Alpha Triplets Claim
Chapter 198

Chapter 198. 

The room fell silent once more as my words hung in the air, the enormity of what I had just proposed sinking in. The atmosphere grew tense as Riley considered my words, the weight of the decision pressing down on all of us. But I felt confident in my choice. I was ready to move forward, ready to take control of my life, and there was no one else I would rather have by my side than Riley. It was a new chapter in our lives, and it was time to take the first step. 

I emerged from my walk–in closet feeling lighter, ready to face the day. I had made my decision, and it was time to set the wheels in motion. A sense of purpose enveloped me, and I found myself almost giddy with anticipation. 

Awaiting me outside the closet was Christian. The woman who had served as my personal assistant wore a perfectly tailored business suit, her blonde hair drawn back into a tight bun, and her eyes, a frosty blue, met mine with a cool, unyielding stare. 

“Good morning, Queen Kiara,” Christian said. 

Her voice was as icy as her gaze, a stark contrast to her pleasant greeting. Her words, though well–phrased, were laced with a frosty hostility that couldn’t be overlooked. 

I responded with a polite smile, keeping my unease at her demeanour tucked away. Now was not the time for confrontations. I had more 

Chapter 198 

important matters to handle. 


As Christian embarked on outlining the day’s schedule, her words crisp and practiced, I cut her off. 

“Christian,” I interrupted gently, meeting her icy gaze with a steady one of my own. “There’s something we need to discuss.” 

Christian’s eyebrows arched up, surprise momentarily crossing her 

otherwise stoic features. 

“I have decided to have Riley take over as my personal assistant,” I announced. “You have until the end of the week to bring her up to speed with my schedule and duties.” 

The reaction was immediate. Christian’s face twisted, her icy composure shattering as the rage she had kept so well hidden came bubbling up. 

“You can’t do this!” she shrieked, her voice echoing harshly in the room. “The former queen selected me for this role. I’ve earned my position. This isn’t fair!” 

My heart pounded in my chest, adrenaline surging as I watched the woman before me unravel. I remained quiet, letting her vent her anger. But then, her next words struck me like a bolt of lightning. 

“Even Kayden loved me before you came along.” 


Chapter 190 

A guttural growl erupted from my throat, resonating throughout the room. It was a primal sound, one that even surprised me. The mere suggestion that Kayden could have shared an emotional connection with her… it sent waves of anger coursing through me. 

My vision blurred with the intensity of my fury, and the following words I spoke were no longer mine. They were the words of a queen, of a mate protecting what was hers. 

“Watch your words, Christian. Loyalties can be changed, and so can loyalties.” 

And with that, I stood there, ready to face whatever confrontation would follow, my heart pounding in my chest as the echo of my growl still hung in the air. 

Christian’s words hung in the air like the echo of a death knell, slashing through the calm demeanour I had wrapped myself in. Her acidic taunts, laced with bitterness, cut deep, scorching my heart, my 


“Kayden always made love to me,” she lashed out, voice dripping with resentment and hatred, “He left me… for you. I was to be queen!” 

The world seemed to tilt on its axis, and before I knew it, my hand had shot out, wrapping tightly around Christian’s slender throat. Lifting her off the ground, her feet dangled in mid–air, kicking out in futile attempts to ground herself. She clawed at my hand, a wild look of desperation in her eyes, but I held firm. 

Chapter 198 

The room fell into a deep silence, save for the whimpers of my friends, ce, save for the whimpers of my friends, cowering against the onslaught of my wrath. But my attention was tunnelled to the woman squirming in my grip, her face slowly turning a horrible shade of purple, 

Summoning the depth of my being. I released my aura. It unfurled like a mighty storm, washing over everyone in the room in powerful waves. The strength of my unleashed power reduced my friends to whimpers, but my focus was solely on Christian. My voice came out a deadly whisper, the raw fury turning my words into icy shards, 

“You dare,” I hissed, “You dare to disrespect your queen, to claim what is rightfully mine? You dare to brazenly flaunt your past with my mate and cast yourself as the victim?” 

Each word echoed with the weight of my anger, my wrath. Christian’s eyes widened even more, and her gasps grew more desperate. Yet, I was far from done. 

“I am the queen,” I spat out, “My word is law. My mates are mine. And you, Christian, you are nothing more than a treacherous serpent, slithering around, betraying those who have shown you nothing but kindness. Your disregard, your disrespect, has no place in my presence. You will not soil my mate’s name with your venomous words.” 

As the last words left my lips, I released Christian. She crumpled to the floor, gasping and sputtering. My gaze remained fixed on her. A hardened expression etched onto my face. Christian had not only stepped over a line, she had sprinted past it, flagrantly challenging me, a mate, a queen. And I would not let such a treachery pass. 


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