Ayakha the Queen
Chapter 9


Break his neck,break his hands off our mate let me out now so that I can show him!

I am trying to keep my lycan from taking control,I had just found out the minute I set foot in the building being hit by the most aromatic scent ever.It couldn't have been Khanna since we've established that a long time ago that she's not my mate,my lycan kept pacing up and down chanting *mate*mate*mate* I didn't even bother with Khanna as I made my way to the where they were holding Sonia's birthday.

As I was about to turn we collided head on with electricuting sensation followed by that aromatic scent.Everything just fell into place *mate* we locked eyes as felt my life being whole.I found her,that little squirrel is mine but than I had to tell them that am leaving yesterday,taking her by surprise.I didn't expect her to react the way she did though, I guess she really did love me.I have to leave I cannot neglect my duties any longer,my heart broke a thousand times watching her run to the toilet crying after seeing me,my word am already making her cry.

But it's for her own good along with our Queen,we need to change those old hags rules and bring about change.I'll be back for her, she's mine even if it's the last thing I do.I step outside for some needed fresh air and also to talk to Khanna.Finding her was easy sitting outside under the shade of trees "Hey Khanna..." she just looked away from me "it's 'Khanna' now? No more pet names I see" she is still not meeting my eyes,I can't bring myself to be that intimate as I was with her now that I know my mate is right inside.

"Listen..." I bend down in one knee so that we can be at an eye level and continue "I am sorry but I have to leave it's not even a matter of choice.We had our fun and I appreciate it so, please...huh?" I wipe away her tears and lead her inside where everyone is.I am relieved that we got to talk and iron things out but it was short lived when I saw Sonia dancing with Eric,I lost control and I almost transformed into my lycan revealing my secret in the process.My jealous spiked pushing me to growl absentmindedly at him,realising what I did,I just stormed out of the building leaving everyone surprised by my sudden outburst.

I look at my watch and time reads 16:00pm time to go home.I never went back to the office,I had already booked a flight for this evening to Sweden all paper work for my business have been taken cared of by my other partner.Come to think of,Ayakha looks alot like him.He's a witch and a very powerful one at that married to a princess of Wales kingdom now that's pure power,that coven rules all covens.They have only one child I wonder where is she now, she was a cute little strong thing.He goes by the name Sir Lance,he will be managing everything from now on I trust him,he'll do a good job.00:00am I'll be departing,my lycan has been fighting me for control so he can go claim our mate rules be damned but I am the voice of reason in the matter.

Brother I'll be arriving in hours we have so much to talk about.

I text my brother,I have alot of explaining to do.I just hope after all that my head will still be attached to my body but I don't have a choice am also making some sacrifices here. *Ding*

I cannot wait my brother I'll tell Zethu to await your arrival am down here in Slovakia for some treaty dispute.

Oh I don't miss that one bit, playing referee between hot headed ego controlled alpha's but Mozokhi is another breed ruthless merciless he takes no bull from them.You might think he would want such matters be handled by his second or third command no...and those idiots of alpha's tend to do that mistake of thinking that too.

He loves an element of surprise,catching his preys trembling with fear only he can instill in them how I wish to be a fly in that room. Enough day dreaming time to head out so no one can catch me here for goodbyes I don't do those.I called a cab earlier on to take me to the airport so that must be it's hooter.Bye South Africa you've been good to me...with one last glance I took off but not before grabbing a photo of work fun day.

Sonia has been blowing my phone and I couldn't bring myself to answer the phone its for her own good,I kept repeating those words in my head until I could believe them. My phone is now on airplane mode.It's going to be a long flight.I slept through out the flight didn't even have an appetite for anything.Our flight landed waking me up in the process.Home sweet home.I make my way out of the airport after landing I exhale the air in nope! I think to myself nothing beats the South earthy smell.

"Okhufa!" Now that you don't get everyday the joy in my sister's face and tears streaming down her cheeks,yes she's dramatic like that she knows how to make an entrance."Baby sis" I meet her with the same excitement,I haven't seen her in 100 years but she's still as beautiful,it's like the years stood still while she aged like fine wine.

"Jag saknar dig bror" which means I miss you brother in English,I haven't spoke my home language in a while but I could never forget my roots.

"Jag saknar dig också kanin" I say to her mirroring her emotions in a tight hug.

"You have been gone for so long one might think you have forgotten all about our roots and language my dear brother,are you still a womanizer?" She asks with a brow raised "Hey don't hate the player,hate the game am sure you know the saying little one"

"Ugh! fuck off that's bull and you know it what's gonna happen when you find your mate and she realise you haven't been saving yourself for her huh?" She scolds like she's an elder here but I must admit she hit a nerve there.I've been banging someone close to Sonia and openly being a jerk and I left her behind...man I screw up "Hey hey hey I didn't mean anything by it,am sorry dude I know she's there somewhere you'll find her but for heaven's sake give that poor member in your pants a break you gonna...." She suddenly starts to sniff me and her eyes went wide with realisation oh fuckie fuck Ayakha's scent still lingers in my clothes.

"Tell me am dreaming right now..."

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