Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 34



Chirping birds at the window stirred me up from my slumber. My eyelashes fluttered before I slowly opened my eyes and slowly woke up. After a few deep breaths, I realized that my body felt comfortable and energized.

“How long have I been sleeping?” I murmured on the sheets.

The last thing I remembered, I fell asleep in the car and used Lewis’ thighs as my pillow. Then, he teased me before carrying me up and bringing me to be,’ I thought to myself. “So... I ended up falling back to sleep..." I lowered my eyes and stared at the king size bed. It was the same room that I slept on the first night that I stayed here — the room where the Symbol of Talascar could be found. Even without thinking about it, it was obvious that the room belonged to Lewis. I licked my dry lower lip before sitting up. “So pretty,” I could not help but comment as I saw the single rose placed on top of the bedside table.

“I keep on using his room. I wonder where he slept for the last two nights...” I softly murmured. “It couldn't be that he slept together with me?" I thought. Right away, my mind was filled with images of two figures entangled together. One was small while the other one was tall. He had a great figure, with his strong arms and belly filled with hard and defined abs.

My lower lips started trembling while my face started heating up until I could no longer sit straight. As if I could hide from my own embarrassment, I covered my face with my hands.

“Moon goddess... forgive me. Not only did I occupy Lewis’ bedroom and displaced him... I even started taking advantage of him in my thoughts,” I mumbled through my fingers. “So many things happened that I didn't even realize about this room situation,” casually, I spoke. However, the words I uttered helped me realize something. “Tha-that's right. A lot of things happened...” I murmured. Compared to the visions I saw; I was with Lewis instead of being with Alec. Also, we managed to prevent the assassination of the princess, the catalyst which set forth series of invasion in my vision. I started calming myself down, but the feeling of dread started appearing in my heart. “I made a lot of plans for the future. But now, the future has changed,’ I thought to myself.’ But the changed future... will it be better?” “Or will it be worse than the original.’ I held my hands into fists as color slowly left my lips.’ The original future was dreadful. What if my actions worsen it?"

“No, I can't be like this. What I must do is to work hard in looking into the changed future so that we can plan and face it." I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. “No matter what, I will fight to protect my wolf, and everyone that matters.’ “What are you doing?” A familiar deep voice interrupted my thoughts, startling me. Hurriedly, I looked up to see Lewis who was standing beside the bed and looking at me. His eyes were clear as he looked at me with concern. “Lia, are you okay?" He asked as he slightly leaned towards me. “Ah. I'm- I'm..." I started to say but was not able to finish because my attention was caught by something... that was very enticing. Lewis always looked very handsome. But at that moment, his jet-black hair was wet, and droplets of water were falling from the ends. He was wearing a white shirt that was slightly see -through on the shoulders after catching the water from his wet hair. He had a small towel casually wrapped around his neck. His body seemed to be emitting hot steams.

Just one look and one could tell that he just finished bathing. That alone was already enough to make me tongue-tied. However, what made me utterly speechless and my heart beat like helicopter blades was his belly area that was slightly exposed.

'Ahhhhh why is his shirt like that?" I mentally screamed as I stared at the front hem of his shirt that was not fully pulled down, making some part of his abs exposed.

“But... the real thing... is really the real deal...’ thought as I shamelessly stared at the deliciously well- defined lower abs that were even better than my earlier imagination. “Lia?” I heard Lewis say. My eyes widened as I saw him lean closer and closer towards me, until his face was only an inch away from mine.

My heart that was beating like crazy suddenly skipped a couple of beats. And when I saw him coming even closer, I stopped breathing. “Goddess... is he... going to kiss-'l started to think but my mind went blank when I felt a warm and soft sensation on my forehead. I blinked thrice, and it was only then I realized that Lewis touched his forehead with mine. “You seem to be slightly hot,” I heard Lewis say. He spoke when he was so close to me and I felt his warm breath on my face. My face that was already blushing furiously got even hotter. “Ah-ah!” I exclaimed before I hurriedly pulled away. “I - I'm okay... I'm sorry for worrying you, Lewis,” I immediately told him and met his eyes. “En? He seems surprised... and his eyes seem a little darker?’ I thought to myself. I wanted to look more However, Lewis blinked, and his expression was changed as he looked at me with innocent eyes, making me think as if what I saw before was but a flicker of my imagination.

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