Chapter 36.

Chapter Twenty-Seven: Training Day One

Phera POV:

260 Wouchers

The quiet hum of the kitchen was pierced by the sudden jingle of my phone, a tone I had custom-set years ago. I didn’t need to Idook Iknew it was Josh. My heart did a little flutter a blend of nostalgia and anxiety – but I took a deep breath, steadying. myself. Josh wasn’t just a name from my past; he was my past. Hitting the answer button, I tried to keep my voice neutral,


“Monningg,ssusshine, ‘ccame his voice, that old familiar flirtatious

lilt toit

Ithackalwayssnaddennecogiggle.once, but today, it was a reminder

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Chapter 34

of a chapter we had closed. Or at least, I thought we had.

288 Vouchers

“To what do I owe this call?” I inquired, taking a sip of my coffee.

Just thinking of you, is all. Heard you’re back at Red Moon. Big news, considering…”

He trailed off, and the unspoken words hung heavily between. us. Considering we once dreamt of ruling this pack together. Considering the heartbreak when the reality of my fated mates had shattered those dreams. Forcing a small chuckle, I brushed off his sentiment,

“Oh, you know how it is. Can’t stay away from home too long.”

His laughter, husky and familiar, echoed in my ears.

“You’ve always been a force, Phera. I bet the pack’s thrilled to have their firebrand back.”



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Chapter 36

283 Mouchers

Despite the tension, I couldn’t help but smile at that. We had shared countless training sessions, many challenges, and even more laughter.

“Oh, they don’t know what’s coming. Got a few more tricks up my sleeve now.”

There was a brief pause, and when he spoke again, the playfulness was evident.

“Always keeping me on my toes, weren’t you? Maybe I could get a personal demo sometime

It was meant as light banter, I knew. But the implications were there. Navigating this terrain was trickier now, given our shared history and the scars that lingered.

“Josh,” I began gently, trying to navigate the delicate balance of our past relationship and our present friendship, “let’s just keep things… simple, okay?”


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He sighed, the weight of our past pressing glowwwoohhim.too.

Yeah, I get it, Phera. Old habits did hard, I guess BBubbeywe’re riciadds. That’s what matters.”

Starareilfoonisisunderstanding, fagreed,

Exactly firiends Add toherish that.”

As sve continueddakking, was reminded of why we had beensco close-ocusishaaddreans, our ambitions, our challenges. Wee had been each loches soockAnd though our paths had shifted,d, thatbond, strained chocoon it may be, still held, The dirtyy undertones fromulosis werereqeminders of a time gone by, but t was determined noota deletihant overshadow the genuine bond of friendship we had obilover he wears.

When the call ended, I was fitted dva a mix of emotions — gratitude, nostalgia, a dwinge obsaзcess, but most imponantly, hope. Hope that despite the odds.wwo people with a complicated past could still find d avavya bhave a meaningful friendship in the present.l.

11 283 Woucher

The sunlight spilled into the kitchen casting@jokien hues over the countertops and creating shimmereggaetems on the tiled toor The remnants of my breakfastte halálfaaten toast and a” cooling mug of coffee layforgotterotrichtstalela alsilent

estament to my scattered thoughts Myrecartphoneatall/with. Josh, interspersed with his flirty remarks, stilledthecin my Ears, causing a ripplelof unease withthimee.

Alsvi veals lost in these ruminations, the soft rusttaleffatabridrarew maraetemafon. Newmara sterbed into the roompheresletarandform ranzed by the doorway. She moved gracefully, the morningtidiaht tetchind the highlights in her raven-black hair. Her piercingganze teeted omme carving an unspoken mix diccctcererandid


hatavasadosostavasn’t it?” Newmara began, her voice asis houtblasasilsikeyetacarrying an undertone of inquisition Fromm enplayautolackedarice on his words and your reactions, it sounded ebenhasaanquitata oveved on.”

back stiffened, ththerprotective walls around my hearty stantly shooting up. Eveverhdhaugh Newmararandithad mewhat amended dupurayayedhand heredelving into my rsonal natters fefeintrusivaive.btook a moment, choosing my ords carefullylly

Cup 30

“Josh and I have history, yes. But we’re friends now. Whatever was there is in the past.”

She tilted her head slightly, her eyes never leaving mine.

“I’m not implying anything negative,” she responded gently.

Taking a few careful steps.closer. The delicate scent of her perfume – floral with hints of vanilla wafted through the air.

“I just don’t want you to lose focus on the present, especially with everything you’re rebuilding with your mates.”

A swirl of emotions tightened in my chest. I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure.

“Our past isn’t a distraction, Newmara. It’s a part of who I am, just as my present is. And Josh, whether as a friend or anything

else, is a part of that tapestry.”

She sighed, running a hand through her hair.

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“I understand that. Truly, I do. My intention wasn’t to belittle your feelings or experiences. I just… I worry about you. This whole journey with our mates is tumultuous enough. And with lingering feelings or unsaid words, things can get more intricate.”


I looked at her, our shared history, both bitter and sweet, flashing before my eyes.


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