Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 95

Chapter 95

Give him the phone right now.” Ethan instructed.

The secindds that passed while the phonw was being passed to Liam felt like long minutes to Ethan. Finally the phone got to him.


“Liam,” Ethan called with a mixture of relief and joy, his face breaking into a full smile as he listened to the innocent voice on the other end of the phone, if was a comforting balm to the worry that had gripped him just moments ago.

“How are you, champ?” Ethan inquired, the genuine affection in his voice evident. He imagined the scene at the kindergarten, picturing Liam’s small figure holding the phone, and it warmed his heart. Liam had asked for him and demanded to talk to him on phone.

“What’s going on, Liam? Is everything okay?” Ethan asked, a lingering concern still evident in his tone, despite the relief of hearing Liam’s voice.

Liam was quiet only his breathing cold be heard at the other end.

It seemed he was hesitating.

“Liam?” Ethan called softly urging him to say what was on his mind.

“Why don’t you visit anymore?” He asked.

Ethan’s features softened as he heard Liam’s question, the innocence in the little boy’s voice tugging at his heartstrings. It was a question Ethan hadn’t expected, it weighed heavily on him. He took a moment before. responding, choosing his words carefully.

“Liam, I do want to visit, more than anything. But sometimes, people make decisions that I can’t control,” Ethan explained, trying to convey the complexity of the situation without burdening Liam with unnecessary details.

“Don’t you like us anymore?” The boy asked his voice tinged with sadness.

Ethan sighed deeply. Not like you? I love you guys.

“I really love spending time with you and your sister, you know that, right?” Ethan stated,

“Sometimes, grown-ups have challenges and disagreements that they need to work out. It doesn’t mean I don’t want to visit of spend time with you; it just means things are a bit complicated right now.”

There was a moment of silence, and then Liam’s small voice came through again. “Can’t you make it not complicated?” He asked hopefully.

You promised you’ll always visit,” the little boy added reminding Ethan of his promise.

You’ll visit no matter what.

Ethan’s features softened, his resolve breaking completely. How could he stay away? It was practically impossible, it was like moth drawn to flame.

“I did, didn’t I?” Ethan asked chuckling lightly at the boy’s adorableness.

“Daisy’s at the hospital, she’ll get shots, I can’t be there with her. I’ve got school today.” Liam explained filling

Ethan on all his worries.

“She misses you, and she’s been sad, she waited for you all day yesterday but you didn’t come back.” Liam added a subtle pout forming on his face.

Ethan got the message loud and clear. Daisy needed him..

Hazel didn’t want him, but the kids did. He would just have to be careful, what Hazel didn’t know wouldn’t

harm her.

Ethan’s face lit up with a genuine smile. “You know what?” he exclaimed, capturing Liam’s attention

Alpha’s Regret: Pregnant Rejected Luna

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“What?” Liam asked eagerly, sensing excitement in Ethan’s voice.

Till go see Daisy right now,” Ethan declared.

“Really?” Liam squealed with joy, his excitement palpable even over the phone. Ethan couldn’t see him but fie could sense the smile from the little boy’s voice.

“Yes,” Ethan affirmed, knowing all too well that the kids had a special way of tugging at his heart. There was no chance he could resist them. They had him wrapped securely around their fingers.

“I’ll go right now,” Ethan added, a sense of urgency propelling him to his feet. He was determined to reach the hospital before Daisy’s injections.

“Goodbye, Mr. Princess,” Liam chimed heartily, his affectionate nickname for Ethan evident in his voice.

“See you soon,” Liam added, expressing the anticipation of their next meeting. Ethan couldn’t help but smile softly.

“See you soon,” Ethan replied warmly.

Ethan rushed out of his office, urgency etched on his face. “Where is Axel?” he asked, seeking the fastest way to reach the hospital.

“He just left,” the female assistant replied. Axel had departed mere minutes ago, unaware of Ethan’s newfound sense of urgency.

“Sir, it’s almost time for the meeting,” the other assistant reminded him, bewildered by her boss’s uncharacteristic haste. Having worked with him for years, she had never witnessed him rushing out like this. In their world, time typically bowed to Ethan’s command.

As Ethan practically tore through the halls, other staff exchanged surprised glances. The sight of their composed boss sprinting through the office left them stunned.

Outside, Axel was about to drive away when Ethan caught up with him. “Wait for me, Daisy. I’m coming.” Ethan declared, a determined glint in his eyes.

It seems your husband has been frequenting a hospital,” one of the city’s influential women within Bella’s social circle informed her over the phone. Bella’s steps faltered as the weight of those words sank in.

“Couldn’t be my husband,” Bella retorted, her tone dismissive.

“But it was,” Amelia persisted, her voice carrying a hint of excitement. 7 was at the hospital because my mother-in-law had an important check-up. It was him; he has a way he stands out with that height and those mesmerizing eyes one could get lost in,” she continued, providing an overly detailed and dreamy description of Ethan’s presence at the hospital.

“Ugh, enough,” Bella groaned audibly, her irritation palpable through the phone. Amelia’s obliviousness to the fact that she was indulging in vivid descriptions of a married man while on a phone call with his wife only added to Bella’s annoyance.

Ethan, with his chiseled features and compelling aura, was undeniably one of the most handsome men in the city, possessing a lethal S** appeal that left women swooning. His hardened and unyielding nature only intensified the air of mystery surrounding him. It was an open secret that many women coveted her position as his wife/

“Anyway, it was Ethan I saw, I couldn’t have been mistaken,” the woman stated with a careless note.

“And when I asked, I was told he was quite frequent there,” the woman added, her words hanging in the air with a weight that Bella couldn’t easily dismiss.

Bella’s elegant stride slowed down as she absorbed the weight of the revelation.

Bella’s mind buzzed with thoughts as she processed the revelation about Ethan’s frequent visits to the hospital. Ethan, visiting a hospital? It seemed inconceivable. He wasn’t sick, but in recent days, he returned home with a lighter and happier demeanor. The source of his newfound happiness however, remained a mystery to Bella, and it irked her.

Annoyance surged within her as she grappled with the realization that, once again, she was in the dark about

Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna

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Ethan’s activities. Unraveling the enigma that was Ethan proved to be an impossible task. He disclosed only the smallest details to her, keeping her in the dark about the broader picture of his life. Her attempts to gather information through others had failed miserably. Anyone she approached to spy on Ethan quickly declined whatever offer. she had understanding the futility and consequences of meddling in Ethan’s affairs. His reputation was too formidable to be trifled with..

Frustrated, she resolved to uncover Ethan’s on her own.

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