Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 32



"Alpha, elders from the Silverwood Pack are begging for an audience-" 1 lifted a hand to stop Simon, my gamma, from talking.

Be quiet,’ I said through a mind-link. Simon, who was at the receiving end of my statement, visibly flinched as if he just received a huge surprise

I lifted a brow at him but did not call his rude behavior. I could not blame him. Afterall, in my pack, it is a well-known matter that I hated being connected to another through a mind-link. And unless absolutely necessary, I would never converse to another in this way.

“However right now, it's necessary,” I thought as I looked at Lia's peaceful sleeping face. It had been a few hours, yet she was still sleeping so deeply. “Uhm... alpha...” Simon said very softly. “Those elders... they are begging on their knees and are causing a ruckus...”

“Toss them towards the royal family. If they still refuse, throw them to the dungeons. Tell them I'll kill them and feed their flesh to the crows if they start causing trouble in my dungeons,” I replied in a quiet voice. Silence followed my statement. “Erm, alpha... a representative of the royal family also arrived and asked for the custody of the members of the Silverwood Pack that we imprisoned earlier,” Simon broke a sweat as he reminded me.

Coldness flashed in my eyes before I said, “Tell that representative those runts are my get well-soon present to Halen that he could retrieve here when he recovered. If they still insist, tell Eliwa to handle them.”

I know everything that happens in my territory like the back of my hand. Thus, I knew for a fact that a few minutes ago, Eliwa, my Beta who was previously out because of an errand, already returned. Simon is a little softie compared to Eliwa. For troublesome matters relating to the royal family, it is best to toss it to her. “I-I understand, Alpha,” Simon replied. “Get lost if you're done,” I softly but harshly said before lifting some strands of Lia's hair and giving it a gentle kiss. “You look exhausted,” I softly mumbled on Lia's hair. “And also weary,” I added as I saw the line in between her brows. “I wonder what you are dreaming about to show an expression like this?” I furrowed my brows before sighing. “Will you laugh... if you learn that I wanted to protect you, even against bad dreams?” I softly


A few minutes later, Lia eyelashes softly fluttered, indicating that she was about to wake up. She looked dazed for a few seconds after opening her eyes, indicating that she was still half asleep. “Ah,’ I inwardly exclaimed. “How adorable,’I thought to myself as a small smile started to appear on my lips. Suddenly, however, Lia reached out and grabbed my upper thigh, startling me. For the first time in my life, I felt my body frozen, especially when she started pinching upward. If she pinched half an inch upward, she would reach my manhood. Subconsciously, I gulped as a wave of arousal suddenly gushed throughout my body. “Oh... interesting, 'l thought as excitement filled my body. “Unfortunately, this is not the correct time,’l regrettably sighed. Thus, I kindly told her, “Lia, moving your hand upward is a dangerous idea.” It was like she was struck by lightning. Lia changed from being a sleepy, innocent angel to a profusely blushing woman as she hurriedly got up and sat up straight. “Ah...” Lia opened her mouth to say something but immediately closed it again. She was so shy that even her arms looked pink. “Oh,” I softly said as I stared at her delectable looking arm. “I want to bite them, 'l secretly thought. “I- I'm so sorry... I didn't really mean... I thought I was sleeping on the ground and using a rock as my pillow...” Lia clumsily explained. A smirk could not help but appear on my lips. “Using a rock as your pillow,” I repeated her words. “Hmmm. Right now, indeed it is like rock. Though, a different kind." “Yes yes I thought I was still dreaming,” Lia stated before lowering her head. “I'm so sorry,” she softly added. Even without reading her thoughts, I knew that she was feeling panicked, anxious, and awfully apologetic.

I could not help but furrow my brows. “Lia, how bad were you treated before to react like this?" I thought as I stared at her beautiful eyes.

I softly sighed before reaching out and holding her chin. Then, with my finger and thumb, I made her look up to me. “Then, did you sleep well?” I gently asked her. My question seemed to have caught her off guard. Thankfully, it was able to calm her a little. After a few seconds, Lia softly answered, I...I slept well.” “Then, are you still feeling sleepy?” I asked her. Lia blinked at me before she nodded and said, “I guess I am still feeling sleepy.” At that point, a small smile finally escaped on my lips. “I see. Then, I guess it's time for us to continue this in bed,” I told her before reaching out for her small body. With barely any effort, “I took her in my arms and carried her out of the car, before walking towards my house.

"Ahhh? Bed?” Lia's eyes widened and the blush on her face intensified. This time, however, her expression showed that she was feeling shy and no longer anxious about the situation earlier.

The smile on my face widened as I saw her quickly recover. I could not help but tease her. “Yes, bed,” I said. “I mean, you were sleepy, aren't you? Unless you want to do something else?” I asked before giving her an innocent look.

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