Chapter 2315

“Let us leave?” Grace narrowed her eyes slightly. “We are here to save Noemi, but you want to drive us away. What’s the matter? Don’t you want Noemi to wake up?”

“Nonsense!” Conor frowned and said, “I am Noemi’s senior brother, so I naturally hope that she is safe and sound.”

“Then why do you want to stop us from treating the disease?” Grace asked.

“Because I can’t trust you!” Conor said righteously, “Who knows what your plans are? What if Noemi’s condition worsens and there is no cure?”

“If I am not sure, I will not take action easily.” Dustin said it suddenly.

“Did you hear that? No matter what, you have to let us check the condition first, right?” Grace said.

“No! The miracle doctor I invited is about to arrive. It’s not your turn to take action!” Conor refused again.

“Sister Kassidy, what do you say?” Grace did not continue to argue with Conor but turned her attention to Kassidy.

Kassidy, Noemi’s biological sister, has the absolute right to speak in this situation.

As long as Kassidy nods, she will take action without hesitation, and Conor will not stop her.

“Brother Conor, how about…let Dr. Rhys try it first?” Kassidy hesitated for a moment but finally chose to believe Grace.

The main reason was that the miracle doctor Conor invited had never arrived. Noemi’s breath was getting weaker and weaker. Kassidy didn’t know what the consequences would be if he delayed it any longer.

Kassidy could only try and hope that a miracle would happen.

“Kassidy, you are in a state of great perplexity!” Conor, who appeared to despise iron, continued, “People and rivers and lakes are perilous, and their intentions may be to cause harm to your sister. We cannot take any chances!”

“But my sister is already gone now. He is critically ill, and if we continue to delay, who will be responsible if something happens?” Kassidy asked.

“This…” Conor was speechless for a moment.

“How about this? Let’s wait for another five minutes. After five minutes, if the miracle doctor you invited has not arrived yet, Dr. Rhys will treat my sister. How about that?” Kassidy changed the subject.

Five minutes was her first step for Conor.

It would be best if Doctor Wang arrived on time, within five minutes.

If she couldn’t make it, she could only settle for Dustin.

“Okay! Just wait five minutes!” Conor looked at his watch and finally nodded.

Now that the words have come to this, he can’t stop him anymore; otherwise, it will really cause some misunderstanding.

Five minutes passed by in a flash. Seeing that the miracle doctor he invited had not arrived yet, Conor couldn’t help but become a little anxious.

“What happened to Doctor Wang? Why hasn’t he come yet?” Conor frowned and poked his head at the door.

“Miss Linsor, the time has passed. Since the person you invited didn’t come, let’s leave it to Dr. Rhys.”

Before Conor could respond, Grace winked at Dustin after finishing speaking.

Dustin quickly understood, walked to the bed, and began to check Noemi’s pulse.

Although Conor looked a little ugly, he didn’t say much in the end.


Dustin couldn’t help but frown slightly after carefully checking Noemi’s condition.

This reaction made Grace a little nervous.

“How is it?”What kind of strange disease does Noemi have?” Grace asked tentatively.

“She’s not sick, but she’s poisoned.” Dustin looked serious.

“Poison?” Grace was stunned and immediately looked at Kassidy, asking, “Sister Kassidy, has your sister eaten anything special recently?”

“My sister and I have been playing around near the Sacred Wyrm Summit these days.” We always eat and sleep together; nothing special.” Kassidy shook her head.

They all ate the same food. Normally, if Noemi is poisoned, Kassidy will not be spared.

“Poisoning is not just a matter of diet. Mosquito bites, smelly incense, and physical contact with certain people may all lead to poisoning.” Dustin added.

A true master of poisoning no longer confines their expertise to food. The methods of poisoning are increasingly diverse and challenging to prevent.

“I don’t understand what you’re talking about. Let me ask you, Can you cure my sister?” Kassidy was a little anxious.

“Your sister’s poison is very special.” It can be cured, but I need some time to make the antidote.” Dustin replied.

“How long will it take?” Kassidy quickly asked.

“Two days,” Dustin said.

“Two days?” Kassidy frowned. “Given my sister’s current condition, I’m afraid she won’t be able to last that long.”

“Don’t worry; although I can’t revive your sister right away, I can still save her life for the time being.” Dustin said, raising his hand and waving gently.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

A row of silver needles in the sleeves immediately shot out and pierced Noemi’s key points.


The silver needle rapidly injected wisps of mystical pure energy into Noemi’s muscles and veins to protect her as it rotated crazily.

“I use the Nine-Turn Resurrection Needle. As long as you don’t pull out the needle, your sister will be safe and sound within three days.” Dustin explained.

“So powerful?” Kassidy raised an eyebrow. “What if the needle is pulled out?”

“Within three hours, she will definitely die!” Dustin said it in shock.

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