driver came round with his car. Dean ushered the driver away for him to enter the front seat. Charlie then joined Dean in the car on the passenger’s side.

“Where are you thinking she could be?” Charlie asked in a worried tone. He worried that because he left his room unguarded, Vincent finally got to Davina. He severely hoped it wasn’t the case, but realized it was possible.

“We’re going to hope she is either with the organization or at her own apartment.” Dean spoke, making Charlie frown.

“Davina has an apartment?” Charlie asked.

“Victor pays for it, but yes.” Dean said as he pulled out of the compound. Charlie nodded his head in response, deciding he’d try to stay silent. His thoughts were running wild and he grew more and more worried for the safety of Davina. Dean wanted to try to ease Charlie’s thoughts but didn’t want to upset him by letting him know he entered his head.

“Well, if you think it’d comfort me, say it!” Charlie snapped a little, letting Dean know just how anxious he was.

“I really don’t know how I could, Charlie. I strongly believe that if Davina went anywhere at all, she would’ve let us know in some sort of way.” Dean replied, making Charlie scoff.

“You know how desperate she’s been to finally be set free from us. Or, at least you.” Charlie spat, making Dean turn to glare at him.

“There’s been a change in her. I know you’ve noticed it.” Dean said. After a moment, Charlie let out a sigh.

“Yeah, I have. We’re one big ol’ happy family now.” Charlie grunted, then turned slightly to face Dean. “And you, well, you’ve fallen in love with her now.” Charlie continued. Immediately, Dean turned to Charlie with wide eyes.

“Why the hell do both you and Jackson seem to think that?” Dean said, letting out a scoff.

“Because, you have. We aren’t oblivious, you know. You are however... and Vina.” Charlie answered. Dean let out a sigh as he shook his head. He didn’t understand. Not once did he associate the word ‘love’ with her. Not even ‘like’. He felt deep down he only tolerated Davina. He sat there, thinking about how much she annoyed him. But his negative thoughts didn’t stop there. He hated how sassy she could be. He hated her little bratty comments and remarks. He hated how she’d grown to figure out when he wasn’t being truthful or was with-holding information from her. He hated the way her black and purple curls would bounce when she walked. He hated the way her hips moved when she’d try to tease him. He hated the glint in her eyes when she realized she had him in the palm of her hand, wanting to full-fill her sexual desires with him. He hated the way she’d speak to him so kindly. He hated the way-

“Jeez, I get it! You think you hate all of these things about her. But deep down, you know these are the things you love most about her.” Charlie said. “And I know it because these are the things I love most about her too.” Charlie said. Dean frowned, turning to Charlie. He frowned back at him before realizing what he said.

“Oh! Well, not all the sexual stuff, of course! I-I don’t even think of her that way, Dean!” Charlie exclaimed in a squeaky voice due to fear. Dean sighed and shook his head at him before retuning his attention to the road. Once they made it to the warehouse and the main building of the organization, Dean parked the car outside and turned to Charlie.

“Go in and search for her. If she’s not here, we’ll check her apartment. Don’t talk to anybody, and more importantly, don’t make it known that she’s missing.” Dean said. Charlie let out a scoff.

“Why do I have to do it?” Charlie asked. Dean gave him an annoyed look, waiting for him to remember who he was. It took Charlie a moment, but once he did, his eyes widened.

“I mean, yes, My King!” Charlie exclaimed before exiting the car and began speeding around the compound. Unfortunately for Charlie, Dean with-held important information about the building. The organization kept specialized lasers in case of a beast breaking and entering. Charlie was surprised when he tried speeding into a security room and was hit with laser beams. He let out a yelp before crashing down onto the floor. He groaned as he rolled over onto his back, finding a pair of agents hovering above him. His eyes widened once more before he gave them a cheeky grin.

“Gentlemen.” Charlie greeted before quickly standing up and speeding out of the room, getting hit with the lasers once more. He got over the pain much quicker the second time and finished searching the warehouse and the main building, not finding Davina in a single room. He then sped back to the car, feeling only a little out of breath.

“You forget to mention the lasers?” Charlie asked in a pained voice as he ran his hand across his chest where he took the most damage.

“Nope.” Dean simply replied before heading back onto the road, making Charlie whine upon realizing it was intentional. Dean then quickly drove them over to Davina’s apartment building. This time, Dean exited the car.

“How’d you know where her apartment was located?” Charlie asked as he too exited the car.

“Same way I knew where Davina lived before coming here.” Dean answered. Charlie let out a sigh, feeling irritated that he wouldn’t be exact with his answer. He figured it must’ve been Victor giving him that information, though. When they reached the receptionist for the apartment building, they didn’t bother with asking where her room was. Charlie hopped over the front counter and landed a solid punch to the receptionists face, knocking the man out cold. Dean then made his way around the counter and began searching through the receptionists computer and finding which apartment belonged to Davina. They then used an elevator to head up to her floor. Once they reached her apartment door, they used a spare key from a drawer sat on the receptionists desk, and opened it. Dean was the first to head into the room and begin searching for Davina. Charlie took a moment to look around.

“How quaint.” Charlie said as he looked around the small, conjoined living room and kitchen. He then plopped down onto the small couch sat a few feet away from him while Dean searched the small apartment. When Dean came back into the room and spotted Charlie relaxing on the couch, he quickly felt anger rise within him.

“Davina is missing, and you’re sitting there without a care in the world?” Dean questioned, his eye twitching slightly as he narrowed his eyes on Charlie.

“Hey, I was pretty damn panicked before! And I still am! But, I am trying to distract myself from the fact that I accidentally lost one of the only people who mean a thing to me and are potentially with the enemy!” Charlie defended, his voice trembling a bit as he spoke, letting Dean know how affected he really was by this. “And we don’t even know where Vincent could’ve taken her.” Charlie continued, letting out a heavy sigh as he put his head in his hands. After a moment, Dean came to sit beside Charlie, patting him on the back a few times. Dean realized he may have been a little too harsh.

“We’ll find her, wherever she may be. There’s no distance we wouldn’t go. No place dangerous enough for us.” Dean said, finally providing some comfort to Charlie, who desperately needed it. He then stood and made his way over to the door, waiting for Charlie to join him. Charlie let out another heavy sigh before doing so. When they opened the door, they were greeted by something unexpected that sent shivers down their spine. Covered from floor to ceiling all the way down the hall were the same symbols on Jackson’s car and on the cargo port almost a week prior.

“We need to head back to the compound, now.” Dean said in an urgent voice as he and Charlie exited the apartment, locking the door behind them. They didn’t notice a presence waiting for them behind the corner at the end of the hall. Once they reached it, Charlie was quickly tossed to the floor by an unknown figure, then pinned beneath their foot. Dean was thrown against a wall and pinned by the throat by another unknown figure.

“It’s just too easy messing with you.” Niklaus spoke, letting out a laugh as he held Dean to the wall. Dean huffed angerly before forcefully shoving Niklaus ahead of him, making him it a wall at the other end of the hallway. He groaned out in pain as Dean angerly strode over to him.

“What the hell do you want, Niklaus?” Dean growled. Niklaus laughed once more but held his hands up in defense.

“I just thought you’d like to know Vincent intends on invading your little beasts paradise today.” Niklaus said. Niklaus had only seen the compound a few times from the outside. In comparison to ghouls, who hide out in crypts and don’t have traditional housing, he was a little blown away by just how large the compound was. And frankly, a little jealous.

“Yeah, thanks for that. I couldn’t tell by all of the symbols over the wall.” Dean retorted. Niklaus huffed as he pulled himself up from the floor, holding onto his side that got jammed too harshly when he hit the wall.

“I also thought you’d like to know I have figured out where Vincent is located. That’d be of some use to you that you’d like to be enlightened of, right?” Niklaus said in a harsh tone. Dean heavily sighed before nodding his head. “Well, that can wait until later. I am providing my assistance for you today. They intend to attack in the late afternoon. If we can go quickly enough, we can possibly make it there before the battle begins.” Niklaus continued, spinning on his heel to leave along with the others.

“I can’t.” Dean said, making Niklaus pause and turn back around.

“And, why can’t you?” Niklaus asked in disbelief, irritation lacing his voice.

“My beasts can take care of themselves. I have someone I need to fine.” Dean said. Niklaus swallowed harshly before approaching Dean, his eyes narrowing down onto him.

“The bitch is the least of your problems right now.” Niklaus said. Dean would’ve reacted at the name Niklaus referred to Davina as, but Charlie had now approached them alongside the ghoul who previously had him pinned down.

“Hey, assholes! We need to go defend our people, alright? I know Davina has gone missing, but she is a trained hunter. Not only that, but everyday she is slowly gaining more of her abilities. And we know when a beast is in transition, they are dangerous to mess with. Let’s hope she realizes that and utilizes it.” Charlie spoke in a firm tone. Dean let out a sigh before nodding his head in agreement. The group then left and headed back to the compound. When they arrived, they weren’t expecting the find the mansion mostly empty throughout it. In the main room, struggling could be heard, calling all of them to there. When they entered, they found beasts valiantly fighting to protect their home and themselves.

“Charlie, go make sure Anderson is still downstairs. Niklaus, gather your people, then you both meet me back in here, got it?” Dean asked. They both nodded their head before Charlie went to do as he was told, and Niklaus and his right-hand ghoul exited the mansion to call the ghouls to the compound. Dean then charged at one of the creatures on Vincent’s side; a genetically mutated beast and banshee. He pushed her off of one of his beasts, sending her flying back into a wall. He then held his hand out to help his beast up, finding that beast to be Catrice.

“You alright?” Dean asked.

“Fine, but there are several others who aren’t. When Vincent first arrived, he got his mutants to round up majority of the beasts around the compound. They’ve all been taken elsewhere.” Catrice said.

“Go gather up whoever you can find. I have the location off where Vincent has been hiding out at. I’ll send it to you once we’ve finished defending the compound.” Dean said. Catrice nodded her head in compliance and turned to go gather up whoever she could find. Dean’s voice stopped her from going too far, however.

“And Davina’s been missing all day. Keep a look out for her.” Dean added.

“Yes, My King.” Catrice replied before exiting the main room. Almost immediately, Dean was spun around by another genetically mutated beast. It spread it’s mouth wide, revealing an alarming set of fangs. There were more than any beast or ghoul combined, telling Dean it was a combination of the two. He, however, wasn’t entirely intimidated by the creature before him. He wondered why for a moment. Suddenly, Dean could hear the creatures thoughts, begging for forgiveness and apologizing for what he’d done to his friends. Dean realized then that the creature before him was previously one of his beasts.

“I can’t recognize you. I can’t feel you anymore. Tell me your name.” Dean said in a firm, but considerate tone. It didn’t take long for a name to appear in Dean’s mind; Marcus. Immediately, Dean knew who stood before him. Marcus was the former romantic partner of Bianca. He remembered because he had to reprimand him infinite times for practically sleeping on the job.

“I’m going to help you, okay?” Dean spoke. In that moment, Marcus began fidgeting and twitching violently, making Dean frown. Marcus then lunged at Dean, trying to claw at him. And next, Marcus begged for mercy, asking that his King would end his agony. Dean’s heart ached at the request but nodded his head. Just then, Niklaus arrived in the main room with his ghouls at his side.

“Use any force necessary to protect the beast King.” Niklaus ordered, letting his ghouls now run wild around the room. Dean let out a heavy sigh before revealing his long, dangerously pointy talons and piercing the neck of the creature before him. Dean apologized profoundly before dragging his talons through the neck of Marcus, decapitating his head from the rest of his body, and killing him. Dean was too taken aback by what he’d just done to realize a genetically mutated beast and witch used her ability to hurl a nearby, heavy object at him. Niklaus warned him, but Dean didn’t hear and took the hit. He wheezed out in pain once he hit the ground, struggling to get the heavy statue off of him. Niklaus huffed when he noticed Dean’s struggle. He then pushed it off with ease, sending it hurling in another direction.

“Where’s your head at, Dean?” Niklaus asked in a harsh tone before walking off into battle. Dean let out a shaky breath as he realized the affects of not feeding properly; he wasn’t strong enough to overpower anything.

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