“When we get back to the compound, remind me to kick his ass.” Jackson spoke in an angry tone with a huff following afterwards. Both Dean and Jackson stood outside of the bed and breakfast, ready to head back to the compound now. Davina and Charlie had just taken off, much to Jackson’s distaste. He really didn’t trust Charlie with his car. He was almost certain something bad would happen to it. Dean snickered.

“Sure thing.” Dean replied. He went to open his door, but stopped at the presence of others nearing him. He turned to find Victor, Aaron, and Elliot approaching him. Anderson was currently being held back by various different agents with a scowl across his face. He could’ve easily broken loose from his restraints and taken down the humans that held him back. But he knew it’d be a dumb move considering Dean and Jackson didn’t stand far from where he stood. They were stronger and faster in every way.

“Still plan on taking him?” Victor asked, pointing back at Anderson.

“If he can keep his mouth shut.” Jackson grunted out as he walked over to take Anderson.

“Dean, I was hoping I could ask you something.” Victor said, making Dean quirk a brow at him.

“Is Davina really transitioning into a beast?” Victor asked. Dean’s breath hitched. He wasn’t sure if Davina would like him talking about this. He knew that she almost revealed it to him and that Vincent actually did reveal it. But he still wasn’t sure if he should say anything. However, when he looked down at the faces of her siblings and their concerned expressions, he felt he had to.

“She is. Slowly, but it’s happening.” Dean responded. Victor lowered his head, not wanting anybody to see the saddened expression on his face.

“Is there anyway to stop it from happening?” Elliot asked. Dean frowned lightly. He knew that Elliot knew there wasn’t a way. He hadn’t met anybody before who knew so much about his kind, other than those like him, of course. But he could see the look on Elliot’s face. He wanted Dean to give him hope. Because just about everybody that knew her knew what route she’d prefer to take.

“I have a scientist that’s worked with me for years. We’ve been trying to find a cure since we first met. It hasn’t ever worked out for us, unfortunately. But, we are trying now more than ever to find something to stop it from happening.” Dean said. Aaron stuffed his hand into his pocket, narrowing his eyes at Dean.

“Now more than ever, huh?” Aaron inquired, finding it strange that Dean would care so much to help his sister out. He didn’t think either of them cared about each other like that. He felt strangely protective over her now.

“We need to. Vincent wants her to fulfill whatever crazy experiment he has planned for a human in transition. We don’t know what that is or what that will look like. Therefore, we can’t let him.” Dean spoke.

“Can’t she just turn?” Elliot asked in a small voice.

“You know her. Do you really think she’d want to?” Victor asked, turning to his nephew. Elliot stood there for a moment, knowing his sister wouldn’t.

“Oh, right.” Elliot said in a sullen voice. Dean could feel the emotions of the boy before him. Unfortunately for beasts, they were able to feel the emotions of others in a much more enhanced, bodily ache all over. Right now, he could feel just how upset Elliot was to hear that Davina wouldn’t want to transition and would inevitably die.

“We’re trying to convince her. I don’t know what good it will do. But, we’re trying.” Dean responded.

“Thank you, Dean. For everything you’re doing for Davina.” Victor said. Dean only nodded his head. He stopped when he heard the sound of a snap, making him look up, past the members of the organization, and over to Jackson and Anderson. He found Anderson now on the ground, no longer being held back by the agents. His neck was currently twisted far back, telling him Jackson had something to do with it. He looked up at Jackson who was currently cracking his knuckles.

“What happened?” Dean asked. Jackson then cocked his head in Dean’s direction.

“He couldn’t keep his mouth shut.” Jackson answered plainly. Dean clicked his tongue, not feeling surprised by Jackson’s actions in the slightest. Jackson then lifted Anderson over his shoulder with ease.

“Shall we?” Jackson asked as he approached the car. Dean turned back to Victor.

“We’ll see you around.” Dean said before entering the drivers side of the car. Jackson finished up putting Anderson in the back seat and made his way up to the passenger’s seat. The two then took off. The car ride was silent for the first few minutes before Jackson spoke.

“So, you found out more than we thought when you and Davina went on that trip to revisit her past.” Jackson said, eyeing Dean. Immediately, the atmosphere around them changed and anybody, if there were anybody around, could be able to notice it. It had become tense in the small, vintage car of Dean’s. He knew Dean had figured out something in the time that he and Davina were gone. But when they arrived, Dean never spoke of it. Just that he figured out why their abilities didn’t work on her. If it weren’t for what happened the previous day, and if he hadn’t met the man of Davina’s past, whom he had a deep desire in killing, he never would’ve questioned it. Dean could tell by his tone that he wasn’t too thrilled he that the information hadn’t been shared with him. After a moment of silence, Dean spoke.

“Wasn’t my place to tell.” Dean said. Jackson hummed in response before returning his eyes to the road. Dean could tell Jackson had thoughts on his response. Jackson didn’t voice it, but he thought it was a bullshit excuse for Dean to give considering sharing such private things never stopped him before. But he knew it was all because of the affections Dean held for Davina. After another moment of silence, Dean spoke.

“What’s going on with you and Davina?” Dean asked in a tone that didn’t indicate he cared, but deep down, he certainly did. Anytime he asked Davina, he was either ignored or he didn’t like the answer. She claimed there was nothing. But he was knew that even Charlie could see it. He knew Charlie could due to the comment he made the other day back at the bed and breakfast. He didn’t know why at this time, but he needed to know what was going on when he wasn’t around.

“I’m not quite sure what you mean.” Jackson simply replied. Dean bit the inside of his cheek. He was growing frustrated with these answers. He wasn’t blind and he certainly wasn’t foolish.

“Jackson.” Dean said in a more stern voice, turning slightly to glare while he continued to drive.

"My King.” Jackson replied in a harsh tone, glaring at him as well. Dean took a deep breath, trying his hardest not to let his anger get the better of him.

“There is something going on with the two of you. I can see, Charlie can see it, I’m sure everybody can fucking see it.” Dean spat at him. There had been times before where the King and his co-leaders would get into it. It was to be expected considering they’ve known each other for centuries. But Jackson can’t remember a time where Dean spoke to him in such a disrespectful tone and meant it. He glared at Dean through his perfectly painted eyebrows. His breathing became rapid and he could feel the skin heating up on his cheeks. Slowly, Dean was getting under his skin, inching closer to finding out about his affections for Davina. Jackson however kept his composure on the outside. He let out a laugh.

“Is that jealousy I detect, my King?” Jackson asked. Dean’s grip on the steering wheel tightened, his knuckles turning white.

“I am not jealous. But you do not need to be associating yourself with her. Neither does she with you. In a matter of time, that girl will be out of our lives. We’ll fix her, return her to the organization, and that’s it.” Dean replied in a bitter tone, making Jackson scoff.

“Am I not a grown man? Am I not capable of making my own decisions? You do not determine what I can and cannot do.” Jackson spat.

“You’re wrong about that. I am your King above all else! If I tell you do to something, then you suck it up and you do it!” Dean yelled. Jackson scoffed once more and shook his head.

“Yesterday, I was your friend. Today, I am your subject. It’s painfully obvious, Dean. You are jealous of the connection Davina and I have made because you’ve developed some strong feelings for her.” Jackson said. Dean scoffed at Jackson’s accusation. He couldn’t believe Jackson thought there was something more going on between the two of them. Dean made it clear to every woman whom he had sexual relations with; he doesn’t date, he doesn’t make love, and he doesn’t care about her beyond the time they spend in the bedroom. And he believed he didn’t, that he merely tolerated Davina.

“You’re deeply mistaken.” Dean said, now turning to Jackson, glaring at him with his intense blue eyes. Jackson let out a laugh, shaking his head.

“I’m not, though. Here you are playing the same, dangerous game of ‘fuck who you please and hope you don’t get attached or drive a wedge between you and your dearest friends’. Only this time, you’re playing it with I instead of Charlie.” Jackson spoke, making Dean snap his head in his co-leader’s direction. He was right about one thing. It was the same, dangerous game Dean played before. Only, with Charlie and a woman whom he fell deeply in love with. It started out the same. Dean noticed undeniable sexual tension between him and a woman and wanted to use her as an outlet from the life he led, consensually, of course. He thought of her as a beautiful, un-earthly goddess and couldn’t deny his attraction to her. And much like him, she was into the same things behind closed doors. Only issues were that she was already married and had children. One of those children being his dear friend and co-leader, Charlie. When Charlie first learned of the secret meetings Dean and his mother had, it was right after he put her to sleep with no plans of awakening her. He arrived back at what was planned to be a home for all beasts, a Victorian manor, but was now a retirement home for humans as a way to give back to mankind for all of the beasts wrong doings and such. Charlie was still a little shaken up from murdering his already undead family and aimed to avoid both Dean and Jackson, whom at the time, resided in the home. Unfortunately for him, he couldn’t avoid them. When they asked what was wrong, Charlie couldn’t form words and sat in front of them in a state of shock. Eventually, they searched through his mind to find what exactly he had done. It wasn’t until Dean learned of this that he realized how in love he was with Astrid and demanded that Charlie awaken her. The two bickered over the matter and soon, Charlie learned what had been going on behind his back. He was disgusted with his friend and felt heartbroken that he had been betrayed by one of the men he considered more family than his own blood. After leaving for a few months, Charlie came back into town on business directed by Jackson, who was attempting to get the two to reconcile. It took almost two years, but eventually, the two did. Dean vowed he wouldn’t let anything or anybody come in between the himself and a co-leader, not only for themselves but for the sake of the beasts they were just beginning to lead. Jackson was wrong about one thing, however. Dean still didn’t believe he had any feelings for Davina whatsoever.

“Are you saying that you hold feelings for Davina?” Dean asked.

“I am not saying that. The wedge is only being driven between us because you have feelings you won’t admit. It’s not because you’re being stubborn, like usual.” Jackson started, making Dean turn to glare at him as he did before.

“It’s because you haven’t come to realize it. Neither has she.” Jackson spoke, turning to Dean. The two stared at one another for a moment before Dean turned away. He wondered for a moment if Jackson was right. He always found Jackson to be one of the wisest men he’s come across in his time. Dean admittedly thought he could be slow to realize things he didn’t find unimportant at the time. The longer he sat there, the more he realized how important it was to him to figure it out. He wouldn’t do it now, however. Because there was one more important matter pressing his mind; that he had been lied to for the final time. He began to pull over onto the side of the road, making Jackson frown.

“Dean?” Jackson questioned his King, unsure of his reasoning for pulling over. Once Dean pulled over, he exited the car and made his way over to Jackson’s side. He then opened the door, pulled Jackson by the collar of his shirt, and drug him out of the car. Almost immediately Jackson shoved him off, quickly fixing his collar.

“Choose your next move wisely,My King. I may not be as old as you, or as powerful as you can be. But you have not been feeding properly as of late. So right now, strength wise, you’re inferior to me.” Jackson said as the two stared one another down with intense, bone-chilling, glares that would make any human’s blood curdle.

“While that may be so, even without proper feeding, I am quicker than you’ll ever be.” Dean said. Jackson lightly frowned. Before he could react, Dean sped over to him and placed his hand over Jackson’s forehead. Immediately, Jackson groaned out in pain. He made an attempt to shove Dean away but Dean took hold of his wrist with his free hand and twisted it back. Jackson’s eyes shut for a moment as he screamed out in agony. When he opened them again, the pain was gone and Dean was now removing his hand from his forehead.

“What the hell was that for?” Jackson asked in an annoyed tone as he shoved Dean. Dean shrugged.

“I’m determined to get a clear answer.” Dean spoke. Jackson then noticed that they were back at the bed and breakfast. Currently, they stood outside his and Davina’s formerly shared bedroom. Jackson let out a laugh as he shook his head. Though he seemed it, he really wasn’t surprised that Dean entered his head to receive an answer. He’d done it before to others, but never had to do it to Jackson until now because his co-leader always gave him clear, truthful answers. It was what Jackson’s unclear answers that made Dean decide he needed to figure it out for himself. Dean made an attempt to enter the bedroom but Jackson’s hand on his wrist stopped him. Dean turned back to find a calm expression on Jackson’s face but a panicked look in his light brown eyes. His eyes begged and pleaded that Dean not enter, telling him that inside the room held the answer he felt he needed to know.

“If you tell me now, I won’t enter that room.” Dean said, giving Jackson a chance to confess. Jackson huffed. He tightly shut his eyes, muttering a few curse words. Unfortunately for him, he didn’t answer quick enough. Dean entered the room to find a past version of Jackson sitting in a chair, lost deep in thought. Davina noticed after a moment and stood to approach him. Jackson had now entered the room but remained behind Dean, leaning up against the doorway. Davina poked him a few times, frowning lightly when he didn’t react.

“You good?” Davina asked but received no response. She let out a shaky breath, indicating she was worried for Jackson. She then placed her hands on his shoulders, shaking him a little.

“Jackson?” Davina called out but still received no response.

“Jackson, you’re really making me anxious.” Davina said, playing with her fingers. She then dropped to her knees in front of him. Davina’s gentle touch on his hand pulled him front his thoughts. His teary eyes landed on Davina. She quickly noticed the lost expression on his face.

“Where’d you go?” Davina asked in a soft, quiet tone. He blinked at her a few times before she cupped one side of his face. Dean immediately noticed how his eyes softened upon landing on her. He noticed the way she immediately became concerned for him and wanted to bring him back to the present. Most of all, he noticed the way Jackson’s breathing patterns became unsteady upon feeling her touch.

“Jackson?” Davina called out when he didn’t respond to her. Dean heard footsteps from down the hall, making him turn to find Charlie approaching the room. He backed further into the hall and pulled Jackson back with him. Charlie shared some words with the two, which soon lead to Davina standing up. Dean now finally turned to face Jackson who looked just as lost as he did the day where this event took place. He let out a sigh as his eyes remained on Davina. He was too lost in his own head this day to notice her concern for him. It made him feel weak all over again. He still wished he leaned into her soft, comforting hand. Jackson hadn’t realized that his thoughts had become known to Dean. When he finally did, he turned to face Dean, finding his blue eyes widened. By this point, Davina had stepped out into the hall to find her uncle. She went to walk down the hall but stopped, gaining the attention of the two beasts standing behind her. She placed her hand on the wall and hunched over, letting out painful groans. Immediately, the two stepped forward to assist her in any way possible before remembering this was a memory and couldn’t assist. Davina began panting heavily as she reached behind her back and pulled up her shirt slightly. She ran her fingers over the claw marks Jackson hadn’t seen before, making his heart ache at the several gashes along her back. Davina cried out once more as she felt around the marks, eventually clawing on something both Dean and Jackson couldn’t see. After a moment, Davina pulled what was bothering her out. She then held it to her side for her to turn and see. In between her index finger and thumb was a talon. She let out a sigh of relief, thinking her pain would now soothe. She then dropped the talon on the floor before heading over to the stairs and descending from the top floor.

“That must be how Anderson found us. He needed his missing talon.” Dean spoke, his mind now off of Davina and Jackson’s relationship.

“But, we know what this means, now.” Jackson spoke before Dean turned to face him. “Davina absorbed all that was in the talon. The talon is no longer needed, and so the body has chosen to expel it. The claw marks have started to heal now.” Jackson continued.

“That would mean...” Dean began, letting out a sigh. He couldn’t bring himself to finish his sentence.

“It’s only a matter of time until she turns into a beast.” Jackson finished for him. Dean shook his head and turned to face Jackson.

“We need to head back to the compound to find something to slow the process.” Dean said as he went to grab the wrist of Jackson. Before exiting Jackson’s mind, he stopped to look at Jackson.

“You know we’ll have words about what I witnessed today.” Dean spoke, making Jackson eye him.

“I’d expect nothing less form you,My King.” Jackson said in an annoyed tone before grunting out in pain. After a moment, they arrived back on the side of the street. The sky was now dark blue, indicating night would come soon. They both glanced at each other before heading towards the car. Once they entered it, they were met with the unpleasant presence of a now awoken Anderson.

“Took you long enough.” Anderson grunted out. Dean and Jackson turned back to him, not expecting to find him awake. They eyed one another for a minute before returning their attention back to Anderson.

“You had the opportunity to run away. Why are you still here?” Jackson asked. Anderson huffed in disbelief before leaning forward in his seat, still wrapped in his restraints.

“Because, I do not want to figure out what Vincent has planned for her.” Anderson spoke in a slow voice so he could make them understand how serious he was. Dean blinked at him for a moment before turning around and starting the car. Not long, they reached the compound to find that Davina and Charlie had yet to return. Dean quickly ordered Lucian, Brayden, and Xavier to come take Anderson inside and to the cells downstairs. The two then waited impatiently in the courtyard for the arrival of Davina and Charlie. Eventually, a black, 2023 Lexus LS Hybrid pulled into the compound, making both beasts sigh of relief. They glared at each other for a moment, knowing they were only relieved about the arrival of one person. Once Davina and Charlie pulled up and exited the car, Dean and Jackson approached them.

“Are you alright?” Both Dean and Jackson said in unison to Davina. They both immediately turned to one another. Dean glared at Jackson. Jackson only rolled his eyes at his friend. Davina and Charlie quickly noticed some sort of tension between the two and eyed one another. Charlie, acting quickly, decided he’d try breaking the tension by doing what he does best; being himself.

“Well, I am fine! Thank you for asking!” Charlie exclaimed dramatically as he leaned against the door of Jackson’s car. Jackson glared at him, a look telling Charlie that he better back the hell off his car. Charlie’s eyes sightly widened and he immediately moved away.

“You alright?” Dean asked as Davina made her way around the car, his eyes never leaving her.

“Perfect.” Davina said with a small smile, making Dean’s eyes soften.

“What the hell took you guys so long? We left after you did.” Jackson inquired a little harshly. Davina went to answer when Charlie’s voice stopped her.

“Oh, well we stopped to pull over for gas andthisone had a little hissy fit over something ridiculous, hopped in the car in an attempt to drive away, mind you I still had the gas pump in it-” Charlie said, taking a pause. “And tried exiting the way we came in at. This dumbass didn’t see the spikes on the road, hit it, and we had to go get your tires all changed. Your welcome, by the way. I had to buy all new tires since they were out of used ones and it was very expensive. You owe me a thousand dollars.” Charlie said to Jackson, coming up with a quick lie on the spot. Jackson turned back to Davina, a look of disbelief on his face as he stared at her wide eyed. Davina didn’t know why Charlie lied. She figured maybe Charlie would get in trouble with them. She can’t imagine why. But she didn’t want that for Charlie, especially with the day he had. She decided she’d cover for him but ask about it later. Davina only shrugged her shoulders at him and gave an awkward smile. Jackson then frowned as he realized what Charlie said.

“Wait a second. Why do I have to pay for it? Davina was the one who popped my tires.” Jackson asked, turning back to Charlie.

“Well, it’s not her car, is it?” Charlie clapped back, making Jackson scoff.

“Were you guys with the car the whole time?” Dean asked from the back of the car.

“No, we waited inside while the guys fixed it. Why? What is it?” Davina asked when she noticed Dean staring at a specific place on the car. She then made her way over to him to get a look at whatever had his focus. She frowned as she stared at a symbol on the trunk.

“What’s that?” Davina asked, her head turning up towards Dean, and now making Jackson and Charlie join them. After a moment, Charlie sighed.

“A symbol.” Charlie replied.

“Yeah, no shit. What’s it stand for?” Davina asked.

“Revenge and war.” Jackson growled, making Davina turn to him to find the angriest expression she had ever seen on the face of a beast.

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