Chapter 2317

“What are you going to do?” Grace raised a nice eyebrow.

“First find a way to solve the witchcraft in Noemi’s body, and then use Noemi as bait to lure out the mastermind behind the scenes.” Dustin said it concisely and to the point.

They won’t need to take action once they identify the true culprit. Someone from the Celestial Alliance will do it for them.

Alloy Marshall would undoubtedly not overlook the assassination of his daughter.

“What do you need me to do?” Grace asked again.

“Find some medicinal materials for me. The sooner, the better. I will fight poison with poison and force the evil spirit out of Noemi’s body.”

After Dustin finished speaking, he quickly wrote down a prescription and handed it to Grace.

Grace glanced briefly and nodded. “No problem; I’ll get it together for you within three hours.”

With the Dragonmarsh royal family’s power, it was not difficult to find some precious medicinal materials.

After Dustin and Grace left the Lakeview Villa, they began to get busy.

However, not long after the two left, an old man wearing a suit with white hair and a white beard, who had a somewhat immortal air, walked into the villa with two apprentices.

“Doctor Wang! Are you finally here? Come on, come on! Please come inside!”

Conor greeted him at the door. As soon as he saw the white-haired old man, he immediately invited him into the villa with a face full of joy.

“Mr. Conor, I’m sorry. I was temporarily busy, which caused a delay in my arrival and kept you waiting.” The white-haired old man, Zizi Wang, took the initiative to explain the reason for being late.

“It doesn’t matter; it’s fine if you can get there.” Conor’s attitude was still polite.

Zizi was a world-famous miracle doctor and has always been on good terms with the Celestial Alliance.

Zizi cured many of important people’s intractable diseases, so he was referred to as the “Sai Immortal.”

Facing such a miracle doctor with superb medical skills, Conor naturally had to treat him with courtesy.

After all, there was no possibility of illness or injury for a warrior.

“Mr. Conor, how is the patient’s condition now?” Zizi asked.

“The situation is not optimistic. Noemi has been unconscious, and her vitality is getting weaker and weaker. We have called many doctors, but there is no improvement.”

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