Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding the Light by Majie
Awakening Luna: Darkness Holding The Light By Majie Chapter 9



What I saw was an unfamiliar place when I opened my eyes. The tall ceiling that greeted my sight was very sleek and elegant. Yet, I failed to notice it, as my eyes were focused on the insignia that was masterfully engraved in the middle of the ceiling

An image of the full moon... with a powerful looking sword silently placed beside it. It was composed of simple symbols. Yet, the power that emanated from it was beyond comparison with the others.

Just one look in the insignia already made my heart turn faster with excitement and my eyes turn wide with amazement.

It was an insignia that had disappeared for the past couple of centuries. Talascar, the protector of the Moon.

In my visions, it was not until a few years later when this hidden insignia reappeared in the world But now, I had the honor of closely seeing it. I was completely mesmerized. “Do you recognize this symbol?” Suddenly, a low voice stated, making me almost jump in surprise. I looked at where the sound came from and saw Lewis who was standing by the window. It seemed that he was observing the moon before I woke up.

“Ah... that's right. Earlier... Lewis marked me..." the thought slowly sinked in my mind and I remembered the previous happenings. “So this place... I'm probably at his house. “Are you thirsty?” Lewis asked, effectively waking me again from my thoughts. “Ah? Ye-yes!” I blurted out without thinking about it. Lewis gave me a look before he walked towards the other side of the room where a small refrigerator was. Then, he took one bottle of water and walked towards the bed. My face started burning when I realized that he just got some water for me.

In my pack, there was a strict implementation of social hierarchy. Those who were ranked lower were totally not allowed to ask anyone higher in rank than them to do anything. Of course, that specially applied to the alpha. No one was allowed to order Alec around. And anyone who got caught being disrespectful to him would end up being punished. “So-sorry I didn't mean to ask you-" I started to explain that I did not intend on ordering him to get me some water. “Do you want something else other than water?” Lewis asked and acted as if he was about to return to the refrigerator. “No! Wa-water is fine!” I hurriedly said... before I started panicking when I realized that I spoke a little too loudly. Lewis seemed to have not noticed it and sat by the side of the bed. Then, he twisted the cup of the bottle open and gave it to me. 1

I never received such treatment before. My face could not help but turn warmer once more before I respectfully and very carefully received the water bottle from him. Suddenly, I heard a small low chuckle. However, when I looked at Lewis, he was sporting a straight expression. “Was it my imagination?’ I thought with furrowed brows before I carefully sipped on the cool water like a prized treasure.

I have never seen an alpha serving water to anyone... not even their mates.’

“Even in my vision, Alec was my superior and lord in all aspects. I must appreciate this moment,’ I thought as I gulped all of the contents of the water. The moment I finished drinking, to my surprise, Lewis reached over and took the water bottle from me. There was an almost indiscernible smile on his face.

I was slightly at loss at what I should say. I looked down at the white blanket over my body and softly whispered, “Thank you.” "Hmmm," I heard Lewis say before I felt a hand on my left cheek, making me look up. My heartbeat fluttered as I shyly looked up and glanced at his face. Lewis, however, did not meet my eyes. Instead, he was staring at my cheek “You were hurt here,” After a few seconds, I heard him say.

“Oh,’ I thought. “So, he was looking at the injury I had when father hit me."

My body healed slower than normal wolves. This was mainly because my wolf, Ylva, only had the strength of an omega. The slap that my father gave me was enough to give me a huge bruise that would stay for at least a day. “...yeah,” I said as I subconsciously covered my cheek with my palm. Lewis gave me a deep look before he looked down at my legs. Then, he said, “Can I look at your legs?” His statement immediately made me look at my legs covered by my jeans. I was unsure what he was talking about and merely said, “Yeah?” Lewis took my answer as an affirmative and immediately reached for my legs. And without any warning... ripped the jeans that were covering my legs. “Ah?!” I loudly exclaimed. “Oh, sorry. I was-in a hurry,” Lewis nonchalantly said before I felt his warm palm on my leg.

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