Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Novel
Alpha’s Regret Pregnant Rejected Luna Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Ethan’s car pulled into the driveway, the engine’s purr fading into silence as he stepped out. His footsteps echoed through the vast, quiet mansion. The stillness felt deafening, a stark contrast to the vibrant and joyful noise of the field full of children he had spent the day with. It was the kind of silence that, for the first time ever, seemed unsettling to him. The absence of the kids’ laughter and playful shouts made his home feel like a lifeless graveyard.

As he stomped towards the grand staircase, he couldn’t help but acknowledge how much he disliked the eerie quietness of the house. It had always been a quiet place, but today, after being immersed in the lively world of children, the solitude seemed oppressive. His steps echoed through the cavernous halls as he headed upstairs, the emptiness of the mansion weighing on him.

When he reached the top of the stairs, his eyes locked onto Bella,

standing alone in the dimly lit room. The air was filled with an artificial, sickeningly sweet scent of citrus, so different from the natural scent of Hazel’s presence that he had grown to adore. For a moment, he allowed his thoughts to drift to Hazel, but he forced himself back to the reality of the room before him.

Bella, his wife and mate, was dressed in a sheer nightdress that left little to the imagination. Her silhouette was alluring, her n*pples tantalizingly visible through the fabric.

“You’re home finally,” she greeted him with a sweet smile as she approached.

“I missed you,” she purred seductively, her hands gliding sensuously over his chest.

“Bella,” Ethan responded softly, his voice carrying a mix of emotions, though he couldn’t help but think of Hazel once more.

She closed the distance between them, her fingers deftly undoing the buttons of his shirt one by one. Her eyes glowed with a fervent passion. and smoldering desire as she continued her seductive advance. Soon, his shirt lay discarded on the floor, a testament to their escalating ardor.

She pressed her l*ps against his, initiating a k*ss that was both tender and

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charged with longing. Her b*dy pressed fervently against his, seeking the friction and reaction that would satisfy their desire. Her hands ventured lower, skillfully undoing his belt and zipper. His pants fell to the floor in a muted cascade.

Ethan, swept up in the moment, lifted her effortlessly, and she wrapped her legs around him as he carried her to the inviting expanse of their bed. She lay there, squirming with anticipation, as he deftly unbuttoned her silky nightdress.

Bella’s moans of desire filled the room as Ethan’s l*ps roamed over her b*dy, tracing patterns of longing and passion. However, even amidst their intimate encounter, Bella could sense a shift in him. His passion. seemed distant, his mind detached. He withdrew for a moment, leaving her yearning and unfulfilled.

“Is something wrong?” she asked, her eyes misty with unquenched desires.

“No, nothing’s wrong,” Ethan reassured her, though his words rang hollow. His thoughts were miles away from their intimate connection. “I’m just exhausted. I need a shower; that’s all.”

With those words, he turned and walked away, heading towards their bathroom. Bella watched him go, a sense of unease lingering in the air as her own desires went unfulfilled, and the quiet mansion awaited their return to solitude.

“Yes, Luna, you sent for me?’ Axel inquired, a sense of curiosity lingering in his voice as he wondered why Bella had summoned him so abruptly. She had called him that very morning after Ethan had left for work, leaving him curious about her intentions.

Bella scrutinized the man standing before her; Axel was not just her husband’s assistant but someone who was privy to a myriad of dealings Ethan was involved in. She didn’t expect him to reveal everything, but she needed answers.

“I found a picture in my husband’s wallet, a child’s doodling. Who’s responsible for it?” Bella asked as she settled cross-legged, her eyes locking onto Axel’s. She needed to know more about this drawing that had captured Ethan’s attention.

Axel took a deep breath, knowing full well that the drawing in question was the one Liam had created of Ethan, the one that had a special place in her husband’s heart. He couldn’t disclose the true nature of what Ethan

Chapter 24

was doing, but he needed to craft a believable story for his Luna.

“The company recently visited an orphanage,” Axel began, fabricating a tale on the spot. “One of the children must have given it to the Alpha.”

Bella’s eyebrow arched in surprise, her disbelief evident. “Ethan visited an orphanage?” she questioned, her tone laced with suspicion. “And when was this?” she inquired further, seeking more information.

Axel hesitated for a moment, calculating his response carefully. “That was yesterday,” he replied smoothly. The truth was that the previous week, Ethan and his team from the company had indeed visited an orphanage, albeit more for appearances than genuine charity. Ethan had remained in the car throughout the visit, making a brief appearance but not actively participating. Bella wouldn’t know the dates were incorrect, and she would likely believe that the orphanage visit had occurred the previous day.

“So, some child he met gave him a simple painting. Is that why he was so moody last night?” Bella muttered, her annoyance evident. Her frustration seemed to be more directed at herself than anyone else. “Did you say something, Luna?” Axel inquired, concerned by her sudden. change in demeanor.

“No,” she snapped curtly, dismissing him with a turn of her back.

As Axel left the room, Bella’s thoughts swirled in a turbulent sea of emotions. She had managed to win Ethan away from Hazel, and she had maintained her grip on him by fabricating a miscarriage story. Guilt-ridden, Ethan had given her everything she wanted. But lately, she had felt his attention waning. He hadn’t even made love to her the previous night, and he had been returning home late when she was already in bed, waiting for him. Last night, she had donned a seductive outfit in anticipation, only for him to dismiss her. She still felt the sting of his rejection.

She shook her head stubbornly, her determination unwavering. “Ethan is mine, she whispered to herself, unwilling to let go of the man she had fought so hard to claim as her own.

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