Awaken The Wolf
Chapter 24

Jacob’s POV

Watching Ayla being carried out of the woods by one of those Triplets really bothered me. Since they had been here, they had stuck close to her; I don’t think I have seen her once without them, not since she was last at school anyway. Goddess, I don’t even know why it bothered me so much anyway. It’s not like I even like her. We haven’t been friends for years now, if you could even call us friends, to begin with. Sure, we spent some time together once, but I quickly learned it wasn’t a good idea.

Lucas, my older brother, is best friends with Mason. They made my life a living hell for hanging out with Ayla, Mason hates her, so naturally, Lucas would too. I took way too many beats for it and didn’t intend on ever receiving any more, not for her anyway. She smelled amazing, though; that’s what has been worrying me. She shouldn’t smell that good to me unless we are mated.

“I can’t be mated to Ayla; my life would be a living hell if I were! I would be seen as lower than low, and I refused to lose my standing in the pack” the thought flashed through my mind again. I keep having the same panicked idea lately. The more I see Ayla and her scent attracts me, the more I worry.

The best decision I ever made was going after Stacy. She would secure my reputation as one of the most popular girls in school. In reality, though, Stacy is a bit of a bitch; she’s got her benefits, which I can’t complain about. Lately, she had been hanging around Lucas and Mason as much as possible. It’s a bit annoying, really, but what can I do? What Stacy wants; Stacy gets.

“You in here, mate”, Jaxon called.

“Yeah, round the back”, I shout. Jaxon was working on the bikes with me. It wouldn’t be long till we are up and running.

“Mate, they look great; you have been working on them without me, I see”, Jaxon jokes.

“Just a bit, but now we will be done quicker,” I say

“So, did you get a representative staying at yours too?” He asked, whilst running his hands over the new paint job I finished last night.,

“Yeah, she’s pretty cool, actually,” I tell him. “She’s called Delanie and from the Black Storm Pack. She wasn’t happy, to begin with, as she wanted to stay in the pack house, but we won her over!”

“Is she hot?” Jaxon was always after the so-called hot girls; it’s probably why he’s still single.

“Dude! No…I’m not answering that; I’m dating your sister, but… she’s alright,” I laugh.

“I wouldn’t be worrying about that; she doesn’t”, he mutters; I almost didn’t catch it.

“What do you mean?” I wonder

“Oh, nothing, mate” he tried to busy himself with the bike, but I had to know now.”

“No, Jaxon, what do you mean” I needed to know; I had a horrible feeling.

“It’s nothing, just Stacy being Stacy” he shrugged.

Stacy may be hard work, but she’s still my girlfriend; I had grown to like her…a lot; I had to find out what Jaxon meant. Was she cheating on me?

“Jacob, the mate, don’t worry about it; I swear I meant nothing by it”, he tried to persuade me, but a growl had already escaped my throat.

“Jaxon”, I warned

“Fine, she’s got it in her head she’s destined to be with Mason, she’s convinced he’s her mate, and she is meant to be the next Luna. She’s waiting for our birthday for the mate bond to snap into place” he finally let the words fall from his lips. He knows my wolf is massive as I have turned; my birthday was a few weeks ago.

“What! For fuck sake!” I was mad; what does she take me for, a bloody fool?

“Look, mate, don’t worry about it; she’s not mated to Mason; if she were surely, he would have an inkling by now; he is twenty-one; after all, he has had his wolf for years now, surely he would know” Jaxon tried to reason with me.

“Jaxon, I don’t care if they are mated. It’s a fact she is using me as a safeguard just in case they aren’t. I knew something was up as she hasn’t been around much, plus she’s extra bitchy with me lately,” I tell him, trying my best to control my anger. My wolf, Storm had a wicked temper, and I was still learning to reign him in. “where is she today” I half growl, half sigh.

“Mum had her running errands with Miranda, the girl staying with us,” Jaxson says, cautiously watching me.

“Okay, I guess I’ll ring her and get her to pop over later”, I state

“Mate, you’re going to drop me in it”, he all but whined.

“I won’t, don’t worry”, I promise.

I was so bloody angry; where does she think she gets off cheating on me…or even trying to. I will not be played. I scraped my fingers through my messy light brown hair. I didn’t know what to do; I had to confront her. There was no way I was being anyone’s fool.

The storm was raging inside my head; I fully understood how he felt. I wanted, no, needed to hit something.

“Mate. Storms are showing, not yours,” Jaxon says; he sounded timid. I don’t blame him; Storm is quite formidable.

Since I had my first shift and finally got to meet Storm. I have been different, stronger somehow. He was awesome in every way, even if he does make my temper a bit shorter. What Jaxon saw now was Storms, thunder grey eyes instead of my light green ones. Jaxon especially knew when I was having trouble controlling my emotions, he was my best mate. He could tell when Storm was coming through some times before I did.

Turning, I leave to call Stacy, praying I could stay calm on the phone with her; I can’t let her know anything is wrong.

Ayla’s POV

The wind had picked up not long after we had left the house. At least the rain had stopped. It wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to do all this walking. It sounds odd, but I felt stronger when all three of my men were with me. Like they were lending me their strength or something. Anyway, it didn’t matter; I wasn’t complaining.

I had nipped to my room before we left to get changed; damn, it felt good to be in clean clothes. Of course, the Chase brothers waited outside my door for me; they weren’t joking about not leaving me alone! I took the quickest shower as I stank; it wasn’t pretty.

My body ached all over; it wasn’t as bad as before, more like I had done a massive workout and hadn’t stretched properly after. I washed as fast as possible and then rummaged through my floordrobe; right now, everything I owned was on the floor and not in the wardrobe; I didn’t have time to sort it either. Let’s hope Laura doesn’t come in here; she would pitch a fit!

I threw on some loose comfy black joggers and a pink t-shirt that smelt clean, ramming my feet into my not-so-damaged trainers and grabbing my grey hoodie. I was finally ready. That was until I saw the mess that was my hair.

“Ugh, my life is never simple; what am I meant to do with that?” I moaned at my reflection. I looked closer at the remaining bruises on my face and down my neck. They were at the yellowing stage; we had already gone through the ugly black and purple phase. Sighing, I grab a hair band and gather up the tangled mess on my head into what could loosely resemble a messy bun,

“That will have to do”, I mumble, taking one last look at my battered reflection before opening the door.

Making our way around the house grounds was easy but tedious. I loved being with my guys but needed to be away from the house for a bit. I felt twitchy like I needed to be doing anything, as long as it wasn’t here.

“You restless”, Aiden said; he walked right next to me, holding my hand. His brothers weren’t far away. One was in front, and the other was behind, Like I had my own personal guard. Now and then, they would switch positions, and I held a different brother’s hand.

“Yeah, I don’t want to be here”, I confess, watching his face fall, and my heart hurt for him. He thought I meant I didn’t want to be here with him.

“Oh, well, we can go back if you like”, he tried to sound normal.

“Aiden, I didn’t mean not here with you; I love being here with you. I mean, I don’t want to be at the pack house. I need to be away from here for a bit. I hate everyone staring at me all the time,” I explain. The relief on his face was almost comical.

“Oh, I get you now”, he laughed.

“Did you honestly think I wouldn’t want to spend my time with you?” I feigned sadness

“Oh, shh, you”, he laughed as he grabbed me around the waist, pulling me against him. I grunt slightly as the bruises are still tender to touch.

“Ayla, I’m so sorry” he quickly let me go; instantly, I missed his arms.

“No, it’s fine, don’t let go. I’m just a bit sore, but I love it when you do that,” I admit, blushing; damn, I look stupid again. He rolls his eyes, hating it every time I put myself down.

“Day trip then?” he suggests

“Ooh, where we going” Axel pipes in.

“Up to you guys; I don’t care as long as it’s not here”, I laugh

“Well, we are new here and haven’t seen much of your territory, so let’s go and explore!” Archer chimes in.

“Sounds good to me, but could one of you drive? I don’t think it’s wise if It’s me,” I say

“ME” shouts Archer; he looked too cute, like an excited little puppy; I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Oh, Goddess, no!” Aiden moans, “Hold on bloody tight, Ayla; he’s an awful driver.”

“Am not!” Archer defends himself. I just laugh and let them carry on

“The keys are in my bag, in my room. Would one of you get it? I know I sound so lazy; I’m sorry” Walking all the stairs again today would probably exhaust me, and I don’t want to ruin this trip.

“On it, boss”, Axel shouts as he runs back in the direction of the house.

Axel’s POV

I took off at a steady jog back toward the house and going out for a bit with Ayla and my brothers sounded perfect. To be able to be just us without everyone around is totally what we need. The pack house is nice enough, but it felt like we had Michael breathing down our necks all the time.

Taking the steps two at a time, I reached the top of the first landing in no time. It didn’t take much longer to get to the floor Ayla’s room was on. I rounded the corner and smelt him before I saw him. Mason, he was around here somewhere. For his sake, I hope I didn’t see him.

Slowing my pace, I walk to my mate’s room. The door was slightly open; it was closed when we left earlier. I couldn’t hear anyone in the room, yet I could still smell Mason. I had a decision to either go in, fetch the keys and leave, or follow the scent and find out what that tool was up to.

“Easy, I’ll do both,” I tell myself.

Pushing open Ayla’s door, it was clear to see it had been searched. Goddess knows what for. I scan the room for anything obvious, but nothing stands out, just a mess of stuff. I searched around until I found her bag; of course, it’s been tipped upside down; and its contents were everywhere. Her keys were still there; snatching them up, I rushed out of the room. The stench of Mason was firm in my girl’s room, and it infuriated me. I was going to find him and see what he’s up to.

“No, Ace, we can’t rip his head from his body and use his head like a football”, but I get how he feels. I would love to cause that idiot some pain.

Taking the first turn to the right, I hear the twat in question. He’s talking to someone on his phone. I couldn’t make out the whole conversation. He was using hushed tones, but I could gather that he wasn’t happy about something.

“No, I just checked. I can’t see anything to say she has or hasn’t. It’s ridiculous; I can’t get her alone anymore, not with those lumbering idiots always around. She may have some protection for now, but they won’t always be around,” he spat down the phone. “Shame whoever beat her didn’t finish the job properly.”

“Ace, control yourself”, I warn. But it was too late. He was pissed, and he wanted blood. Before I knew it, I had flexed my muscles and allowed the change to take over. When Ace was mad, he was furious; now Mason was his target.

All four paws touched down on the plush carpet. We flexed my front legs out. Damn, it felt good to be Ace right now. We hadn’t shifted for way too long, and he needed out. Hearing Mason’s voice once more through the ears of my wolf was the last straw. He tugged on every single one of our nerves. The thought of him touching our mate one more time was enough to send us over the edge.

“I know; give it time, and I’ll show her the meaning of pain” Mason’s voice flooded our ears.

That was it. We were off. A low warning growl left our throat. We were going to get our pound of flesh today, and we didn’t care what the repercussions would be. No one hurts our mate.

“Ace, I know it’s you; I can feel you have shifted” Ayla’s beautiful voice fills out head.

“Mate”, I send back as I stalk closer to my prey; I could smell him strongly now. He was just behind that door.

“Yes, it’s me; whatever is going on right now, back away. It’s not worth it. I can feel your anger, and I know you want to hurt someone but don’t,” she tells us.

“I have to; he hurt our mate”, I growl back

“Mason”, she whispers in my head

“Yes”, I answer

“He’s not worth it, not here in front of everyone, not yet. Send Axel back to me, please, Ace,” she begged, and I couldn’t refuse her. She was our everything, and I never wanted her to feel like she had to beg me for anything.

“Fine, but I will get him soon,” I tell her.

“Okay, shift and come back before anyone sees you,” she says then she’s gone.

Shifting back when you are angry is never the easiest thing. But for Ayla, it was doable. I had to grab new clothes from my room before I went outside. I shifted without stripping off. I had shredded what I was wearing. Ace was huge, so there was no way my clothes would have had a chance of surviving.

Mason will never know just how lucky he was to still be in one piece right now, but it won’t always be that way, I swear.

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