Chapter 17 

I tried not to stomp around my childhood bedroom. I tried. I even tried not to throw a teddy bear at the wall. 

I wasn’t very successful. My favorite bear collided with the pink wall and tumbled to the floor, making me feel slightly guilty for taking it out on him. But not guilty enough to go and retrieve him. 

When there was a knock at the door, I noted the irritability in my voice when I grunted, “Yes?” 

A maid cautiously stuck her head through the partially opened door. “Ms. Monroe?” Her eyes were wide with apprehension as she awaited my response. 

Ah. So NOW it was “Ms. Monroe.” I wondered if I’d feel any more bitter when it was “Luna Hale.” “Yes?” I responded, trying to take the venom out of my voice just the same. None of this was the maid’s–fault, after all. 

By the relief on the maid’s face, I decided I must have succeeded. Tam to dress you, Ms. Monroe.” 

Dress me? “For what?” I asked. 

The maid cleared her throat delicately, obviously trying not to incur my anger. “You will be dining with Alpha Hale, Ma Monroe. Your current attire is not… suitable.” 

“Is it not?” I said, giving a little twirl, pretending like I had on a lovely pink frock instead of my d*rty clothes from my duties. ns a warrior. 

“Umm… well… it is lovely and very becoming,” the maid stuttered, obviously lying. “But… um.. well. Alpha Hale was rather hoping… you’d wear something more like this.” 

I decided to let up. It wasn’t the maid’s fault, I reminded myself again. Then I caught sight of what she was holding and my jaw dropped. 

Id never seen something so beautiful in all my life. 

“It’s lovely,” I breathed. 

The maid looked as though she might pass out from relief that I was accepting of the gown. “Yes, Ms. Monroe. Alpha Hale wanted to see you in something truly fine.” 

I nodded and began stripping out of my warrior clothes as soon as the maid closed the door. 

“Oh, nol Ms. Monroe, allow me to help,” the maid said, rushing over and efficiently removing my clothes. 

I blinked, looking back at her. “You’ve got experience with warrior garb?” 

The maid blushed, her eyes cast to the floor.“My mate is.. he was once in the Traitors‘ Cave. We were blessed to have his record expunged when we were mated.” 

“Nice of Alpha Hale,” I said, trying to remember how many had actually made it OUT of the Traitors‘ Cave. I could count on one hand, and I wouldn’t need all the fingers. 

The maid nodded vigorously. “He is a good man, Ms. Monroe. You are very lucky.” 

“So… you don’t think I’m the root of all evil and having me as a Luna will tear the pack apart?” I asked. 

“Oh, it will definitely tear the pack apart, but I, for one, and my mate, will be on your side, Ms; Monroe. With Alpha Hale. It believe in second chances,” the maid said. She winced. “Not that you ever needed a first chance. I’ve never thought it fair to punish people for something their parents d-” She paled. “I–I mean…” 

“Your secret’s safe with me,” I reassured her as she tugged the dress over my head. It fit perfectly. 

The maid smiled. “Thank you, Ms. Monroe. Oh! You look so lovely!” She turned me to face the full–length mirror in the corner of my room. “See?” 

I saw a completely different wornan in the mirror. No scars, no warrior’s clothing- 

My stomach roiled. Was Hale going to try to change me? 

Was I not good enough as I was? 

“It.. it is lovely,” I stuttered at the maid’s expectant glance. 

The maid beamed. “It is! Oh, Alpha Hale is going to be so in love.” 

In love? My stomach roiled again. All this excitement over the last few days had completely banished my conflicting feelings, and now they came rushing back as though a dam had broken. 

I didn’t believe in love. Did I? 

Did Hale? 

I shook my head. “Thank you. L.. What is your name?” 

“Ohl It’s Eileen. Eileen Cairn. Eileen said 

“Eileen. Thank you, Eileen. Can I ask you to do something for me?” I locked eyes with her in the mirror. 

She bit her l*p. “Ofof course, Ms. Monroe” 

“Call me Kora,” I said. 

Eileen’s smile could have lit a thousand cities. “Kora. Oh, thank you so much! It’s an honor, a true honor.” 

I smiled back. It was impossible not to. 

A clock in the room began to chime, and Eileen jumped. “Oh, oh, oh! You’re going to be late!” She began pushing me out of 

the room. 

I let her guide me toward the dining hall. “Thank you again, Eileen. It’s been a pleasure to meet you.” 

Then I was in the dining hall, and Hale was seated across the table from where I stood. 

“You’re la-” he began, then looked up from the papers he was reviewing. The angry expression faded from his face and his jaw went slack. 

“Sorry. I’m not used to wearing things this fine. We had to do a little twirl for the mirror, I said, quickly taking a seat as Hale began to stand

He frowned. “I was going to pull your chair out for you” 

I laughed. “I haven’t had anyone do THAT for me in a while, either. Except maybe Shawn, but just as a joke.” 

Hale’s expression turned much darker at the mention of Shawn. He quickly sat back down and went back to reading his papers, though he grumbled under his breath about Shawn 

“How is he doing, by the way?” I asked. “Actually, how are they all doing? It must have been quite a shock to turn right around and go home.” 

Hale’s head snapped up and he blinked at me. “What do you mean?” 

“I mean, you know, when the spearhead team came home I said. “I need to tell Shawn our engagement is off.” 

I didn’t mention the fact that we were already engaged, technically, because I still needed more time to figure out my father’s reasons for betrayal. 

Hale stared at me for a long moment, blinking slowly as if what I said was spoken from the mouth in a foreign language. “The spearhead team didn’t come home, Hale replied, his brows furrowed. “They’re still on their way to the border.” 

It was my turn to blink. “Excuse you, what?” I all but shouted. 

“Keep your voice down, Kora. It’s unbecoming- Hale ground out. 

I interrupted him. You let Shawn go out there to be killed?!” 

Hale took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “He will not necessarily be killed. And what is it all the time with you and Shawn? Shawn this, Shawn that-” 

Shawn is my friend!” I argued. “Oh, Goddess. Oh, Goddess, I should have realized..“I shoved iny chair back from the table. “Mason Hale, you are a MONSTER!” 

“Koral” Hale snarled. “You sit back down! We’ll discuss this like civilized-” 

“Maybe I’m not civilized,” I seethed. “And time’s wasting.” 

I ran from the roof. 

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