Chapter 277.

Chapter Twenty-wooFinally Home

Phera POV:

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As the portal closed behind disstheessetting mix of familiarity

and foreignness washed over meeWeddusssstepped into the Red Moon Pack territory in the wold multiversellihe sky above seected to hold a deeper hoofbble anddhbe earth beneath my efeet felt more alive, as if greeting an old friend.

Dragion, skel, and Zane were beside me, o proactivivecircle lokosing me in. My eyes met each of theirs in numseearchingo arsiseversin depths that seemed both infinite and shallow. Befeferedcould say anything, though, Axel enveloped any hand withthisisrandit felt those unmistakable electric tingles socce gajain/ywwolf stirred within, a yearning too primabtadgigorereyet otocropiplicated to give into.

Remembered oueterm’s,” managed to say my voice staadider



than I felt.

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A*synchronized not came from east of thermal bodkitas a

bacit agreement.

Beetsogo, Damon murmured.

Badbeeny two quards who were stationed near the portal boowed


Alona*s, the yogressed, deliberately leaving out my tile.

My eyes flickeredt tot fleet triddets, with seemed unfazed. Before could reaat; Axed spoke hiswoice smooth as silk but edged with authority Thingsshaaveotiaauged,” he said, leading us past the guards and deepestcothee.territory

The Red Moon Packishwathused to be. We’re stronger, nore united. And nowthat your cheere it’s complete. You complete us, Phera Your’reon Cheeen,count Luna.” They

renaimdedethenenbace again

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The words weighedeadheavily in the air, leaving me struggling to wrap my headaatonichthehen enormity of it all. There was no missing the infalieity inxAxel’s words, a sense of destiny that brookeldadonar@ugnenenMWiyimind raced conflicting emotions fighting for control.dlwawasapapped in a whirlpool of past and present of resentment anahahain inexplicable sense of homecoming.g.

“We’re feere Zane announcedechsdylly interrupting my inner turmoil.

tooked up and found myself in froof of ergrand building made of darkstone and rustic wood, was is dedup seser of broad steps and into a foyer that was the epitome of amdederstated elegance.

Welcome tome,” Damon whispered, and dedeteiteynyself, my Neeart did a somersault.

Thestuggoof thermate bond, the allure of the packdinlenkt-wasas la fot botaddcelin But before they could lead me furthendrsteetated nysedif

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maybe home,” bsaid, “but we have andinished tausinessess. I verbemember may terms:Idvy voice came out strongenger- ictexpescidi resolute and

g in


xdhanezchaotredca glancertension passing between thenhem leafordele TornehThen they turned to re, noddingsoleronlynnly.

as I 2. My

bertheedaidey saison unison.

filled with a promiseraroserie conviction that told me theyhey ted to provingattern seven selves me, to winning my theart. And as Astood thesed there surrounded by my m horne that had oncebease been reme,darealized that ont storm of ernotions racons wading vet inime, a flicker of

ited a hope that perhaps etaps e set rightet right.


perhaps, things


wooden door to the pack house swuse swemgopen, a ts, sounds, and scents enveloped me lederne like an all- ng hugiri was immediately greeted betaaljby the joyful lighted eyes of my family and friends friends. It was

eg, amassault to my senses, buses the bestheayest way


possible. My mom was the first to reach me, tears glistening in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around me.

“My baby, you’re home,” she whispered, her words soft yet heavy with emotion.

“I missed you, Mom,” I managed to say, my own eyes misty as felt the comforting embrace of the woman who gave me life. My dad was right behind her, his rugged face glowing with a warmth that melted my defenses. He hugged me tightly, the strength of his arms a fortress around me.

“Welcome back, Princess,” he said, his voice choked with emotion, the way it always got when he was trying to be strong.

Nate, my brother, enveloped me in a bear hug, lifting me of ground for a moment.

“Sis, it’s so good to see you!”




“Put me down, goofball,” I chuckled, grateful for the levity he always brought into my life.

Newmara, my sister, was more reserved, holding back as if she wasn’t sure what to do. But as our eyes met, something shifted, and she stepped forward to hug me. It was brief awkward but laden with unspoken sentiments. And then there was Adam, the triplets’ younger brother. Though he had the same striking features as his older siblings, his expression was softer, friendlier.

“Welcome home, chimpmunck,” he said, embracing me warmly.

My best friends, Betty and Reese, were next. They rushed towards me, and we engaged in a group hug, laughing and crying in a confusing mess of emotions.

“Girl, you have no idea how much we missed you,” Betty exclaimed, wiping a tear from her eye.

As we broke the hug, I glanced back at the triplets-Damon, Axel, and Zane. They had stepped back, giving me space for these personal reunions. Their eyes were fixed on me,



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expressions unreadable but intense. For a fleeting moment, I felt a pull, an invisible thread tugging me toward them. But I pushed it away, not ready to dive into that emotional abyss just yet.

The pack house was elaborately decorated, draped in hues of silver and gold, the pack colors. The scent of delicious food wwafted through the air, mingling with the aroma of scented. excandles and the crisp outdoor air that filtered in through the The tables were laden with a feast, and

a live band was setting up in a corner, their instruments gleaming Lunder the subtle lighting. It seemed the entire pack had turned

out to welcome me, their long-lost Luna.

“L’Let the celebration begin!” Nate announced, breaking the mmomentary stillness.

AAnd as the first notes of music filled the air, the room erupted iniato cheers, pulling me into the here and now. Yet even as I sronuited and laughed, joining in the merriment, I couldn’t shake. ofoff the weight fof the decisions that loomed ahead, the uns spoken words that hung heavily in the air between the triplets arandme Bubformow, this was my homecoming, a moment to livevinimhche present, and maybe, just maybe, a chance to find a slidiceforthedhappiness that had eluded me for so long.



Chapter 27

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The air thickened with tension as the triplets, Damon, Axel, and Zane, made their way through the crowd. Each step they took seemed calculated, almost reverent, as if they were

approaching a sacred altar. Their eyes, those hauntingly beautiful eyes, stayed locked onto mine

filling me with a complex brew of emotions-longing, skepticism, and a dash of fear.

“May we have a moment?” Damon spoke first, his voice a rich blend of authority and humility that I couldn’t quite decipher.

I glanced at my family and friends, who all wore expressions of anticipation and concern, then back at the triplets.

“Alright, but not for too long. This is a party, remember?”

DDamon nodded, and all three escorted me to a semi-secluded ccorner of the grand hall, away from the prying eyes and bustling eexcitement. The atmosphere here was different; quieter, and ssormehow, heavier.

“Youdook stunning,” Axel said, breaking the silence.


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His voice was gentle, but the words seemed to crawl over my skin, making me hyper-aware of my own existence.

“Thank you,” I replied, almost robotically.

My mind was spinning with conflicting thoughts and feelings, making it hard to concentrate.

“We’re sorry to pull you away, but we thought it was important to discuss some things,” Zane added, his voice tinged with a seriousness that further pulled me away from the celebratory mood.

“All ears,” I responded, doing my best to sound detached.

I wasn’t sure how well I was succeeding.

“We want you to know that we’re committed to honouring your


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terms,” Damon began. “The financial role in the pack, the female warrior training-everything.”

“Even the not marking and mating part?” I asked, a hint of incredulity in my voice.

Axel sighed, his jaw clenching momentarily.

“Yes. It’s not what we want, but if that’s what it takes to regain your trust, we’re willing to wait. You are worth waiting for.”

The sincerity in his voice struck a chord deep within me. I looked at each of their faces, seeing an identical expression of earnestness mirrored on each one. And yet, I couldn’t shake off the years of pent-up emotions and unsaid words.

“Listen,” I began, my voice laced with a newfound

determination, “I’m glad you’re willing to respect my conditions but remember that it’s not just about waiting. It’s about proving yourselves, proving that I can rely on you, trust you.”

“Fair enough,” Zane conceded. “We have a lot to make up for,



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and we’re prepared to do the work.”

I nodded, still grappling with the gravity of the moment. “Good,” was all I managed to say before taking a deep breath and turning to rejoin the party.

As I walked away, I couldn’t help but feel the triplets’ eyes on me, burning into my back like a physical touch. I knew things. were far from resolved, but for the first time, the weight of our complicated relationship felt a little bit lighter.

And so, I reentered the crowd, offering smiles and laughs as if nothing had changed. But deep down, I knew everything had changed. My mates were willing to try, and so was I. A new chapter was unfolding, and whatever came next, I’d face it head- on-strong, resolute, and finally home.

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