“Dean, please.” Davina begged with an almost breathless voice. She used her hand to push Dean’s head back, making him look up at her. After Dean pushed her into the storage room, the two engaged in a heavy make-out session. Davina, deciding she wanted to continue to tease Dean, kept pressing her knee in between his legs, eventually going to palm him through his jeans. In this moment, Dean was helpless and completely in her hands. Dean had never been a submissive person during intimate times. It wasn’t like him at all. But, something about Davina made him cave a little. He eventually had enough of Davina’s teasing and wanted to give her a taste of her own medicine. Davina couldn’t hide her pout when he pulled his lips away from her own. She was shocked to find him getting on his knees for her. Especially considering how dirty the floors were. It hadn’t looked like it had been swept or mopped in weeks. His hands pulled up her dress and pulled down her panties too quickly for her to register. And soon enough, Davina was learning the consequences of teasing the King of the beasts. Davina panted heavily as she stared down at Dean’s face, his lips glistening in her juices.

“I need a moment.” Davina continued to pant. Dean gave her a wicked smirk.

“Sorry, no can do.” Dean said as he shook his head. He then continued with what he was doing previously. Davina whined and whimpered as her head fell back into the wall. She was currently balanced on one foot as the other was wrapped around Dean’s shoulder. His hands on her thighs steadied her enough but she could feel her legs going weaker. Dean knew that eventually he’d have to hold her up. He didn’t mind considering he was more than capable. Davina’s eyes fluttered before shutting completely as she took in the sensations of having his mouth on such an intimate place once again. She hadn’t realized how much she had missed this feeling until Dean tore his mouth away for a second time, making her eyes peel open and her head snap down towards him. Dean stood up. He cupped both sides of Davina’s face, letting his fingers entangle in her hair as he passionately kissed her. After a moment, Dean pulled his lips from hers and rested his forehead on hers. Davina held on to his wrists as she panted heavily, her head falling back into the wall as she did. Dean placed his lips on her throat, nipping away at the sensitive skin. She mentally cursed at him for nipping so hard. She didn’t want to walk out of here with a hickey on her throat. Everybody would know for certain what went down.

“Let them find out, sweetheart. Let them know I got the honor of biting and sucking at your perfect skin.” Dean said as his hand moved in between her legs. Davina sucked in her breath as Dean inserted two fingers inside of her. She gasped as he moved in and out of her with an agonizingly slow pace. She was certain she was close to coming undone. Especially with how much he teased her.

“Dean.” Davina cried out once more as she made an attempt to squeeze her legs together. Dean however didn’t let her. He removed his hand as Davina continued to try and catch her breath. His hands then went to his belt buckle, undoing it and unzipping his jeans. He then pulled down the articles of clothing separating the two of them. In one swift motion, Dean picked Davina up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He then pushed her back up against the wall. Dean brushed the strands of hair sticking to her face behind her ear. He felt satisfied seeing her such a panting, sweaty mess all because of him. He only wishes he could see all of her in this moment.

“Beg.” Dean demanded. Davina paused her heavy breathing to frown at him.

“Beg?!” Davina asked in disbelief.

Meanwhile, Jackson and Charlie were impatiently searching for their King and friend. Jackson mentally cursed his supernatural senses at not being able to find the two of them. With all of the smoke and alcohol inside of the building, neither could find either of their scents. Charlie wasn’t trying very much. He was much too distracted by all of the girls passing by him as he and Jackson explored the first floor of the club. Jackson soon realized Charlie wasn’t focused on the task at hand. He stopped in his tracks, making Charlie bump into his broad back, letting out a yelp when a bit of his margarita splashed out of it’s glass. Jackson turned to face Charlie with an annoyed expression.

“What?” Charlie whined as he sipped on his margarita. Jackson didn’t say a word. His eyes did all of the talking for him. Charlie’s eyes widened as he made his way around Jackson.

“Alright, alright. I get it. I’ll get searching now.” Charlie said as he walked off to do so. Jackson heavily sighed as he dragged himself over to the bar. Before he could tell the bartender what he wanted, a man came up beside him, sitting down on the barstool.

“Hey, get my man a good, old fashioned... bourbon? You look like a bourbon kind of guy!” The man said as the bartender walked off to do so.

“Close. I prefer scotch.” Jackson said as he eyed the man beside him.

“Well, wait until you try this one. This one is our best seller.” The man said. Jackson hummed.

“Does that make you the owner of this establishment?” Jackson asked as the bartender slid the glass down to him. The man laughed and spread his arms out for Jackson to see him.

“I am indeed. Well, I’m like the co-leader, I suppose.” The man spoke. Jackson took a mental note to his choice of word but didn’t question it. Jackson then downed the glass of bourbon, his tongue clicking once he was finished.

“Not bad.” Jackson lied. To him, it tasted cheap. But, he wouldn’t insult the man beside him and result in starting something with him.

“Hey, well how about I get you that scotch? All on the house, of course.” The man said as he waved the bartender over. Jackson eyed him once more, wondering why the man was so focused on him.

“You’re very kind.” Jackson simply uttered in response.

“By the looks of it, you’re a new customer. If you want to keep ’em, you gotta treat ’em right! You seem like a business man, so I am sure you understand.” The man said as 2 scotches were passed down their way.

“Oh, I certainly do.” Jackson spoke with a bored tone as he took the glass in hand.

“Here’s to good scotch and being a business man.” The man said as he raised his glass. Jackson mentally sighed at the man’s rambling and raised his glass before downing it, finding it tasted just as cheap at the bourbon.

“Also, might I ask you where your wrist band might be?” The man asked. Jackson clicked his tongue, not realizing he was meant to have one in order to get into the club. The man laughed.

“Listen here, I’m not kicking you out, man. I get it. Sometimes, you need a night out, get you some booze, maybe even a good fuck. I don’t want to deny you that, brother.” The man said. Jackson turned to the man to get a better look of him, feeling internally repulsed at his words. He could tell, even when the man sat, his was significantly shorter than him. And he certainly looked rough. “But, all these wonderful people waited in line except for you.” The man continued. Jackson was certain the man was spewing shit. He could tell by his appearance and by the demeanor of the man he didn’t care about his customers. He could tell by the lack of security, the amount of underaged young adults he spotted in the club. He wondered how this place even managed to stay open. The man’s eyes suddenly brightened.

“You know what? I’ll let you stay. If you’ll just do me a solid. That sound good?” The man asked as he stood up from his chair, confirming what Jackson already knew; he was shorter.

“There’s a taller fella much like yourself walking around here with a much shorter young woman. They’re sorta attached to the hip and both have very sour looks on their faces. You see them, you come find me and let me know, alright?” The man said. Jackson simply nodded as the man pat his shoulder a few times before walking off. After a moment, Jackson stood and began going through the crowds of people in search of Charlie. He finally found him off down a hallway flirting with a bunch of girls.

“Charlie.” Jackson called out, making Charlie turn.

“Oh, hey, Jackson! What’s up?! Meet my girls!” Charlie said as he wrapped his arms around the two girls beside him

“This beautiful little brunette to my left is Patty, and this sweet red-head to my right is Seraphine. They’re exotic dancers and start working here next week, isn’t that fun?” Charlie asked as one of the girls started playing with Charlie’s hair. He used his hand that wasn’t occupied with a drink to hold up un front of her.

“Ooh, ooh! No touch! It takes forever to get my hair to look this perfect and I-” Charlie started but was cut off.

“Charles Reed.” Jackson called out once more. This time, Charlie straightened up and turned towards Jackson. By the look in Charlie’s eyes, he wasn’t happy. Definitely not angry, but certainly not happy. If he weren’t in a public setting, he’d sure as hell let Jackson have it.

“One minute, girls.” Charlie said as he handed one of the girls his empty margarita glass before approaching Jackson and leading him in another direction to talk more privately.

“Did you really have to call me that name?” Charlie asked in an annoyed tone, having not heard his birth given name in decades.

“Yes, Charles. I did. Must you be so unserious all of the time? We came here for a purpose. I keep finding you distracted by someone or something and I am tired of it. It is the same thing with you. You are a co-leader and we are here on behalf of our King. Fucking act like you mean business.” Jackson said in a harsh tone. Charlie deeply sighed and muttered some sort of agreement with his head lowered.

“I mean it, Charlie. Get your head straight and help me find Dean and Davina. There’s a man around here looking for them. He seemed a little off. It’s best we find them and the others and get the hell out of here.” Jackson spoke. Charlie nodded his head, feeling determined not to let his friend down this time.

“When’d you see them last?” Charlie asked.

“When we all split up so we better start searching now. I know it’s difficult to smell with all of the booze and smoke but try your hardest.” Jackson said before heading off in another direction.


Meanwhile, Davina was having a hard time submitting to Dean. She continued to stare into his blue eyes, that she was now certain was darkened with lust, and was in complete disbelief that he was asking her to beg for it. Part of her didn’t want to submit. She was much too proud. And of all men in the world, Dean was the last one she wanted to submit to. Or at least that’s what she thought up until one of Dean’s hands wrapped around her throat. He then brought his free hand down in between her legs, rubbing her sensitive area. She whined once more, her body fidgeting against his hand.

“Beg.” Dean said with an authoritative voice, bringing his face dangerously close to hers. Her eyes fluttered as she tried to gather the words to speak, her mind entirely focused on his hand between her legs.

“Please, Dean. Please just fuck me already.” Davina managed to get out. Upon that, Dean removed his hand and pushed into her with no warning. Her head leaned back into the wall as she cried out in pleasure. She went to slap her hand over her mouth when Dean’s hand stopped her.

“Fuck everybody else out there. Fuck it if they can hear you. I want to hear you. Let them know who’s fucking you right now.” Dean said. Davina was in his hands. She knew who was in control, and really, who had been all along. Davina didn’t hold back. She screamed and screamed his name as he relentlessly pounded into her. She became an absolute mess for Dean to see. He kept his hand around her throat, not putting too much pressure but just enough. He watched as her breasts bounced with every thrust, how her hair brushed up against the walls, ruining her once perfect curls. He leaned closer to her, pressing his lips against skin, leaving a trail from just below her ear lob to her jawline. Davina could felt her vision go blurry. She didn’t know how much longer she could take of this. She could feel in the bottom of her stomach it wouldn’t be long now. With every thrust she felt she was unraveling. She had uttered some words here and there that she hadn’t known she was saying. Dean chuckled, smiling against her skin.

“You’ll definitely be sore after this, but I don’t think I’m capable of breaking you. At least, not from this angle.” Dean said before he cupped both sides of her face and deeply kissed her. Davina slowly and hesitantly pulled away from Dean’s lips, moaning loudly as she came. With Davina clenching around him, Dean soon came after, letting out a groan as he spilled inside of her. He leaned forward, letting his head rest on her shoulder as she caught her breath. At the sound of gunshots, Dean quickly lifted his head from her shoulder. Davina sighed.

“Okay, realistically, I am not going to be able to help with that,” Davina said, returning to her old self. “I think just standing is going to be a challenge.” Davina said, panting heavily.

“Yeah, well I’m going to need you out there with me at all times, Davina.” Dean said as he backed away to look at her.

“If we head out there and there’s Vincent’s men or him himself, I need you to promise me you will not leave my side under any circumstances,” Dean said in a soft voice. “Please.” Dean begged. And Dean was never one to beg. Davina noticed the neediness in his tone. She didn’t fight him on it. She nodded her head as he quickly but gently lowered her to the ground. Her eyes widened as she immediately went to tip over. Dean quickly placed his hands on her hips, helping her steady herself.

“Good?” Dean asked. She looked up at him and nodded her head before the two headed to the door, Davina following close behind him. The two entered the room to find people running around and screaming, trying to exit the building. The two ran towards the gun shots but quickly stopped once they made it to the middle of the dance floor, Jackson and Charlie arriving at the same time as them.

“What’s happening?” Dean asked loudly over all of the screaming.

“Unsure. We were looking for you two when we heard it.” Jackson replied.

“By the way, where the hell where you guys? Jackson’s been searching for just about as much time we’ve been here.” Charlie asked, looking in between the two

“We were... around here.” Davina said as she ran her fingers through her curls, trying to fix them a little. Charlie quirked a brow at her before realizing.

“You two are animals!” Charlie exclaimed as he shook his head, making Davina blush only a little.

“Where’s Victor and the others?” Dean asked, disregarding what Charlie said.

“Haven’t seen them either. Is it just me or is there more smoke in here than before?” Jackson asked. The four then looked around the room, finding that there was indeed more smoke in the room than before. With the cock of a gun, Charlie quickly wrapped his arms around Davina and took off, the other two doing the same but heading in a different direction. Multiple guns from different directions shot from all around the room.

“Charlie!” Davina exclaimed as the two crouched down on the floor, hiding underneath the second floor’s balcony.

“I’m sorry for grabbing you without asking! I just didn’t want you getting hurt!” Charlie defended.

“No, no! Not that! How’s your aim?” Davina asked.

“What? You mean like with a gun? I hardly know how to shoot! Why would you assume I’d know how?!” Charlie asked.

“I figured it was more likely than you knowing how to throw knives!” Davina replied as she pulled her gun out of her shoe and knives from underneath her dress.

“Wait a second, I do! I do know how to throw knives! It was a game my brothers and I played. You run through the courtyard and try not to get hit!” Charlie exclaimed, slight excitement lacing his tone.

“You played it as a game?” Davina asked in disbelief, pausing for a moment.

“Not at first. My sister had quite the temper and would often take it out on us by throwing knives. We learned by observing each other get hit.” Charlie spoke. Davina blinked at him in confusion before remembering what was at task. She handed him the knives and pulled the safety back on her gun.

“Run across the floor and get as many of them as you can. I’m going to find a way to get to the 2nd floor where they’re all at.” Davina spoke. She went to walk away when Charlie hand on her upper arm stopped her.

“Those two will kill me if I let you anywhere close to danger.” Charlie spoke. Davina went to protest but remembered what Dean had said.

“Well, then hurry up.” Davina said, shooing Charlie away. He nodded his head and crouched down close enough to the floor before running across it. He tossed the knives in all different directions. He could hardly see through all of the smoke and sporadic lights, but a few groans heard from above let him know he was successful. He then rolled across the floor to quickly get to the other side. He found Dean and Jackson crouched underneath the second floor balcony.

“Where the hell is Davina?” Jackson asked in a frantic voice.

“Is she safe?” Dean asked, matching Jackson’s tone unintentionally.

“Relax you two, she’s perfectly fine. I have to head back over there with her. You two go find Victor and the others while Vina and I head upstairs to deal with them. I’ll keep her safe. You can trust me.” Charlie said in a serious tone, almost bringing a smile to Jackson’s face. He was proud at how quickly he was able to turn off all the unseriousness. Charlie knew how he felt. It made him feel wonderful inside.

“You stay safe too, Charlie.” Jackson replied. Charlie sent them an assuring smile before quickly speeding across the dance floor and back to Davina. Davina pulled Charlie through an open door off to the side, unsure if they’d even find a staircase in their area.

“So, you’re getting cozy with Jackson and having some fun with Dean?” Charlie asked as the two walked at a quick pace through one of the hallways.

“I was not getting cozy with Jackson and you know nothing that happened between Dean and I! And what’s with the tone? Are you judging me?” Davina asked.

“No, I’m just wondering when it’s my turn.” Charlie said as they went around a corner. They found another hallway but with multiple rooms, an exit, and a staircase.

“Who say’s I’ll give you a turn?” Davina teased with a smirk, making Charlie whine as the two headed up the stairs.

“How many of them did you get?” Davina asked as they reached the upper level. To their immediate left, they could see the balcony, making Davina start heading in that direction.

“I think three.” Charlie responded, following after the woman taking charge.

“And how many were there?” Davina asked.

“Seven, I believe.” Charlie responded. Davina slowed as she reached the arched door leading to the balcony.

“Works for me.” Davina said with a shrug before she ran out the door, turning to her left and shooting her gun. She managed to get one but felt an arm wrapping around her neck, the tight grip from the individual behind her made it possible to lift her up off of the ground. Davina gasped for air, trying to pull whoever’s arm it was around her off. When Charlie noticed, he sprinted over to them. He quickly tackled the man once choking his friend, sending them both over the rail, and onto the dance floor with a loud thud. Davina peered over the rail to the first floor as Charlie and the other individual struggled to get up. Dean and Jackson soon appeared with Victor and the members of the organization beneath Davina. Jackson knelt down, helping Charlie get to his feet.

“Well, that didn’t feel too great. I’m pretty sure I broke something.” Charlie said as he placed his hand on his shoulder and pulled forward, emitting a loud pop.

“That’s better.” Charlie breathed out as Jackson patted his friend on the back.

“Davina!” Dean shouted, bringing everybody’s attention to her. Davina frowned as she turned to her left, seeing nothing but felt the presence of two in front of her.

“Nice to see you again, darling.” The man said as he emerged through the smoke, making Davina scowl. Jackson squinted his eyes, hoping to get a better look despite being surrounded in smoke. He took a step forward to find it was the man from the bar earlier. They’ve met before? Jackson thought.

“Al.” Davina spoke as she glared at him.

“Surprise, dear! Why don’t you greet me with a smooch like you used to? For old times sake.” Al asked. Davina wasted no time placing her hand on his throat and sweeping his legs out from underneath him, knocking him to the ground. She placed her pointed heel against his throat. She would’ve stomped if another, unfamiliar voice hadn’t rang through her ears.

“Don’t waste your time, Davina.” A voice said, now taking their turn to emerge from the smoke. She frowned at the older man she hadn’t seen before, wondering who he was. Her supernatural hearing kicked in at the right time as Victor’s voice rang from downstairs.

“Vincent.” Victor gritted through his teeth.

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