Chapter 2214

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”

Three ice needles pierced the night sky, carrying a strong air of extreme cold, and pierced Dustin’s upper, middle and lower key points respectively.


Dustin frowned and immediately put away his sword to block.

“Qiang! Qiang! Qiang!”

Three ice needles hit the sword and instantly exploded into clouds of ice mist.

The moment it came into contact with the ice mist, the sword in Dustin’s hand was directly frozen.

At the same time, a strong cold air began to spread quickly to Dustin’s arm along the frozen sword body.

In the blink of an eye, Dustin’s arm holding the sword was already frozen by the cold air.

“Ice Needle?”

Dustin’s face darkened, and the Xuanqing Qi in his body suddenly exploded.

The ice mist around him was instantly blasted away, and cracks appeared on his frozen arms.

Following Dustin’s body shaking, the ice cubes on his arms quickly fell off and returned to their original appearance.

Fortunately, he was not hit directly, otherwise once the ice needle enters the body, it will quickly destroy the body’s functions.

Even if he is powerful, he will be severely damaged in the end.

If he is not strong enough, he will die on the spot and turn into an ice sculpture.

The person who made the sneak attack was looking for his life!

Dustin stopped paying attention to the beastly lion, and looked elsewhere.

I saw a figure running towards me at a high speed on the roof in the distance.

After getting close to a certain distance, the figure took a few steps and instantly rose into the air like a wild goose. After soaring for a certain distance, it landed lightly and stood ten meters away from Dustin.

Dustin took a closer look and saw that it was an old man with white hair.

The old man was skinny, dressed gorgeously, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he exuded an intimidating aura.

“Who are you?” Dustin asked with a cold face.

“I am the elder of the Tianxia Association—Zhao Shanhe!” The white-haired old man Zhao Shanhe stood with his hands behind his back, looking arrogant.

“Zhao Shanhe?” Dustin narrowed his eyes slightly.

He has naturally heard of Zhao Shanhe’s name.

The Eight Great Elders of the Tianxiahui, whose status is second only to the sect leader Xiao Wuming, are the pillars of the Tianxiahui, and Zhao Shanhe is one of them.

Rumor has it that Zhao Shanhe has an arrogant personality, a bad temper, and will take action whenever he disagrees.

However, because of his powerful strength and profound background, almost no one in the world dares to offend him.

“Tianxiahui Elder Zhao Shanhe? Didn’t you expect him to come too?”

“Great! With Elder Zhao taking action, those killers are just lambs to be slaughtered!”

“Something’s not right… Elder Zhao’s posture doesn’t seem to be here to help.”

The appearance of Zhao Shanhe caused everyone present to talk about it.

Normally speaking, if Chen Xingwen was killed, then Tianxiahui should avenge him and hunt down the killers.

But Zhao Shanhe now not only has no intention of revenge, but also takes action to stop Dustin from killing the lion.

It can be seen that Zhao Shanhe is not with them.

“Boy, that’s it for today. Leave this monster to me and you can retreat.” Zhao Shanhe said with a cold face and a commanding tone.

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