“Charlie, please! We have spent the entire day together. Let me spend some time to myself.” Davina said, groaning loudly. She was currently sprawled out on the carpet of Charlie’s bedroom at the mansion. Charlie had pulled her away because he had known Dean wanted some time to work with Jackson, without Davina present. Dean wasn’t sure how to speak to her after their encounter and him assuming she regretted what the two had done. He wanted to keep her away for now and have her help in whatever way she wanted later. Charlie really didn’t mind spending time with Davina. He felt as if the two would become great friends. He however wanted to be more involved in finding out what Vincent’s plan was. He supposes keeping her away is help enough, though.

“Oh, come on! One more movie! You said so yourself that you haven’t seen Nightmare on Elm Street!” Charlie exclaimed as he tugged on her arms, pulling her up into a seated position. Davina pulled back, her supernatural strength coming out of nowhere. Charlie yelped as he began to fall forward on top of her, Davina’s eyes widening at what she had just done. He quickly caught himself from pressing up against her, but their faces were inches away from one another.

“Guess this is my only chance at being on top of you.” Charlie said. Davina huffed, trying her hardest not to act amused before breaking out into a smile. A knock was heard at the door, making them both turn their heads. The person on the other side never waited for an invitation and opened the door, letting the light creep into to the somewhat dark room, only lit by a TV. Jackson stood with his hand in pocket, leaning against the door frame, and an amused expression on his face when he saw the two of them. Dean glared at the two, having to clench his fists.

“Get ready, we’re heading out.” Dean said, gritting through his teeth. “And Charlie, I suggest you back the hell awaynow.” Dean said, his eyes flashing a bright shade of red before heading down the hall. Charlie wasn’t about to be told again. He immediately pushed himself back. Jackson shook his head at the two, an amused expression still on his face as he slowly made his way down the hall. Davina scoffed.

“He’s so unbelievable.” Davina spoke as Charlie backed away, allowing Davina the opportunity to stand, which she did. She held her hand out to him, offering to help him up. Once his hand was in hers, she pulled with all of her strength, pulling Charlie all the way up without any of his help. He stood there a little in shock with his mouth slightly parted. Once again her supernatural strength had shown. Charlie had only learned a few hours prior that Davina was slowly turning into a beast. He was a still a little in awe about it. Davina quirked a brow at him.

“What?” Davina asked. Charlie quickly composed himself, shutting his mouth and shaking his head.

“Nothing. Dress warm, it’s a little chilly this time of night.” Charlie said. Davina stared at him for a moment before nodding her head and exiting his room. She headed down the hall to her room and shut the door behind her. She changed into a pair of dark, faded skinny jeans. She then threw on a black long sleeve shirt and put her leather jacket over it. A knock at the door gained her attention.

“What?” Davina called out as she went to sit on the bench in front of her bed to finish getting dressed. Light flooded the room and a figure stood at the door frame. Davina didn’t look up as she pulled on a pair of black socks. It wasn’t until the figure crept closer that she finally looked up.

“You know, that’s real creepy. Right?” Davina questioned Dean, who towered over her with an angry expression.

“What were the two of you doing in there?” Dean demanded.

“Just watching movies.” Davina said casually as she pulled on one boot.

“You couldn’t have gone downstairs to the theater to do it?” Dean asked. Davina looked back up at him with wide eyes as she pulled the last boot on.

“You have a theater here?!” Davina asked in disbelief. Instead of responding, Dean knelt down in front of her, bringing his face dangerously close to her own.

“It’d be in your best interest not to involve yourself romantically with a beast. I made a promise to protect your family. You’re apart of that, so I already have to protect you as is. If you involve yourself with one of the co-leaders, I cannot promise I can protect you if something goes wrong.” Dean said. Davina frowned at him, wondering where this was coming from. She then processed that word for a moment. Protect, she thought, narrowing her eyes at him. She knew damn well she could protect herself. Dean frowned as her mind peeled open to him for him to read. She then smirked, her mind now blocking him from entering it.

“How about sexually?” Davina asked, quirking a brow at him, knowing she’d get a rise out of him. She went to stand and approached the door when his hand on her wrist pulled her back to face him. She was immediately met with his intense blue eyes. His chest pressed up against her own. His breathing was irregular. She couldn’t tell if she had really pissed him off or excited him. Either way, she didn’t care to find out.

“I’m 1 for 3. How about I make that 2 for 3?” Davina teased as she pulled her arm away and headed out of the room and down the stairs. The guards opened the front door, motioning for her to go. A black car sat in front with it’s engine running. Lucian appeared at Davina’s side with his hands behind his back, standing formally.

“Your ride, Ms. Archer.” Lucian said, motioning to the car. Davina hesitantly walked to the car and opened the passenger side. She lowered herself down into the dark car, feeling the presence of another beside her. She turned to find Jackson using his finger to clean up one of his perfectly painted, arched brows. Davina looked at him unimpressed as he continued to swipe away stray marks. She sighed heavily and folded her arms over her chest, leaning back into her seat.

“Impatient, are we?” Jackson questioned.

“Why, yes. Yes, I am. Where are we heading?” Davina asked. Jackson tapped on a GPS screen in front of them. He zoomed out for Davina to see. Davina saw images of the organization’s main building in front of her. She had only been to one of the two other locations that were much smaller than the main building. She was curious to see how it looked. Jackson began to drive out of the compound and to their location. Davina curled her legs up in the seat as she rested her head on the side of the car, her eyes occasionally on the road and Jackson who sat in silence as he drove. Her eyes drifted down to one of his hands on the steering wheel, finding a black ring around his ring finger.

“Didn’t know you were married.” Davina said. Jackson eyed her for a moment before returning his eyes to the road.

“I’m not.” Jackson replied.

“Oh, just enjoy wearing jewelry?” Davina questioned. She knew there was something more behind it. Something she didn’t want to press any further due to her being unsure if he’d be comfortable with it or not. She imagined he wouldn’t. And his silence confirmed that. She mentally sighed figuring that this would be a quiet car ride. She didn’t enjoy quiet car rides, even with Dean. She supposes if she had gone with Charlie, she’d at least be talking some. But out of the three, Jackson seemed the least likely to have a conversation with her. Or at least, that’s what she thought.

“Dean tells me your brother is missing. Is it like him to disappear?” Jackson inquired. He wasn’t all that curious. In fact, he wouldn’t have asked if her mind didn’t peel open a little to him, finding that she hates quiet car rides. He however didn’t do it for her. Though he was used to it being quiet due to it being just himself back at his own home, there were rare moments where he didn’t mind a light conversation.

“Not really. My siblings all grew up with Vincent. According to them, he was strict and had a set of rules they had to follow. Sneaking out was absolutely forbidden. I remember my sister telling me she had done so once and Vincent beat her black and blue. Well, he had one of his employers do it because he was ‘oh so, busy’.” Davina spoke, remembering what Bianca had told her. She felt a little saddened remembering her sister. She then realized maybe she had spoken too much and that a short reply would’ve sufficed. Jackson didn’t actually mind. Davina once again reminded him of his former bride. He felt a hint of déjà vu.

“That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he did so now with Vincent gone considering there’s nobody to really punish him. Although-” Davina started but stopped herself. She bit the knuckle of her index finger as she sat deep in thought. Jackson hummed as a way to indicate for her to continued. She sighed after a moment.

“His boyfriend, one of Dean’s beasts went missing around the same time. Colton told me he was a little overprotective and controlling. I had thought that his boyfriend took him in the beginning. And I may or may not have demanded that Dean order his beast to bring him back..” Davina said a little quietly, realizing she had rambled on. Jackson’s lip curled up ever so slightly, having read her mind. He found her overthinking a little amusing. ”

“Now, I’m starting to think it was Vincent. I’m not sure what his plan with him is, though.” Davina spoke. She then sighed and shook her head.

“Then again, Vincent always did favor him over his other children, perhaps because Colton’s mother was the love of his life.” Davina said, making Jackson frown.

“Did Colton have a different mother than the rest of your siblings?” Jackson asked.

“Yes. Colton’s mother was killed, however. I think not long after he was born.” Davina said. Jackson put the car to a complete stop, making Davina jerk back into the seat.

“What the hell, Jackson?! We’re in the middle of the road!” Davina exclaimed as she looked out the windows, finding cars on each side whirling past them, making her grow anxious.

“How old is your brother?” Jackson asked.

“Mid twenties! Can you please pull us over onto the side of the road or something?!” Davina exclaimed.

“How was his mother killed?” Jackson continued, ignoring her request.

“I don’t know! They said that there was nothing found in the report! Please, Jackson. Pull us over to the side of the road!” Davina begged. Jackson turned, getting lost in his head and completely forgetting where they were at. He had made a connection. Usually, police reports for their victims had nothing on them. Most cases, if not all, are a complete mystery to the police. Especially in this town considering how much death there has been. The police have been much too worried to look into it in fear of ending up the same way.

“Okay, Jackson! You’ve already concluded that her death may have been at the hands of one of the beasts. Please just pull over now!” Davina exclaimed, making Jackson’s head turn to her. His wide eyes landed on hers, about to call her out for reading his mind when he noticed the state she was in. She had her knees to her chest. She twisted and turned in her seat. Her eyes frantically going from one side of the car to the other to make sure no cars were going to hit them. Jackson immediately turned the ignition and slammed on the breaks, making Davina’s back hit the seat, hard. She shut her eyes tightly to keep from seeing anything in fear that they’d crash with the speed they were going. Luckily, they were close to their location. Once they got to the mostly empty parking lot of their location, Davina jumped out of the car. She gasped for air and fell to her knees on the pavement, clasping her hand over her heart. Jackson wasn’t sure what to do. He hadn’t ever seen the girl, who had everyone around her convinced she was as tough as they come, break down so quickly. Jackson realized he may have opened something in her mind. Something he never intended to open. He didn’t care for the girl no, but he wasn’t unsympathetic.

“Davina, I’m sorry.” Jackson said from Davina’s side as she continued to gasp with her face hidden from Jackson’s view. Hot tears began dripping down her face, making her grow frustrated. She felt weak for letting another person see her like this. And there was nothing she hated more than being perceived as weak. Not even her hatred for Dean could compare.

“Hey,” Jackson said in a softer tone as he lowered himself onto his knees. He mentally cursed himself for doing this. For risking getting his pants dirty from the pavement. “You’re okay, now.” Jackson said as he tried finding her eyes. When he didn’t, he pulled off a glove and used his index finger to push her head up towards him. Jackson found her eyes and was immediately hit with her memories. Davina sat in the back seat of a van with various other women, some of which weren’t fully clothed. Men in expensive suits and unpleasant faces filled the car. Jackson didn’t have to know much of who any of them were to know that then men associated themselves in a kind of business his clan would never touch. Jackson immediately felt disgusted with the pigs he saw in her memory. The men screamed, demanding that the women in the van would stop their crying. Davina was the only one who listened. She sat with a tie around her mouth and hands. Her previously shut eyes shot open when the man driving stopped in the middle of the road on a highway. The sound of cars honking their horns, tires sliding on the pavement, the sound of cries, and the sound of one of the men’s hands beating one of the women ruthlessly, filled her ears. Davina could no longer sit still nor quiet. She lowered her head as she quietly sobbed and brought her knees up to her chest. It then became impossible for her to catch her breath. Jackson almost immediately pulled her into him, making her pause from the sudden contact. Jackson hoped she wouldn’t be upset with him for the display of affection. He didn’t like it anymore than he thought she would. But, it was the only thing he could think of to get her to hold her breath. She blinked in confusion, making a few tears slip from her eyes. She sniffled as she rested her cheek on his broad chest. Her eyes fluttered shut as she listened to the sounds of Jackson’s calm breathing. She had expected there to be a heartbeat though Jackson was technically dead. When she remembered what he was, she felt the urge to pull away. Jackson could tell. He didn’t take any hard feelings to it. While he didn’t know what fully happened, he understood there was something to make her feel this way about his kind. He wondered if it was the marks on her back, that he too had only learned of that day. He unwrapped her arms from around her and backed away only for Davina to pull him back. Jackson was the one to now sit there confused with arms wrapped around him. Davina wasn’t quite sure why she pulled him back. But, what she did know is that in his arms, she was calm. After a few moments of comfortable silence, the two finally pulled away from one another. Davina’s head lifted up to find Jackson, hoping she wouldn’t find an angry expression for pulling him back. She was surprised to not only see that his face was so close to hers, but that he also had the most concerned expression on his face. When their eyes met, Davina could tell that what Jackson had been concerned about was if she was going to be okay. Davina didn’t say anything. She only smiled softly before bringing herself up from the ground. She then extended her hand out to Jackson. His eyes drifted up to her, confusion and concern swirling around inside of them. His eyes remained on her as he took her hand and was soon off of the ground. The two didn’t speak once as they entered the building. Neither were unsure of what to say, if what happened was even to be acknowledged. They entered a warehouse, finding a frustrated Victor yelling at Aaron and Elliot. Dean stood idly by as well as Charlie, who looked like he was going to be sick from the altercation between family.

“You said that you’d handled it.” Victor said with a harsh voice.

“Vincent is a slippery little bastard, I cannot help it that he got away.” Aaron responded, pinching the bridge of his nose.

“Hey, does anybody have some neosporin?” Elliot asked in a shy voice. Davina laughed as the two of her brothers came into her sight, finding them both beat black and blue with gashes along them.

“Don’t you look great?” Davina teased. Aaron glared at his sister while Elliot focused on a few cuts and scratches along his arms. He had significantly less than Aaron, but this was the most he had ever been on the field. He wasn’t used to these kinds of injuries. Or any at all considering he had always been a careful kid growing up.

“Have fun on your little vacation driving all around Pennsylvania?” Aaron asked bitterly.

“Oh, certainly. Stuck with the King of the Beasts was the highlight of my weekend.” Davina replied back sarcastically. She lowered herself down onto one of the any crates of the warehouse and crossed her legs as she awaited for something to take place. Davina soon found Dean’s glare on her. She was almost sure it was for the comment she made. But, she had a small feeling that it wasn’t entirely the comment. She crossed her arms over her chest and returned the intense glare.

“What are the results?” Victor asked. Dean tore his eyes from her and sighed before responding.

“Well, she isn’t a witch.” Dean said.

“At least not the supernatural kind.” Charlie responded with a smirk. Davina playfully rolled her eyes before sticking her tongue out at him. Elliot soon came to his sister’s side, feeling the need to sit after his hard day. Davina could tell just how tired he was. She wrapped an arm around his shoulder and pulled him into her, letting him rest his head on her shoulder.

“What exactly were you two doing?” Davina inquired.

“I placed a tracking device on one of Vincent’s moving trucks earlier on in the week. The truck was finally used today so Victor sent us after it.” Elliot spoke.

“We were doing fine. We managed to get the back open while the truck was moving. But, once Elliot had nothing to hold onto, he fell onto the road. I managed to make it inside, but with a sharp turn, I was knocked off.” Aaron spoke. Davina hummed in amusement as Elliot yawned.

“Are you concussed?” Davina asked as she turned to Elliot.

“No, just tired. Victor woke us up at four in the morning. We’ve been working ever since.” Elliot spoke.

“Dean, I need to ask. I understand you have tests that you want to continue running for her. But, is there any chance we could borrow her next time the truck is on the move?” Victor asked.

“Wait, tests? I thought you were finished with all of the tests.” Davina said, now standing from her seat as Elliot fell back onto the crate. Dean turned to her, unsure of what to say. He knew exactly what was causing the changes. He could just let her go. But, then again, he needed to know why she had yet to fully transition.

“Davina, we need to figure out why none of our abilities work on you. It’s one of our biggest priorities right now. You can borrow her when it’s time, Victor. But, until then, she stays at the compound with us.” Dean spoke. Davina stood from her spot and approached Dean, standing face to face with him.

“You do not control me and I do not have to listen to a damn thing you say. I am staying because I choose to. Not because you want me there.” Davina gritted through her teeth. Dean tilted his head slightly, quirking a brow at her.

“And why would you ever choose to stay with the murderous beasts you despise so?” Dean inquired. An innocent smile growing across Davina’s face.

“Because, when you think about it,” Davina said, turning to the other two beasts standing in her area. “You three have to ensure my safety for the time being because of this little alliance you have going. Vincent said he’d return for me. And with everything going on, I can’t help but think that could be soon. So long as I am with the King of the Beasts and his co-leaders I am untouchable.” Davina said as her smile turned into a smirk. Dean mentally rolled his eyes when the sound of a device beeping caught all of their attention. Victor looked down at the tablet in his hands before finding the eyes of the beasts.

“It’s ready.” Victor said before the entirety of them headed off to find out what Victor had announced was ready.

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