Alpha's sweet dare
Chapter 28

It's weird how things sometimes can stand just in front of your nose and you are not able to see them.

Just like that tree.

Drake passed him so many times and didn't register anything unusual.

Until now, when Jules told him, they searching for days.

"Listen man", Drake spoke to all of his pack warriors, and there were a lot of them.

"We don't know what we are going to find down there, but you fight and fight hard, our first priority is our Luna", he said.

"When we start, take your positions and leave no prisoners, unless they have their own, which I believe they do have.

"Viktor, Jules, let's lift this cover and find an entrance, as quietly as possible.

The three of them did it as slowly as possible and were taken aback.

The first thing they saw, were the stairs that led to the hallways, so big which they couldn't imagine.

There was light everywhere, like in a big house in packs, where they were living.

Seth had recourses and created a real small castle down there, and it was no wonder he could easily get what he wanted and get away with it.

Drake was pissed.

"Split, men, take every corridor and attack everything that moves."

"Shift!" He ordered, and the fighters were ready to follow him.

"Viktor and Jules, you're coming with me, We need to find the girls", he told them.

"Yes Alpha", they both answered, and Jules was worried, just like Viktor was, for his mate, and they couldn't imagine how Drake felt.

Probably much worse than them.

As an Alpha, he had much bigger instincts and feelings toward his mate than anybody else, and this situation was killing him.

They let others take care of rogues, and search for the dungeons, where, they thought were the girls and Martin, and God knows who else.

It was a lot of cells down there, with prisoners, but there weren't Lotta, Suzzy, and Martin.

The last one was at the end of the hall.

They slowly walked toward them, killing silently rogues on the way, that others couldn't hear and came to help them.

It was dark inside the room where the cells were, only a lamp on the wall was glowed.

"Lotta?" Drake called quietly, but there was no answer.

After a few minutes, there was a sound, like someone was moaning, from the first cell.

Jules was there first.

"My dear God, it's her", he whispered, and Drake was there with Viktor fast.

"Suzy?" Drake asked.

"Alpha..." she slowly answered.

"You finally came", she said with a weak voice.

It could be seen that she was exhausted, without no food or water.

"Hurry...", the other voice from another cell was heard.

"He will kill her...", They could barely hear that familiar but strange voice.

Like someone was dying and trying to talk with the last drop of strength.

"Agatha?" Viktor was stunned.

He recognized her, and her scent almost faded, but it was she.

He came closer and broke the door, as Jules already did in Suzy's cell, and when he saw her, he was out of words.

There was nothing left of her previous beauty, only a shell of a woman he loved.

But, it was she, and he still loved her, no matter that she never felt the same.

She was his mate.

Pain and anger were rising inside him, and he wanted to kill the man who did this to her.

"Dear God!" Drake hissed.

"What have they done to her?!" He was furious from emotions, and the thought that Lotta could be in the same state, made him lose his mind.

"Agatha, where is Lotta?" He gently asked her, knowing that he maybe won't get the answer.

She was too sick, too weak to live in her state.

The big door on the end..."

"Go...", was all she said before she passed out.

Drake gave a sign to his men that they stay with their mates, and run out of room.

"What did you give her?!" Seth yelled furiously at Martin.

"What do you mean, I gave her the same as ever, the drug that you gave me", Martin answered, shaking.

He felt that Seth doubted because Lotta wasn't in a state that she used to be.

She looked stronger, and it was no wonder because all he gave her was sleeping medicine, so Seth would think she got Retan, so her wolf could be awakened faster again.

But, the beast figured it out, he was not stupid when drugging people was in question.

Lotta already could feel that her wolf was there, but it needed a bit more time, and that, she didn't have.

"I'll kill you myself!" He yelled at Martin.

"And you, when I finished with you, there will be no more life in you, or will to live one!" He hissed at Lotta, which made Drake mad as hell, because he was already in front of the door, and heard Seth's every word.

His big black wolf broke through the door and jumped at Seth, killing him in an instant, while his dead head was on the other side of the room.

"God, I wish I could do that", Lotta said, breathing heavily.

Drakes entering surprised both of them, but he knew exactly where to jump and bit.

That makes him a great Alpha and mate to his love.

Even though he was naked, burying his head into her neck, so he could calm down with her scent, she didn't care.

She was happy that she was finally in the arms of a man she loved more than life itself.

"I'll find you some clothes Drake", Martin was trying to avoid embarrassment and give them some space, although he had his own family which he missed very much.

Although there were a lot of rogues left, they gave up now, when their leader was dead, which meant that Drake was their Alpha now, and they needed to submit to him.

To their new, strong Alpha Drake.

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