Chapter 2.3

Tia let Alex guide her outside, where the sun was alarmingly bright in contrast to the darkroom they had just appeared from. Blinded, she tripped on her own feet. The stones beneath her oddly smooth for being exposed to the elements, rain or shine. She managed to catch herself right on time; quickly standing tall and proudly continuing forward, unwilling to look back at the men behind her. She felt one of them right behind her, holding himself back as if he’d been about to catch her. Tia climbed into the carriage but quickly turned around to glare into Vladimir’s face. He froze under the heat of her gaze as her hand curled around the handle.

“I trust you know how to ride a horse, or unicorn, or whatever those horse-like things are.” She spat before slamming the door in his face. Alexander came to stand next to Vladimir, who remained frozen.

“I believe, sir, that you were just kicked out of your carriage.” He told the obvious. Vladimir glared at the man before snapping to the dark elves a few feet away.

“We will take the liberty of borrowing a few Hippogriffs from my cousin, I will have them returned later.” They nodded and retreated to obtain the creatures.

The drive went without incident. Vladimir and Alexander rode ahead of the carriage, while two escorts road along behind. Tia sat in the carriage, tucked away from view. She inspected the tears in the fabric out of boredom before deciding to peek out the window. They were going through the streets of the castle town now, and a large crowd had come to greet them. She watched in amazement and met several sets of eyes, each of them different shapes and colors. For the most part, they were all ecstatic.

A small creature with a chubby face; wearing a frilly dress, held up a sign for her to read. Tia’s breath caught in her throat when she read it. ‘Save the Humans’ was crudely written on it with purple ink. The girl’s fingers were stained. She had to have drawn it herself.

“This place is amazing...” Tia whispered, gently extending a hand onto the glass.

Vladimir eyed the crowd suspiciously, a feeling of unease about him. He nodded once toward Alex and the two of them slowed down enough to trot next to the carriage, blocking the view of Tia to the crowd. She glared at the feather-legged creatures on either side before sitting back with a huff.

Moments after that the cheering and celebration of the crowd had faded, and the sound of heavy gates closing behind them resonated through the air. Her two escorts on either side pulled away and Tia grew still as she surveyed the castle steps on the other side of the door. A moment passed and Vladimir came up to the door, formally being cut off by Alexander. The Gargoyle opened the door and refused to meet the annoyed glare of his master. Vladimir quickly turned his attention to the Human inside as servants and a few guards came down the steps to receive them.

He held out his hand cautiously, his gaze wavering beneath the heat of Tia’s glare. “Would you please come forward?” He asked, his voice soft.

“You kidnapped me,” she accused, unmoving.

“You were in the process of dying,” he said, just as softly.

“I never asked to be saved,”

A look of pleading crossed his appearance before he closed his eyes and exhaled. Opening them with a new determination he leaned into the carriage, giving her a level look. “I never meant to lie to you - well, I did. But not you specifically. Would you please allow me the opportunity to show you the world? You, the first Human ever to be introduced to the world in a thousand years?”

She studied him carefully, sitting in the carriage with her arms folded. “Fine, your ‘Majesty’.” She spoke mockingly as she slipped past him. He moved out of the way and watched her climb out of the carriage when, unexpectedly, a crying maid threw herself into Tia’s arms.

“Oh, Mistress! You scared us half to death!” Rose sobbed, her short hair falling over her face. Tia awkwardly tried to pat her on the back, only to be confused about where to put her hand due to the wings. “I’m so happy you’re safe.”

Vladimir cleared his throat, eyeing the winged individual with a hint of jealousy. Rose quickly pulled away, bowing to him while drying her eyes.

Tia struggled to give her a comforting smile. “I’m sorry to have worried you, I’m back.”

Rose nodded and smiled. “Yes... and missing some clothing items I see. Come with me, please, I’ll prepare a nice bath for you.” Rose extended an arm around Tia and delicately steered her up the palace steps. Vladimir watched with annoyance.

“Shall I arrange for you to join her?” Alex asked once they were out of ear range. Vladimir’s face turned bright red and he gaped at the Gargoyle.

“Since when have I let your tongue get so loose?” He demanded, fumbling for words.

“Since always, your Majesty.” Alex held a hand to his heart and bowed, a teasing smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Tia inspected herself in the mirror later that evening. The mirror seemed unusually glossy, almost like a standing pool of water on the wall. It was framed with ivory and red flowers, flowing down onto a white vanity desk. The desk was full of brushes and pins, and trays of colorful mud she had been informed was makeup.

Maids had been fusing over her since her return, and now she wore a draping gown made of velvet. The color resembled the darkest of moss with a golden belt hanging loosely around her waist. It flowed lightly around her ankles, leaving just enough room to expose her golden sandals. Once again there was back to this gown, although her hair spiraled down her shoulder blades in a sophisticated twirl. Tia observed as Rose and another of her kind brushed out any remaining creases of her gown.

“I’m sorry, Rose. Please forgive me for asking...” She trailed off and her eyes followed Rose’s wings as the maid stood up to look at her. Following her gaze Rose giggled sweetly. They flickered and a soft shimmer danced off them, vanishing into the air completely.

“Of course, milady, please.” She turned to show her back and Tia slowly reached out a hand. They wavered beneath her touch as she brushed her fingertips across them. Nearly transparent, they were completely solid, with a texture of skin and a warmth as well.

“Oh wow, I’m so sorry. I must be extremely rude,” Tia pulled back her hand, feeling bashful. The other one, with the same black eyes and longer, lighter hair, smiled ear to ear.

“Not at all, milady. Your curiosity is to be expected. You’ll have to forgive us, however; as Fairies go, we are tricksters by nature. You leave yourself open for many pranks, but we’ve been instructed to treat you like royalty.”

Rose nodded in agreeance to her fellow Fairy. “Yes, it is hard to keep ourselves in check. We have already thought of some pranks to pull on you, some being almost too painful to pass up.”

“Rose is thinking of one right now,” the second said, giggling. Rose grinned and nodded her agreement.

“How do you know what each other is thinking?” Tia was confused.

Both pointed towards their antennas. “Like a bee, we almost have a hive mind. The smaller we are, the more that is reality. We don’t have a Queen, however, not in that sense. We’re large enough to have independent thought.”

“We look forward to the day we do, however.” Both smiled and gently touched her arms. Tia smiled back, unsure of what was going on anymore.

A knock thumped against the door before it opened. Alexander stepped inside the room with a hand across his chest. He bowed before Tia who raised her hands defensively. “Lady Tia, the party is just starting. I’ve come to fetch the guest of honor.”

“Please don’t bow to me, that’s awkward.” She pleaded, her eyes lingering on the still parts of him that seemed to turn to stone before her very eyes. She’d noticed it upon their return; the longer he stayed still the more he became a statue. As he moved his body softened, the fine lines smoothing out to become nothing more than mere shadows and creases on his very being. Even his clothes seemed to carry the effect until removed like his coat from earlier.

The corner of his mouth twitched. He stepped back and held his hand towards the entry. “Please, allow me to accompany you to the Ballroom.”

Tia timidly treaded into the well-lit hallway made of the smoothest of stones. They seemed to be so refined it was like she was walking on clouded glass. A golden rug stretched the length of the hallway and multiple illuminations danced above their heads, all different colors, and shapes. Some even moved about.

“This place is incredible,” she breathed, her wide, caramel eyes lingering on everything they passed. Even the pots of plants and flowers lining the corridor seemed to move. At one point she paused at a table, extending her hand towards the glowing flower when she saw her gown reach towards the table leg. She froze and watched it touch the wooden leg of the table before sinking back to her side.

Alex rested his hand an inch or so from the small of her back as he leaned down next to her. “A special kind of worm threaded the gown you are wearing now. It is its child. A part of itself lingers in the fabric, and it mimics the wearer. It felt your curiosity and needed to react similarly. Rest assured, it has no real consciousness. It will not harm you or do anything against you or anyone else. It’s a very rare and expensive fabric is all,”

“My dress is alive?” She asked.

He nodded. “In a way, yes, it is.”

“That’s not freaky... in the slightest.” She continued walking, a bit more stiffly now. Alex watched her with a hint of enjoyment before following. She paused once more before turning towards Alexander. “What are you, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Lady Tia, I am sure you will be asking many questions. We have all been prepared.” He bowed slightly. “I am a Gargoyle,”

“Is that why you turn to stone when still?”

“Indeed. But not real stone, like the kind of the earth. It’s all just appearances. I never sleep, so it’s the way my body rests. We have always been the appointed guard to the royal family - my kind, that is. We will forever guard the throne, to the end of time.”

“Interesting.” She turned once more as Alex kept walking.

“Now, if your questions can be restrained, for the time being, I do believe the people await...” He rested a hand on a large door and Tia felt herself inwardly shrinking away from it. “Lady Tia has arrived,” he spoke quietly to the door. A moment later a loud gong resonated throughout the corridor and a booming voice announced her arrival. She heard the applaud echoing through the door and the color drained from her face. Alex noticed and instantly patted her on her head. Caught off guard she looked up into his stone-grey irises. “Relax, my lady. Prince Vladimir will be by your side at all times.” He offered a reassuring smile; one she couldn’t match.

Swallowing nervously, she stepped toward the doors and they opened before her. Astonishingly enough, she looked down in awe at a crowd of what appeared to be Humans. The room was ornamented sophisticatedly with lights and colorful streamers extending from one end to the other. Crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling and drapes covered the walls, certain spots flowing peacefully in and out open doorways. Many people cheered from below and the smell of alcohol and perfumes filled the room. Noticing for the first time someone waiting at the central patio, halfway down the stairs, she met the sincere gaze of Vladimir.

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