Chapter 8.3

Tiana blinked slowly, unsure exactly what it was that she was looking at. The sun had long gone down, and a fire roared behind her. She blinked again, her caramel irises reflecting the brightness of the dancing flames. She gently touched her face in a numb motion. Her fingers came back coated in blood.

She was sitting back in the wet grass, her head aching like she had been hit. Her neck felt warm and a definite thick liquid was seeping into her jacket around her neck. She vaguely recalled the day. A day of playing cards and waiting for news. But there was an attack, the unearthly sound of the dead which made her shoulder scream in an unrealistic pain.

She recalled the guard saying something about the missing scouts in the area appearing out of nowhere and eating them alive.

Slowly she crawled toward the lifeless body near her, a body that a part of her recognized. A distant part deep in the back of her mind. Her fingers curled through his black hair; it was wet. Was it raining? No, but it was starting to snow. Dark spots littered the soil beneath her, a soil that a cold, white coating began to cover. She felt warmth to him that was not dead, but something powerful swirling inside.

Her uncertain gaze lifted from Vladimir’s lifeless back and into the reserved, scared gaze of a guard she had come to know. His black, feline-like ears flickered atop his head and his tail twitched. He held his sword tightly, a deep frown across his face.

“What have you done?” She whispered, her voice unfamiliar. The cat-like creature refused to acknowledge her. He stepped closer toward Vlad, tapping his shoulder with his boot. “Don’t touch him!” She yelled, swatting at his foot. The guard finally glared at her, a hiss growing in his chest.

“Filthy Human, don’t touch me.” He jerked away, now pointing his sword at her.

She jumped to her feet, standing over the Fae King protectively. “He is your Lord and Master, you stupid feline!” She barked. “What have you done?!” Her mind was clearing, and she recalled him smashing the hilt of his blade against the curve in the back of her head. She recalled the tip of his sword swinging at Vlad’s throat during the chaos.

“Silence!” the guard hissed, lunging at her with his sword.

A black claw shot up from beneath her and gripped the blade. The sound of the metal shattering splintered the air. The guard jumped back, tripping over his own feet. Tiana felt herself lift into the air, and a rippling black fur coat pressed hard against her. She gripped onto it with a start, her eyes wide with fear and disbelief. A blue glow began to circle her, one that resembled fire but was not hot. Her heart began to settle as the flame washed over her, carrying with it Vladimir’s scent. The wolf shifted his weight to the side, allowing the Human to slide off. His burning gaze locked onto the terrified guard and his jaw snapped shut twice.

“Who,” Vladimir’s voice echoed. “Who…” He looked around, then his distant gaze grew closer to home and his nose twitched. The guard quickly jumped to his feet. The next moment Tiana was left alone, the wolf now several feet away. The sound of flesh ripping and bones crunching, a gurgled cry for help drifted back toward her. She covered her mouth, her eyes wide as the mass of the wolf kept its back to her.

A familiar redhead stepped out of the tree line. The wolf instantly looked up and the man raised a hand to his heart, lowering his head if only a fraction. A soft yowl came from the half-shadowed body at Vlad’s feet. The wolf looked down, stepping back from whatever was happening.

“Please, allow me to take it from here. I will uncover who bought off your guard,” Kazimir offered, keeping his head bowed. The wolf approached him, the body left in his wake twisting and curling.

“You used your necromancer powers on me,” Vladimir growled.


“I would have healed on my own,”

“The poor mistress was given a fright,”

“Don’t drag me into this,” Tia spoke up, finding her voice.

The Duke sighed and met the cautious gaze of his lord and master. Vlad regarded him before turning his head, taking one shapeshifting step away. Returning to his Human form, Vladimir took his place next to Tiana, rubbing her arm reassuringly. She tried a smile but was still shaken up.

“I’ll leave it to you then, Jaya will assist you.” He glanced over his shoulder, meeting the gaze of the green beast of a man who had appeared in the field with them. The Orc regarded the gurgling corpse at his feet.

“This is mortifying, Kazimir.”

“It’s much more unpleasant for him, I assure you. The funny little feline is completely conscious, he gets to feel his body mending back together. He is feeling the pain of his skin sliding against every blade of grass while it reforms,”

“Once he’s been fully resurrected, he can’t disobey you. Right?”

The Duke saluted the assassin with a jump, his blazing eyes flashing with enjoyment. “You are correct, sir!”

Tiana shivered as the nighttime air washed her hair out from around her face. Vlad grabbed at his coat, hesitating. She caught his movement and smiled. “You keep that jacket; it has your blood all over it. But if we’re done here. Can we go inside?”

He nodded, taking her hand and leading the way. She waved back at Jaya, who winked at her playfully.

However, they could not go inside. With the way-castle destroyed and burnt, and the horses gathered back up, they had no choice but continue their journey in the dark and cold. The carriage was destroyed, leaving Tiana to ride on the back of Alexander’s Unicorn. Vlad stared at the two for a moment when his retainer caught his eye. The Gargoyle’s mouth twisted.

“Are you jealous, your Majesty?” He toyed, his voice playful and challenging. Tiana shifted her gaze to look at the King when he jerked his head away and picked up his pace.

“Jealousy is beneath me; I am the King. I can get whatever I want,”

He was certainly jealous.

Tiana opened her mouth then, her hands holding onto Alexander’s sides. “Keep up with that attitude and we’ll see what you get,”

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