Davina sighed as she realized she’d most definitely have to reuse some of the same clothes. She hoped Dean had yet another spare shirt in her bag that she could borrow, but was doubtful. She put her underclothes on before heading out of the bathroom.

“Could I borrow another shirt?” Davina asked. She stared at him, waiting for a response. He peeled open his heavy eyes, finding her in the same clothes as before remembering that she had only brought the guns. He quietly walked over to his bag in a few strides and pulled out the last t-shirt he packed, hurling it her way. She scoffed at him when she almost dropped the shirt from the sudden throw, her eyes narrowing on him.

“Thanks.” Davina growled before turning around to head back to the bathroom. Dean’s eyes landed on the tattoos along her skin. He hadn’t known till the day before that she had any and didn’t think her of the type to have them. He was shocked to see the two. And he was now even more shocked to find so many. His eyes trailed down to her lower back, finding three gashes along her back that looked like it had yet to heal. He wondered how recent it was since she got them and was going to ask when she walked back out with the clean shirt on and the dirty shirt in her hand.

“Your turn.” Davina said as she tossed the dirty shirt away and hopped onto the bed. She grumbled when she was met with a hard mattress.

“Try not to be so loud whenever you get out.” Davina said as she pushed her hands underneath the pillow and placed her cheek on top of it and shut her eyes. Dean turned away before she put her hands above her head, making the shirt go up and reveal more of herself. A part of him was curious as to what she really looked like. Despite her being around him half naked for over a few hours now, he was trying his hardest to keep his eyes off of her out of respect for her. Dean entered the bathroom and immediately ridded himself of his bloody clothes. He was relieved to find that his leather jacket didn’t receive the treatment the rest of his clothes did. He soon entered the shower and remained in there for some time. Dean found that when he was most relaxed was when he had his time alone in a hot, steamy shower. It was the one time he could get away from the exhaustion of his duties as well as get away from a yapping Marina. He could remember the few times she tried to enter the shower with him. But, after ignoring her a few times, she finally got the hint. He wishes she’d get the hint more often. As soon as Dean exited the shower and got dressed in only a pair of his jeans, his phone started going off. He made no rush over to his phone though he thoroughly believed the young woman would wake up in an angry mood if she heard the phone ringing. To his luck, he turned to find Davina still sound asleep. He grabbed his phone before heading outside of the motel room and quietly shut the door. He walked a few feet away so that his voice wouldn’t be heard from her before answering the phone.

“What?” Dean spat. A scoff came through on the other end.

“No ‘hello’? Or ‘how are you doing, Charlie’?” Charlie asked. Dean could hear Jackson sigh on the other end. Dean had no doubt that Jackson was annoyed having to be stuck with Charlie since he was gone for the time being.

“What do you need?” Dean repeated tiredly.

“My King, are you well? You sound tired.” Charlie examined.

“Is this all you called me for?” Dean asked, growing a little irritated. Dean could hear some struggling and bickering over the phone and soon he could hear Jackson breathing against the phone followed by Charlie throwing a fit in the background.

“We were contacted about another shipment down at the port from one of the co-leaders in Europe. There was nothing inside the container.” Jackson stated.

“Old news, Jackson.” Dean growled through the phone. He could hear Jackson take a deep breath. Dean just knew Jackson was biting his tongue right now. Jackson could speak his mind freely to anyone knowing there’d be no real consequences for it. With his King, there most certainly were, and so he held back. He’s also vowed he’ll never speak to any of his co-leaders how he does with others out of respect for them. To Jackson, though there was a professional stance between him, Dean, and Charlie, he did also see them as his closest friends. He’s respect them as such.

“Allow me to repeat myself. There was nothinginsidethe container, my King. We did however find an all too familiar symbol painted on the outside of it.” Jackson replied. Dean’s breath hitched. Jackson didn’t need to describe the symbol. Each and every beast in history knew exactly what symbol what he was referring to. Before his clan and the organization made their alliance, there had been a devastating war between the two that continued on for almost seventeen years. The city had been full of beasts from different parts of the world that unforgettable night. It was a celebration for Jackson and his bride who were to be wed the night of. Just as Jackson was highly respected by the beast community, his bride was as well. She was loved by every beast whom had the privilege of meeting her and all believed that she’d make a great Queen one day considering both her and Jackson would be next in line. It was discovered that Jackson’s former bride was murdered on the night of their wedding and what was also the night she’d make her official transformation into a beast. She was found within the compound on the balcony of their guest bedroom by Charlie, whom he had grown very close with. Jackson was enraged when he found his beloved bride with a bullet through her back. Dean was the first to recognize where the bullet had come from. He wondered how his kind had been discovered considering the beasts lived by a code. They knew there were to be no use of powers during the day in public, and to be extremely cautious when in the night. The organization hadn’t had a clue for centuries. Dean wasn’t quite sure how they found out. But, he wanted to be a peaceful King. He wanted to try to coexist with the organization since he didn’t have the heart to leave his home and he left his animalistic days behind him. Jackson however didn’t want peace. He wanted revenge on each and every single member of the organization. And so, he created the symbol. He painted it on every part of the city. And he vowed he wouldn’t stop until each and every single one of them were dismembered. Dean had the ability to stop him. Not only was he stronger, but he was the King and with a single word he could command Jackson to not take action. But, deep down, he knew Jackson would much rather disrespect the King and be killed for disobeying him, than not try to avenge the owner of his heart. And Dean wouldn’t do that to his friend. And so, humans and beasts went into an almost two decade long war. It wasn’t until a line of leaders in the organization were killed and Vincent was next in line that a stop was put to the war. Vincent made the deal that both could coexist in the town. That the organization wouldn’t make any attempts at harming any of the beasts so long as they did the same. Jackson didn’t want to agree to the regulations. He wanted to watch the city burn. It wasn’t until both Dean and Charlie managed to convince him that his bride had been avenged and that it was time for him to return to his home and to his duties.

“We’ve searched the city. There’s only the one. So, it’s only a warning and there’s no rush for you to return home. But, when you do you’ll need to lose the girl. She’s the least of our worries now.” Jackson said before hanging up the phone. Dean took a deep breath, trying to suppress the anger he felt but failed. He threw his phone harshly against the wall, shattering it completely. He took another deep breath before pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, soon lighting in and placing the right end into his mouth. Davina grumbled at the noise of the phone hitting the wall. She knew she hadn’t been asleep for long and was upset that it had been ruined by a noise outside. She huffed before standing up and opening the door to check. She turned both ways and found nothing on either side. She then quietly walked over to the corner and hid behind the wall with her back pressed up against it. She peeked around the corner in case of any danger. She sighed of relief to find it was only Dean. She straightened herself up and went to turn down the corner. To her surprise, she found Dean now in front of her standing incredibly close to her. Once again they were in the same position as they were before with their chests pressed up against one another. Davina could tell from his breathing pattern he was upset over something. She didn’t know what and figured whatever it was, it’d be best for her not to touch it. She however couldn’t stand seeing him so upset. It made her anxious as it did the first time in the lab when she saw his true anger. She didn’t want to be stuck in that situation again with him choking her out. She didn’t know how best to get him calm or if she even could. Without realizing it, she opened her mind to him. Calm down, Davina thought. Dean’s breathing only became more irregular. He didn’t hear that word often. Jackson did it as a way to scold him, but that was it. Unlike Jackson, Davina was doing it for his benefit and not just to be an ass. He wondered why she let him read her mind, if she even realized she did it. But he found that when she reached forward and her hand rested on his chest and her mind repeated the same words, she was beginning to realize it. Dean’s eyes trailed down to the hand placed on his bare chest. He wasn’t sure she realized that either. His breathing slowed as heart began to pick up pace as he heard Davina’s also beating fast. He stared at her intently, wondering if her intentions were just to calm him. Davina was also slowly becoming aware of the situation, that her hand was now on his bare chest. Her fingers dared her to run them across his skin to get a better feel of him, to run them across the ink tatted on him. Her heart began to pick up pace as she noticed just how long he had been staring at her for. She was frozen in her spot. She couldn’t reach her hand back even if she wanted to. And she really didn’t want to. Dean didn’t want her to either. He was waiting for her to do something, anything to give him the go. And she did. Her tongue ran across her pink lips as her eyes drifted down to his. Dean knew that was all of the confirmation he needed. Almost immediately, Dean brought his hand up onto her hair, pulling it back only slightly to get better access to her face. He quickly leaned in kissed her passionately. Davina’s other hand began to run up and down his bare chest, running her fingers along the tattoos she wanted to touch for a while. Dean’s free hand pressed up against her lower back, pulling her impossibly close to him. Her arms found their way around his neck, pulling him down further to her height. Dean deepened the kiss, making Davina moan loudly. The vibration Dean felt from her moan only excited him more. He led her back to the door to their motel room, reaching behind her and fumbling to twist the knob. Once he finally did, he pushed her back into the room, his tongue exploring every inch of her mouth as he did. He shut the door, locking it quickly before lifting her up. Her legs wrapped their way around his hips as her arms remained around his neck. He teasingly bit down on her lip, emitting more moans deep within Davina’s throat. When he reached the bed, he set her down carefully on the mattress and continued his actions. Davina’s hands soon roamed his entire upper body, feeling his back, his arms, and his torso. She knew his physique wasn’t muscular. And he definitely didn’t have six pack. But, he was toned. And to her, he felt muscular in all of the right places. Dean moved his way from her lips to her neck, continuing to bite, lick, and suck on her skin. She let out soft whimpers at the feeling of her skin between his teeth. It burned her skin, but it was very pleasurable for her. The sounds of the young woman beneath him made it incredibly uncomfortable to be wearing jeans.

“Oh, fuck, Dean.” Davina moaned out as he sucked on the sensitive place on her neck. It was then Dean decided he needed to rid himself of his jeans. His hands immediately went to the belt buckle, pulling it off as fast as he could. Davina helped get his pants down his thighs and soon her hands started palming him through his boxers. He quietly moaned at the feeling, his forehead pressing against her collarbone as she stroked him. Davina pushed down on the left side of his shoulder to get him over onto the bed. She soon straddled him and began the same treatment on his neck and chest as she continued to stroke him through his boxers. Dean’s hands found their way to the bottom of his shirt that Davina wore. He quickly lifted it up and over her head before one hand found her breast, cupping and fondling it.

“What happened to not wanting to waste your time on women of my kind?” Davina asked a little breathlessly as Dean sat up, his face inches away from her own.

“Don’t ruin this.” Dean muttered making Davina laugh. Her laugh was cut off as Dean kissed her once more. He reached back behind her and un-clipped her lacy bra and tossing it across the room. He was then able to get a better feel of her. His fingers pinched mercilessly at her hardened nipple, making her moan loudly. Dean didn’t care about the people in the surrounding rooms in this moment. He was determined to do it again just to hear that noise come from her mouth. Dean soon flipped Davina over, deciding he wanted back on top again. Profanities began pouring out of her mouth as Dean’s mouth was now pressed against her nipple, his tongue swirling around it. The excitement she felt made her feel faint. She so desperately wanted his mouth a little lower, but she remembered what happened when Brayden put that little fantasy in her head. And she didn’t want that to happen once more. While she remembered that spell cast on her that felt so very real, Dean now made his way in between her legs. She was torn away from the memory when she felt his lips on her sensitive area, sucking just as mercilessly as he was before.

“Dean!” Davina screamed out. He chuckled against her heat, the vibration sending tingles through her body. He continued and soon started using his talented fingers to get her to squeal and squirm. Davina kept going to close her thighs, unsure if she could take anymore. Her stomach was in knots and she could hardly breathe as it was. She was certain if she reached her high, she’d come apart completely. Dean decided she was wet enough. He pressed a kiss against her inner thigh before making his way back up to her. He rid himself of his boxers, tossing them on the floor along with their other discarded clothes. Davina peered down despite their bodies being pressed up close so that she could get a look of him. Her eyes widened at the sight as she looked back up, finding Dean’s eyes.

“Like what you see?” Dean asked, quirking a brow at her. Davina smirked at him.

“Don’t flatter yourself. I’m just now realizing that neither have discussed a condom situation and you’re inches from being inside of me.” Davina said.

“Well, lucky for you, you don’t have to worry about being impregnated.” Dean replied.

“I’m not just worried about impregnation, I’m also worried about an STD.” Davina said a little more clearly.

“You also don’t have to worry about that, alright?” Dean asked. Davina sighed heavily before nodding her head. It was then Dean remembered her past. How all of those times before may not have been memorable for her. He pushed back that want to hear her scream his name, having her squirming beneath him and begging him to stop. Dean pressed his index finger against her chin, tilting it upward. His lips were against hers once more, but this time it wasn’t as demanding as the one’s before. It was gentle and loving. And for the first time, Davina could feel a strange build up in her stomach. She never liked referring to them as butterflies, but that is what she felt. It confused her. Because even now, even though the two were about to have sex, she still felt she hated him and his kind. Dean soon parted their lips and rested his forehead on hers. His hands trailed down to her hips, gripping onto them gently as he positioned himself at her entrance. His fingers lightly grazed one of the three marks on her back that he still wasn’t quite sure what it’s purpose for being there was. His nose brushed up against hers as the two stared into each other’s eyes. Dean wondered for a minute why he was in this position even after what he said. How he felt about her distaste for his kind. As well as why he was being so gentle and caring with her at this moment. He’s said it before to every lover in the past. He does not make love, and he doesn’t involve himself in romantic relationships. That everything between him and whoever his lover is at the time is purely physical and beyond what they do behind closed doors, he doesn’t care about them. And yet, he can’t help but wonder why he feels care for the young woman beneath him. That alliance doesn’t come to mind when he asks himself this question. It can’t. Because he knows it has absolutely nothing to do with it. A tap on her hip signals to her that he’s ready when she is. She pressed a kiss to his cheek and wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him down, deciding she wants to hold him close. After a moment, he slowly enters himself. Her lips part at the feeling. She can feel him stretching her walls open and filling her completely. It stings for a moment considering she’s never had someone of his size inside of her before. None of the times before had been consensual on her end. Growing up in that kind of business got her in some scarring situations that she isn’t quite sure she’ll ever forget. But, right now she can. Right now it’s completely consensual between her and him. She’s very thankful he didn’t acknowledge it. She knew she’d breakdown if he did, and that this moment wouldn’t be happening if he had brought it up. Once Dean was fully in, after a moment, he pulled out completely. Davina noticed how empty she feels before he enters her once more, being a little less gentle than before. Dean preferred seeing the pleasure on her face, but didn’t speak it. Davina’s eyes widen at the realization that she could hear Dean’s thoughts. She knew how it was possible, and the thought scared her only for a moment until Dean pulled back out again, slamming in with more force than before.

“Dean.” Davina cried out as she unhooked her arms from his neck, deciding to give him his wish. Dean’s hands went to cup both sides of her face and pressed his forehead up against hers once more. The two moaned together as Dean picked up the pace slightly, her hips matching his movements. He wanted to try to be gentle. He doesn’t want to be rough like he usually is. He can’t imagine all of her times before were any pleasure-able for her. And he certainly doesn’t want to scare her. He’s not sure either of them would be able to handle that. The two held each other as they both ride out their highs together. Davina panted heavily as Dean pulls out of her, letting their combined fluids pour out onto the sheets. Davina wrapped her arms around his back, pulling her close to him and peppering soft kisses on his shoulders. Dean managed to catch his breath a little quicker than Davina. His wrists ached from having to hold himself up. He didn’t want to have all of his weight on her and risk crushing her beneath him, but he also wanted to hold her. Dean wrapped his arms around her, flipping the both of them over so she laid on top of him. She propped herself up with her elbows and brushed fallen wet strands from out of his face. She kissed his wet temple before burying her face into the crook of his neck and falling into a deep sleep.

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